
I Will Have Vengeance (Modern Family x MCU)

A young man awakens in a new but familiar world with a new purpose in life. He must take action and stop those who wish to inflict harm on the innocent. Even if he fails to do so, he will seek out vengeance. ___ This story takes place mainly in the Modern Family universe, MCU, alongside many other movies and tv series. This is mainly writing practice for me, leave plenty of comments for me! Cover created by myself. —— Story cross posted on AO3 and Fan Fiction.

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101 Chs

Chapter 42: The Plunge

"I think you might be in the wrong room, junior."

Harvey frowned and turned around. Standing behind him was Tony Stark. They were inside a large room in an abandoned warehouse; several monitors were standing in the room, surrounding a table were three chairs. Sharon told him that Fury wanted to meet with him today; Harvey assumed this was about the information he requested about what happened in Sokovia. So, after waiting about thirty minutes, he was surprised to see Tony show up in the same room.

"I'm in the right room, old man."

"Harsh, but fair." Tony said as he walked around and looked at the monitors.

The one monitor at the end of the table showed off a large SHEILD logo. Every other monitor displayed different sets of information; most of it was redacted. One monitor, in particular, had a news feed on replay. The video was that of a large field with destruction and soldiers everywhere. Below the monitors were large grey crates holding various pieces of technology and information.

"So, You an agent? I didn't know they made them that young." Tony said as he sat down at the table. A folder sat in front of him. It was titled Avengers Initiative Preliminary Report.

"No, I'm not with SHEILD." Harvey answered as he looked over at the billionaire. "So, what's Iron Man doing in an old beat-down place like this?"

"Great question. I'd love to answer it, but the person who called me here isn't here yet." Tony replied as he spun the folder around. "What do we got here?"

"I don't think I want you looking at that. I'm not sure it pertains to you anymore."

Harvey and Tony turned to look at Nick Fury approach the table. Fury sat down and slid the folder away from Tony. Harvey looked down and saw a folder in the one-eyed man's hand. It was titled Sokovia Bombings, Classified.

"Now, this, on the other hand, is Agent Romanoff's assessment of you. Read it." Fury then slid over another folder over to Tony. The genius opened the folder and raised an eyebrow. He then looked over to Harvey and tilted his head.

"Before that, who's the kid?" Tony asked as he looked over at Harvey. "My babysitter? A little young, don't you think?"

Harvey rolled his eyes at the man's sarcasm. Even after everything that happened after the expo, Harvey still found Tony to be obnoxious. He could see why he was called into question at his court hearing.

"He is none of your concern, at least not anymore." Fury said as he leaned back in his chair. "Read."

"'Personality overview. Mr. Stark displays compulsive behavior.' In my own defense, that was last week. 'Prone to self-destructive tendencies.' I was dying. I mean, please. And aren't we all? 'Textbook narcissism'? …Agreed." Tony read the papers as he flipped through Natasha's report.

"At least you're self-aware." Harvey spoke with a straight face.

"Easy there, juice box." Tony said offhand. "Okay, here it is."

"Recruitment assessment for Avenger Initiative. Iron Man? Yes." Tony then placed down the folder and looked over to Fury. "I gotta think about it."

"Read on." Fury said.

"'Tony Stark, Not… Recommended?' That doesn't make any sense." Tony confusedly said, "How can you approve me but not approve me? I got a new ticker. I'm trying to do right by Pepper. I'm in a stable-ish relationship."

"Your past actions still speak for themselves." Harvey said as he leaned back. "Remember when you fired repulsor blasts at civilians?"

"Okay, the adults are talking here. Zip it." Tony said irritably.

"Where?" Harvey looked around. "I only see two adults here, and we've been silent."

"Why don't you-" 

"Enough. The both of you." Fury spoke loudly, stopping the incoming argument. "You may no longer be considered for the initiative, but we could still use you as a consultant."

"You can't afford me." Tony stood up and was about to leave, only to stop and turn to Fury. "Then again, I will waive my customary retainer in exchange for a small favor. Rhodey and I are being honored in Washington, and we need a presenter."

"I'll see what I can do." Fury nodded at the request.

"And you!" Tony pointed over at Harvey. "What's your deal? You can't just be hanging around here for no reason. So, who are you?"

Harvey then grabbed the folder with the Avengers Initiative title and waved it. Tony looked confused for a second, only to finally realize the truth.

"You're a member of his super secret boy band?" Tony said as he walked back to the table. "You're just a kid."

"Harvey here is more than just a kid." Fury spoke up and slid over the Sokovia folder to Harvey. "He's the one that reduced Ivan Vanko down to ash."

"You can't mean…" Tony said slowly as he turned to Harvey.

"Stark, meet the Ghost Rider."


"Haley, I need your help!"

Haley stopped drawing and looked over to her bedroom door. Alex stood there with a frazzled look; she had a flier in her hand. Haley squinted and read the flier's title.

"Homecoming dance?" Haley asked in confusion. "What about it?"

"I-I didn't-…"

Haley had to struggle to hear whatever her sister said. Alex was whispering too lowly to be heard. Whatever was bothering Alex must be big for her to act like this, almost as if-

"You don't have a date!" Haley guessed.

Alex's face scrunched up in shame; her cheeks turned a rosy pink. She then dropped the paper and covered her face with her hands. Alex then walked over to her bed and fell forward onto it. Haley got up from her desk and sat down next to Alex.

"You said you needed my help, right?" Haley asked; Alex could only nod. "What do you need help with? Finding someone to ask out?"

Alex turned around and laid on her back as she looked over to her. "No, I need your advice."

"Okay, on what?"

Haley couldn't help but be intrigued. Alex never came to her for any advice, so this was a big moment for her. Of course, Haley had an abundance of experience in going on dates and getting guys to ask her out. So, whatever Alex needed, she should be able to provide easily.

"I want to ask Harvey, how should I do it?" Alex asked as she sat up.

Haley felt the world stop. Alex finally decided to make a move on Harvey. Haley thought she would have just waited until Harvey himself made the move. After all, Haley herself told Alex to wait for him to come to her. But it seemed that her little sister wanted to make the first move.

"Haley?" Alex said worriedly. "You alright?"

"Oh yeah, I am. I just… remembered that I still have a homework assignment to do." Haley said as she looked away from Alex.

"Ah, I see. I should… let you go ahead and do that then." Alex said in disappointment. 

Haley saw Alex get off her bed and start heading to the door. A part of her wanted to stay silent and let her leave. That way, Alex would struggle to ask Harvey out, possibly even fail to do so. Leaving the boy alone and for Haley to swoop in to take him all for herself. 

"Alex, wait!" Haley's eyes widened in surprise as her mouth and body moved without her say so. "I have an idea for how you could ask Harvey out."

"You do?!" Alex turned and smiled happily at her. "What do you have in mind?!"

Haley smiled weakly at her sister. Why? Why did she do that? How could she actively go against what she wanted to do? Alex then walked back over to her with a huge smile. Haley closed her eyes and sighed; she knew why she did that. It was because Alex was her little sister, and she wanted her to be happy. Even if it meant she could lose Harvey.

"…Okay, so this is what you're going to do."


"Everyone, this is Wanda and Pietro. My two good friends and new housemates."

Harvey said as he stepped to the side, showing off the Maximoff twins. Tonight was Friday and the night he invited the Dunphy's over for dinner at his home. Harvey had informed them all that he greatly appreciated them always inviting him to their home, so he decided it was time he cooked for them.

"It's nice to meet you both! I'm Phil, and this is my wife, Claire!" Phil said as he walked up to the twins and shook their hands.

"It's so nice to meet you two. Harvey told us all about you two all week long." Claire said with a smile as she spoke to the two.

"Harvey has been great!" Wanda said with a smile. "We've been very comfortable."

"Some more than others." Pietro joked, only to receive a strong stomp to his foot, which went unnoticed by everyone. "I-It's been great. Like we've never left home."

"We're glad to hear that." Phil said with a smile. "So, where are you two from? I think I'm hearing an accent."

"Sokovia, right?" Alex asked as she walked up to the twins. "I can tell from your accent."

"Yes, actually." Wanda smiled. 

"I'm Alex. It's nice to meet you both." Alex said with an odd smile.


Harvey tilted his head as he watched Alex shake Wanda's hand for a longer time than necessary. Wanda seemed to be confused by it as well but didn't say anything. Harvey decided to go up to them and say something.

"Alex here is a pretty brilliant person, so if you have any questions regarding anything. She's your girl!" Harvey told Wanda as he grabbed Alex's shoulders. Completely missing the slight twitch from the auburn-haired girl.

"This here is Luke." Harvey said as he placed a hand on his friend's back. "He's a very good friend of mine." 

"So what's Sokovia like?" Luke asked Pietro; this caused the silver-haired speedster to look up and think.

"Well, I guess you can call it a tough place to live." Pietro said evenly. "It's not like America."

Luke was about to say something else but was stopped when Alex shook her head at him. It seemed he got the message because he just nodded after that.

"Finally but not least, this is Haley." Harvey said as he motioned at Haley. "The oldest."

"Pleasure." Pietro said as he grabbed Haley's hand and kissed her knuckles. 

"Ah… same." Haley said as she was left stunned by Pietro's sudden action.

"Pietro…" Wanda said slowly from behind him. "Behave."

"Of course… Sorry about that." Pietro rubbed the back of his head. "Forgive me."

"No! It's okay, I'm flattered. Really." Haley said with pink-dusted cheeks.

Harvey watched them all interact with a smile. He was glad it was all going well. He was slightly nervous about how today would have gone. But ultimately, it all ended well. They were all getting along.

"They're like you… right?" Claire asked after she walked up beside him.

"They are. They have their own unique abilities. But they're good people." Harvey answered. "They... had a hard life."

"It's a good thing you're doing. Opening your home like that to them." Claire said as she patted his shoulder. "I'm happy you're not here by yourself anymore."

"Yeah... Me too." 

Harvey nodded and smiled at the blonde woman. Turning to everyone, he saw them all engrossed in their conversations with each other. With a nod, Harvey took a step forward and spoke.

"So, who's hungry?"


"…so you're really leaving?"

Alex asked slowly from beside Harvey. They both were standing inside Harvey's garage. Alex was holding an old battered police baton in her hands. It's been thirty minutes since they all ate dinner; her parents went home and left her and her siblings behind because it was decided that they would all watch a movie later tonight. A way for them all to get better acquainted with each other. It was also so they could spend a bit more time with Harvey before he left.

After all, the Maximoff twins and Harvey would leave this Sunday to head to Sokovia for a sudden mission involving the bombing from all those years ago.

"I am." Harvey answered as he cleaned his motorcycle. "I promised them I would help. I have to do this."

Alex nodded. Harvey had already told her and her family what was going on. Her mother wasn't happy with what she heard. The twin's story was a sad and tragic one. They all understood that the two needed closure for them to be able to move on properly. 

"When are you all leaving?" Alex asked.

"This Sunday, we'll be taking a plane early in the morning." Harvey answered as he walked over to his work table to wipe his hands. "I'm not sure when we'll be back. It could take a while."

"I see…" Alex whispered as the two stood in silence.

Alex wanted to tell Harvey not to go, to stay here. With her. They were leaving for Sokovia, a landlocked country plagued by civil wars and insurgencies. She was confident in his strength, but anything could happen over there. But she was slightly relieved that he wouldn't be fighting alone. The two twins, Wanda and Pietro, had abilities of their own.

"Harvey?" Alex said nervously; she then took a deep breath and exhaled.

"Yeah?" Harvey answered as he turned to her. "What is it?"

Alex walked up to Harvey with determination. Haley's plan was completely forgotten by her right now, Alex decided to just go ahead and take the plunge.

"Will you go with me to the homecoming dance tomorrow?"