

DaoistEdgxTY · Fantasy
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3 Chs


Suzy is a poor merchant's daughter who had always admired the prince after seeming him on one of the daily news article. She had always wanted to get close to him, with hope that he may fall in love with her and that they will live happily ever after, like in the stories she had read. She had also seen the news of Amina's engagement to the prince which made her sad but she still hoped that she could be with the prince since most of the noble's marriage are arranged and the prince could marry more than one wife. She hoped she could make the cut and become a mistress at the very least. When both the commoners and nobles acknowledged Amina to be the prince's fated wife, her jealously reached the roof. She hated Amina without knowing her. She feared that the prince would be blinded by Amina's beauty too just like the commoners and he may never look her way. She had tried to make Amina seem like a villainess in public but her plan only brought Amina to light, making the public admire her even more.

After the prince had checked on the ladies, he jumped back on his horse and rode back to the palace to meet his father, the emperor of souleid. When the prince left, Amina asked Suzy if she was okay not knowing that the lady which she spoke to is the female lead of the story Suzy. She looked at Suzy as if trying to pry into her soul as she was thinking deeply to remember where she had seen the lady in front of her.

"Blond hair, green eyes, almond face shape and a tanned skin. Wore a plain dress that hugged hey chest on the ceremony" she thought.

Feeling nervous Suzy greets her as she curtsied. "Greetings lady Amina"

As if woken from sleep, Amina came back to reality after realizing that the lady she was speaking to was Suzy. She replied to Suzy saying, "Greetings to you too." With this, she is escorted by Lily, who had been standing behind her, to the palace.

As she leaves, jealous Suzy walks back quietly with everyone else who had witnessed the whole situation. She goes back to her home to meet her sick mom and busy dad who never stops counting his coins and talking about her marriage. As she walks in, her dad, Mr. Joss, starts ranting about her marriage again asking her when she plans to get married.

" When do you plan on getting married, my business isn't going so well, we can only rely on your dowry to keep on living." Mr. Joss said as he counts his coins.

" Dad, you keep talking about money but which noble man would want to me, I would only end up being his mistress. " Suzy replied.

"So? I know you don't want to be a mistress, but how would your mom recover if you keep on hoping to get married legally to a noble man." Mr. Joss said frustrated.

Suzy runs to her bedroom and closes the door as she sobs. This wasn't the first time her dad is pushing her to become a noble man's mistress. She was just tired of speaking about the same matter over and over again with her dad.