
I Will Never Forget you

In a world where power meets passion, two souls are bound by a love that fate itself cannot erase. William, the dynamic and powerful CEO of his father's illustrious company, is a man accustomed to control. Yet, three years ago, his heart was captivated by someone unexpected: Ash, a gentle and talented third-year university student majoring in drawing. Their love story, blossoming in the shadows of corporate skyscrapers and university halls, was the stuff of dreams. That is, until a devastating accident stole William's memories of the past three years, leaving Ash as nothing but a stranger in his eyes. Now, William believes his fiancée, a woman from his past, is his true love, while Ash is left grappling with the pain of being forgotten. With his heart shattered, Ash must navigate a world where the man he loves doesn't remember their shared moments of joy, laughter, and intimacy. Determined to rekindle their love, Ash steps back into William's life, hoping to reignite the spark that once burned so brightly. But as he confronts the walls around William's heart and the complications of a forgotten engagement, Ash faces the ultimate question: can love truly conquer all? Will William ever remember the beautiful tapestry of their shared history, or will Ash remain a faded sketch in the background of his forgotten memories? Join William and Ash on a poignant journey of rediscovery, where love must fight against the odds to be found again. Dive into this heart-wrenching and captivating tale of love, loss, and the enduring power of destiny. Follow their story and witness the transformative power of love that refuses to be forgotten.

Ella_Mathew · LGBT+
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22 Chs

Chapter 17| We will grow older with same love |I will never forget You

The surgery was underway, and the atmosphere in the waiting room was tense. Hera, Alex, and William sat in silence, the ticking of the clock the only sound breaking the heavy stillness. Alex's hands were clasped tightly together, his knuckles white from the strain. Hera sat close to him, her hand resting on his shoulder, offering silent support. William paced back and forth, his eyes occasionally flicking to the door through which the doctor would eventually emerge.After what felt like an eternity, the door finally opened, and the surgeon stepped out. The look on his face was serious, but there was a hint of optimism in his eyes."The surgery was successful," the doctor announced, a wave of relief washing over the trio. "The next few days will be critical for his recovery, but we've done all we can."Alex exhaled deeply, feeling a massive weight lift off his shoulders. Hera hugged him tightly, her own eyes brimming with tears of relief. William stopped pacing and smiled, the tension in his body easing."Thank you, doctor," Alex said, his voice choked with emotion.As the doctor left, Alex turned to Hera and William. "I don't know how to thank you both," he said, his voice trembling. "You've been here for me every step of the way."Hera squeezed his hand. "We're family, Alex. We support each other."William nodded. "She's right. Now, you need to focus on your father. Hera and I will handle everything else."Over the next few hours, Alex's father remained in the ICU, with doctors and nurses monitoring him around the clock. Alex and Hera took turns sitting by his bedside, talking to him, and praying for his swift recovery.William has one more day to see his client. The business trip that brought him to Germany couldn't be ignored but he said I will leave next day.As night descended, Alex and Hera decided to step out for a while to bring back some food. The hospital cafeteria's limited offerings had grown monotonous, and they needed a brief respite from the sterile environment. William, opting to stay behind, found himself captivated by a touching scene unfolding in the hospital room. Through the glass door, he watched Alex's mother tenderly feeding her husband. Despite the beeping monitors and the cold hospital setting, the love between them was palpable. It was a quiet, enduring love that had weathered countless storms and still shone brightly in their twilight years.William couldn't help but be moved. He marveled at how their bond remained so strong , even now, When world full of Hate and selfishness. The simple act of feeding someone with such care spoke volumes about their relationship. It was a testament to the deep connection and unwavering devotion they shared.As he stood there, lost in thought, William felt a pang of longing. He yearned for that kind of enduring love in his own life. The realization hit him hard; his heart ached with the absence of Ash. Their relationship, though young, was filled with promise and passion. Yet, the physical distance between them made moments like this especially poignant.Unable to shake the feeling, William pulled out his phone and initiated a FaceTime call with Ash. The screen lit up with Ash's face, a welcome sight that immediately lifted William's spirits. Ash was seated at his desk, engrossed in a drawing project. Papers and art supplies were scattered around him, a testament to his creative energy and dedication."Hey sweetheart," William greeted, his voice soft but filled with warmth.Ash looked up, a smile spreading across his face. "Hello baby. How's everything going over there?"William glanced back at the tender scene in the hospital room. "It's going. Alex's dad is doing better, but it's been tough. Seeing his parents together, though... it made me think of us."Ash's expression softened. "I miss you too, But we'll get through this. Just like them."William nodded, feeling a surge of affection for the man on the other side of the screen. "Yeah, we will. I just wanted to hear your voice. It makes everything a bit easier."Ash chuckled, a light, soothing sound that William cherished. "Same here. Now, tell me more about what's been happening there. And when are you coming back?"As they talked, sharing updates and small moments from their lives, the physical distance between them seemed to shrink. The connection they shared was strong, built on mutual support and understanding. Watching Alex's parents had reminded William of the kind of love he wanted to nurture with Ash—a love that could endure any challenge and grow stronger with time.

 ( Side comedy seen : patreon.com/BLholic )