
I Will Have Vengeance (Modern Family x MCU)

A young man awakens in a new but familiar world with a new purpose in life. He must take action and stop those who wish to inflict harm on the innocent. Even if he fails to do so, he will seek out vengeance. ___ This story takes place mainly in the Modern Family universe, MCU, alongside many other movies and tv series. This is mainly writing practice for me, leave plenty of comments for me! Cover created by myself. —— Story cross posted on AO3 and Fan Fiction.

GAF_00_TW · TV
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101 Chs

Chapter 24: Shopping Trip

"That should do it."

Lowering his leg, Harvey looked at the punching bag. It was covered in tape on almost every surface; It was his attempt at fixing all the rips he caused. Signs of heavy use were apparent as it appeared to have been heavily used over its lifetime. It was almost hard to believe it was bought just a week ago. Harvey grabbed a blue towel from a nearby chair and wiped his face dry. 

Looking down, he saw his chest shine in sweat. Harvey was only dressed in black sweatpants, leaving him shirtless. Wiping off the sweat on his chest, Harvey nodded and smiled. He's been spending the last couple of hours training. Even with the addition of his Ghost Rider transformation, he would continue to pay attention to his training. After all, he needed to get to the level of his Teacher, Isiah Bone, someday. He hoped that he would give his teacher a run for his money or, at the very least, be able to land a few hits on the man.

"I've mastered all the Katas and training guides Teacher left me. I think it's time I expand myself to other disciplines." Harvey spoke out loud. "What do you think?"

'You've grown over the last four months since you first started training.' Zarathos said. 'I believe you should focus on weapons training now. Your skills with the batons and chains have peaked; I think it's time you moved on to something new.'

"You're right. Knowing how to use different types of weapons could give us the edge, especially with our ability to conjure up any weapon with the use of Hellfire." 

Harvey explained as he slapped his hands together. As soon as they touched, they started turning bright red and to the point they glowed yellow. The bones inside his hands could be seen beneath the glowing flesh; flames and embers exploded out of his palms in a flash. Harvey slowly moved his hands apart. In between them was a condensed line of fire. 

Once his hands spread out to his shoulders, Harvey quickly grabbed one end of the condensed stick of fire. A wave of flames enveloped the concentrated flames, and when the flames dissipated, a sword made up of fire and magma rested in Harvey's hands. Looking down, Harvey frowned.

"Still too slow."

'It appears this ability is harder for you to use in your current state.' Zarathos said. The whole process took around four minutes. 'Why are you trying to use it outside our Ghost Rider form?'

"There might be a day I won't be able to transform. So being capable of using even a fraction of our full power could save our lives."

'Hm, you might have a point.'

Harvey nodded and dropped the flaming sword. Before it could touch the ground, it dissipated into a flurry of embers and smoke. Harvey raised his hands again for another attempt, only to stop when his doorbell rang. Confused about why someone would visit him on a Saturday morning, Harvey grabbed a black shirt on the floor and slid it on. Walking inside, he made his way to the front door.

"Roof girl? Alex?" Harvey questioned as he looked at the Dunphy siblings. "What's going on?"

"Ugh! It's Haley! You know this!" Haley exclaimed in a huff. Alex let out a giggle behind her. "Are you saying you forgot we planned to go shopping today!"

Harvey hummed and looked over to Alex. "It's true. You did say that."

Harvey looked up and nodded slowly. The memory of him agreeing to go filled his mind. He was watching a movie with Luke and Phil about a man dressed up like a bat to fight crime. He must've said yes absentmindedly.

"Hurry up! Uncle Mitchell and Cam are waiting for us!" Haley took an audible sniff. "Ugh, actually. Go take a shower first. You reek."

"Sorry, I was busy training. I must have lost track of time." Harvey rubbed the back of his head. "I'm gonna go wash up. I'll be done in a flash."

"Alright, we'll go wait in the car." Alex said as she grabbed her sister's arm. "Don't take too long!"

"Will do."


"This is torture."

"It wasn't so bad." Mitchell said. "Usually, they can shop for another two hours."

"Two more hours!" Harvey exclaimed. "Okay. This will be my last shopping trip ever."

"Don't be so dramatic." Alex said as she looked at Harvey. 

They were currently located at The Grove, off West Hollywood. It was Haley's idea to come to this shopping center to look for Harvey's new clothes. Looking around, Alex stared at all the shops and the hustling shoppers. Looking over her shoulder, she stared at the big center fountain in the heart of the mall. Taking a sip from her iced coffee, Alex looked down at the small pile of bags near Harvey's legs.

"Dramatic? Me? Nooo… now excuse me as I dive into this fountain to collect all the spare change so I can pay for my next pair of skinny jeans that I will hate."

Alex had to grab Harvey's shirt as he started leaning back into the fountain. The severe expression on his face was hilarious; she wished she could take out her phone to take a picture of him. Her uncle Mitchell coughed on his drink as he heard Harvey's comment.

"Uncle Mitchell, when are Haley and Uncle Cam gonna get back?" Alex said as she held onto Harvey, who was now reaching for a quarter in the water. "How complicated were their drinks?"

"I know Haley can get pretty specific about her iced coffees. On the other hand, Cam can be a total diva if his drink comes out slightly wrong." Mitchell answered as he held onto Lily. She was drinking her milkshake happily. "They should be here soon."

"Lily, help me out here."

"No way."

Alex looked at Harvey as he hung his head in defeat. Alex found it cute how he kept joking around with Lily throughout their time shopping. Lily mainly joined in on his jokes, but she was pretty tired and ready to go home after all the time they spent walking around. Harvey then reached over to try and take Lily's drink, but she held it away.

"Sorry, we're late!" 

Alex turned her head at Uncle Cam's voice as he and Haley walked over. Haley was drinking a simple iced coffee, but when she turned to Cam's drink, Alex saw the tiny tag with the drink's ingredients. A long list of text was printed on it.

"You can't believe the number of times they messed up my order." Cam said with a heavy sigh. "How hard is it to get an iced coffee right?"

"Iced coffee?" Harvey whispered in her ear as he peered at the drink in Cam's hand. It looked more like a milkshake at this point.

"Looking at your drink, I can see why."

"You know how I like my coffees, Mitchell."

"Daddy, you got a milkshake too?"


Alex turned to look at her sister as she sat next to her. Haley took a long sip of her coffee and then reached out and held her hand. Alex smiled slightly at the gesture. At first, she was nervous about going shopping, considering how many people usually attend this place. She was doing much better after a few days at home, surrounded by her family.

Her father encouraged her to go out again and get some fresh air. See the sights, and remember that being out in public is okay. Her mother supported her if she wanted to stay home instead, saying she shouldn't force herself if she didn't feel ready. Alex smiled at the memory and squeezed Haley's hand. 

Giving a shy glance at Harvey, he got up and played with Lily as Mitchell and Cam discussed something regarding Mitchell 'finally quitting his job'. Alex smiled as she stared at his laughing face. Harvey being here made her feel safe, so when Haley said today's trip was mainly to help him, she agreed to come.

"If you stare any longer, he'll notice. Play it cool." Haley whispered in Alex's ear. "Make him come to you."

"What! No, no. That's not what that was!"

Alex said as she took her hand back and pushed her glasses up. She then took a long sip of her coffee to distract herself from what Haley said. Haley sighed and patted her back.

"Don't worry, Alex. He'll fall for you soon."

This comment caused Alex's cheeks to redden. Looking back at Harvey, she felt her heart start to race. Looking at her sister, Alex saw a smile on her face. 

"…do you think so?"

"I know so."

Suddenly, Harvey stood up straight with wide eyes. Alex and Haley almost fell back into the fountain at his sudden movement. Harvey then picked up Lily and looked around the crowd. He gritted his teeth and looked up at the sky and the buildings.

"Harvey, what's the matter!"

Alex got up and asked. Haley followed closely behind her. Mitchell and Cam turned around at her question. Harvey walked over to Mitchell and handed him Lily.

"We have to go right now!"

"Harvey! What's going on?" 


The group turned around and saw a small ball of fire and smoke ascend into the sky. The explosion seemed to have happened towards the parking area. Suddenly, a car was thrown in the air, only to land in the middle of First St. All the shoppers in the area stopped and stared at the rising smoke, only for another explosion to shock them to start running in the opposite direction.

"What was that!" Haley yelled behind her.

"I don't know!" Alex yelled.

"Alex!" Harvey yelled at her, a severe expression on his face. "You need to get everyone as far away from here. Right NOW!"

"Harvey! What's going on!"

Harvey then turned around and stared at a floating figure in the sky. Their small group looked up and saw what it was. To Alex's surprise, it appeared to be a massive man with grey skin. He was wearing black and silver armor and had a giant sword in his hand. What shocked them the most were the gigantic pair of grey wings that flapped in the wind, allowing him to fly.

"…is that an angel?" Alex said in awe.


"No." Harvey spoke, gaining everyone's attention. The man with wings aimed his hand down and shot a beam of energy into the pavement.

"It's a fallen angel."


"This is crazy! How is that possible?!" Haley yelled as she stared up in awe.

"Mitchell, Cameron! Alex, Haley! We have to go!" Harvey said as he started pushing them away. "This is dangerous; we must get as far away as possible!"

More explosions sounded out as people screamed. Alex saw the fallen angel grab another car and launch it as far as possible. She looked up and saw it land in their direction.

"Get DOWN!"

Harvey yelled, and he guided their group away. As they approached the coffee shop wall, a huge wave of water splashed them all. Looking back, Alex saw that the car landed in the fountain. Swallowing, Alex looked back and saw the fallen angel move his head around as if looking for something. 

"Alex." Harvey whispered to her as he grabbed her cheek and got close to her face. "That fallen angel is Zadkiel. I'm pretty sure he's looking for me. I need you to get everyone away from here."

"Me?! I-I can't!"

"Yes, you can." Harvey said as he held her shoulder. "I know you can. I need you to be strong and get your family to safety."

Alex felt anxious; fear ran throughout her body. How could she be expected to remain calm in this situation? Looking back at Harvey, the look of complete, utter trust he was giving her made her fast-beating heart calm down. Taking a deep breath, she narrowed her eyes and nodded. With a smile, Harvey nods back

"That's my girl." Harvey then backed up. "Now go!"

"Uncle Mitchell, Uncle Cameron, Haley! We need to go NOW!" 

Alex yelled as she grabbed her sister's and Uncle Mitchell's hands. Pulling them forward, Haley looked back and saw that Harvey wasn't with them. Panicking, she tugged her hand away from Alex's grasp and stood in place.

"What about Harvey!" Haley yelled as she looked back. 

"Oh my god! Where did he go!" Cameron yelled.

"HARVEY!" Mitchell shouted as he held onto a crying Lily.

"We have to keep going!" Alex exclaimed as she tried to get her family to move. "Harvey will catch up with us!"

"No! I won't leave him behind!" 

Alex cursed as she looked at her sister. What was she going to do?! How could she convince them to run and abandon Harvey? Closing her eyes, Alex realized she also didn't want to run. But if she didn't, she would disappoint Harvey and become a burden!

"Haley… please."

"No! How are you okay with abandoning him!? After everything he did for you!" Haley yelled angrily. "I can't believe you!"

Alex didn't know what to say as her sister's eyes started to tear up. Her uncles stared back and forth at them, not knowing what to say. 


The family turned back and saw a man in a leather jacket and black jeans; his boots crunched the concrete below. To their surprise, his skull was entirely exposed and bathed in fire. He turned to them and shouted in a deep, guttural voice.


Everyone nodded absentmindedly and followed the man with the flaming skull's directions. Alex felt Cameron grab her hand as she stood and stared at Harvey. To see him in his transformed state again left her in awe. With a shake of her head, Alex snapped out of it and started running. Alex spun her head to her sister and saw tears streaming down her face. Her uncles and Lily had sad and fearful looks as well; they must all be thinking that they practically left Harvey behind in that chaos.

Looking back once more, she saw Harvey swing around a chain made of fire. The fallen angel was right in front of him. Alex felt her chest hurt, and with a heavy heart, she turned around to face forward. Alex continued running. Her words were lost in the wind.

"…Be safe."