
I Will Live A Better Life!

A man dies and reincarnates into another world. Grasping the emotions left from his past life, he yearns for a better life. However, the world isn't as simple as it seems. "Curses?!" "Demons..?" "Magic..!" "Another world..?!" It seems like his newly-granted life will be wrought with troubles. ***** The starting point will be a mixed anime world that includes several slice-of-life as well as supernatural worlds. MC's cheat is not a system. The story will not be fast-paced. For his appearance, he looks similar to Galahad of Fate/Grand Order. Mix Worlds: Jujutsu Kaisen | Otherworld's Magic is Too Far Behind! | Bocchi The Rock! | Sakurasou no Pet na Kanojo Other Worlds: Familiar of Zero | Danmachi | Fate/Grand Order | Fate/Apocrypha Chapter 1-14: Mix Worlds Chapter 15 - 98: Danmachi Chapter 99 - 115: Fate Grand Order Chapter 116 - 136: Mix Worlds Chapter 137 - Latest: Fate/ Apocrypha Advanced chapters: Pa****n.com/IdleYoungMaster PS: The list of worlds will be updated as the story proceeds. Also, updates will be one chapter / day during my summer vacation. If you are interested for potential worlds MC would travel, feel free to take a look at the extra chapter. (Cover art not mine. Source: https://www.zerochan.net/2247928)

IdleYoungMaster · Anime & Comics
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187 Chs

Chapter 123: An Idyllic Life

What should I do in a normal life?

That question is currently being answered by this piece of strawberry-flavored Haagen Dazs in front of me.

I opened the lid and began snacking on it.

"You don't want to try it?"

"I want to."

Melusine kept looking through the pudding I bought outside. Was she marveling at its structure?

"I think you'd get addicted to it."

"Sweets… No."

"We'll see."

I am someone who got forcibly converted into a sweet tooth since childhood. Melusine shouldn't be able to withstand Japan's nice penchant for producing high-quality desserts.

Just as I saw her take the first bite with her teaspoon, I looked at the huge white obelisk being built beyond the glass window.

"{The construction of Laplace Box's is currently 60% complete.}"

A synthetic voice came from one of the micro-speakers within the room.

Since my return to this world, Miku 'converged' with the other Miku left on Earth. She was able to create a seamless transfer. She also connected the airship's network to the hundreds of satellites circling Earth's orbit.

That's right.


I could recall a certain character in a movie stating that he would've placed hundreds of orbiting satellites on Earth if he knew they would be facing a world-ending threat. He doesn't care about International Laws at that point.

Well, that's what I did.

The self-preservation of humanity is far more important than the current politics around the world. Even though the managing bodies have a discreet connection with the supernatural—that is, magicians—they wouldn't blatantly interfere with this side.

Of course, the only exception is the prior war between Europe and the Middle East. While it did not escalate into something felt by the entire world, their 'skirmishes' are actually headed by magicians.

It turns out that several Magician Organizations in Europe tried to recreate the 'Lapis Judaicus' to solve the world's energy problem. They succeeded in creating a close replica to it, which threatened the Middle East's control over fossil fuel in the entire world.

It led to the two sides clashing and being at war until Kazamitsu-san intervened and forcibly stopped it three years ago.

Speaking of it…

"I wonder what their reactions would be if they found these satellites."

"{They would fear you more as a newly-appointed Magister, goshujin-sama.}"

"The power to destroy the entire world… That's why I trust you with this, Miku."

"{I shall do my best.}"

Seeing nine iterations of her unwarranted loyalty is enough to make me trust her completely. I would be an unreasonably paranoid person if I didn't do so after all those times.

What's more, I have a feeling it would play a huge part against my battle against the 'insurmountable'.

"Suimei couldn't reach him… Kazamitsu-san too…"

It had been over a month since Lord Nettesheim's disappearance. Kazamitsu-san is the one holding the base over the Magician's Society right now, but fear is inevitable when the strongest magician has gone missing.

I had the thought to use one of the chances to find out what happened but…

'I want to rest for a while…'

In the end, it was Kazamitsu-san himself who told me to not do so. I went to talk with him in this regard and it ended this way.

He must've had an idea about the burden of someone with clairvoyance such as myself.

Moreover, Lord Nettesheim set our meeting a few weeks later. With his power to set things up in advance, I believe it indicated nothing would happen during that duration.

I am already more inclined that he could see through time or even destiny itself.

It is for such a reason that I haven't used it for a while now.

It might sound stupid, yes, but I decided it was something I needed after coming back from a long journey. Reality is truly different compared to shonen protagonists who fought without a rest.

Taking Kenjaku out of the picture was already a big deal.

"How was it?"

I asked the dragon girl who had already finished her pudding.

"...It's good."

Puddings and other desserts might have existed in Fairy Britain, but their living standards are dire considering their state after the White Titan's attack. I doubt whether they could still cook normal desserts when most faeries (from what I have heard from her) eat humans and lock them in breeding farms.

If I was there…

'I would've brought down that verdict.'

There is only one solution to their heinous crimes.

"These desserts are one more reason to fight against our end, perhaps."

"...I concur."

She replied with a tinge of childishness.



Miku spoke up at this moment.

"{Once [Laplace Box]'s construction is completed, I might be able to attempt contact with parallel worlds.}"

She dropped a huge bombshell without a warning.


Parallel worlds, in a sense, are worlds that contain different possibilities. According to the String Theory, the "way" or "possibilities" of a matter's arrangement is finite—and it could be all seen within the scope of eleven dimensions.

Each possibility is contained within a "membrane" which does not intersect with each other, hence the "parallel" world theory.

So as to say, each action of mine has corresponding "possibilities" that stretch to the future. It is unknown whether they are illusory or already real when the possibility itself is formed, though.

Nevertheless, it had already been proven that they could be interfered with, as seen on all the fourteen iterations I experienced. I already interfered with the ninth iteration once, after all.

If Miku could connect with these worlds…

"{Lord Nettesheim visited me once.}"

"Yes, I could recall you told me that."

"{Was he able to see something? He delayed my search for three months, goshujin-sama.}"

"Those three months correspond to my unexpected stay in Gekai. Him being able to see through the future has a higher probability with that."

"{I have another doubt, goshujin-sama.}"

"Go on."

"{Why did he visit me directly?}"

Lord Nettesheim… visiting her directly…

I opened up a new angle.

He is someone known to be elusive. His only stable location was the Headquarters.

His conversation with Miku…

October 31…

The insurmountable…

It didn't take long before I opened up all nine partitions. My mind worked at such an absurd rate that I am able to match Miku's processing speed.

In the end, I came up with several new predictions.

"You might be really special, Miku."


Dreams are something experienced by humans when they are asleep. Their subconscious creates a scenario based on their memories. Of course, it could have a different meaning when it comes to the supernatural.

It could be treated as a form of future vision, enlightenment, magicka…


Miku thought of her dreams. She treated them as a form of bug at first, but when it continued to persist for over half a month, she could no longer dismiss it as such.

Her dreams varied during that half a month.

One time, she saw a completely normal monitoring session. On the others, she faced huge threats such as Kenjaku and Sukuna.

However, the most confusing thing she encountered was the 'lack' of Nobu's presence. It didn't take her long to conclude about one thing:

He is dead.

The first thing that came to her mind was to tell him about this. She knew that he had the right to know about something as important as this. Although, she knew that he is currently 'resting'—as Kazamitsu phrased it.

As such, she decided to tell him after his rest.

'Scanning location…'

Within the night, she came into another 'dream'. Her reconnaissance capabilities are something that still worked in this 'place'. It was similar to the times she used the combat suit's independent piloting function.

"Why didn't you want to be a homunculi?"

Suddenly, a portion of her conversation with Nobu popped up in her mind.

"{I would be able to help you better in this form.}"

That was her answer.

"{Becoming a homunculi would mean the abandonment of the central processing server. The Lapis Philosophorum will convert my form into one suitable for a homunculi.}"

One of the fragments of the Philosopher's Stone, Lapis Philosophorum, granted endless knowledge to the homunculi. It served as their source, or to be more frank, their root.

It was for such a reason that Homunculi knew many things regarding magicka at birth. They are given a special gift to compensate for their sole gap—humanity.

Homunculi might be geniuses at magicka and the likes, but they would never think in the same line as a human being. It is their innate restriction that the Pupeteer, one of the Semi-Magister Ranks, lamented.

It would be later broken by Suimei's student, Hydemary, who gained humanity, and in turn, complete sentience. She came to possess the third of the Philosopher's Stone and became something akin to a Magister in the future.

Miku knew many things about the future from Nobu's 'knowledge'. Still, she never desired the opportunity that Hydemary had.

All she cared about was her goshujin-sama's orders.

'What is..?'

By the moment everything became clear to her, she sensed her surroundings. She is standing amongst the pile of rubbles. Not a ray of light shined from the sky.

'The stars…'

Miku looked up and saw nothing but darkness. The act of 'looking' at it immediately gave her 'information' in the form of her 'humanity module'.

That is, fear.

Suddenly, the 'black sky' was torn apart. A bright white light tore it down as it instantly restored the brilliance of the world.



Footsteps came from behind her.

"It's done."

A familiar yet unfamiliar voice struck Miku's ears. She jolted as she heard that voice.

"Dying for another world's cause…"

Sorrow could be felt tangibly from the words of the girl. Miku looked back and 'met' her empty gaze.

The girl had similar looks as her. Their only difference was her black hair and blue pupils. She wore something akin to a huge black jacket that nearly acted like a coat.

A huge energy blaster and a black sword could be seen on both of her hands.

"You didn't have the chance to see it. Our victory."

Just then, the black-haired Miku had seemingly sensed something. Her eyes went to where Miku stood.

The two Miku's clashed their gazes.


Before the black-haired Miku could express her disbelief, everything collapsed into darkness.


I was about to 'fly' towards Kyoto when I thought of buying more souvenirs for my parents. Ryuu, Bocchi, and Shiina both have their school hours right now which left my schedule mostly free.

That gave me the time to make up to my parents for the time I went missing.

Just then, I came across several 'cursed spirits' that ran away the moment they saw me.

They were silently executed by the 'weak' holy magicka I spread to my radius.

I didn't even have to act myself before they were exorcised. The same went for the haunted spirits.

Though, I came across several 'special' haunted spirits. They are special in a way that they 'clean up' the haunted spirits they come across. They act like the grim reaper (or a good bacteria) which cleanses haunted spirits—and prevents them from interfering with human activities.

This is another reason as to why Sorcerers did not place much focus on haunted spirits. There are already 'executioners' who are balancing out their numbers.


Inside the bakery, I came across an acquaintance. Two schoolgirls are with him as they bought some bread.

'Hm… A girl with a strange constitution… and someone with normal levels of cursed energy... Wait. Her eyes could see cursed spirits..?'

Before I expressed my doubts, I greeted the said 'acquaintance'.

"You are the Nanami-san whom Satoru-san mentioned, yes?"

He slowly turned back and looked at me.

"You are..?"

"I am Satoru-san's friend."

Once again, I met my former co-teacher whose personality is very similar to mine.