
I will have a harem

Hira gets reincarnated in another world and got a system. Follow him as he fights to survive and make his place in this new beautiful yet dangerous world as he makes a promise to himself, that in this world... 'I will have a harem'.

Chuckleswamy · Fantasy
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45 Chs

We were just talking while hugging each other

"Alright let's start from something simple… what do you think can be the reason for kidnapping normal people?" Hira started.

"Boss… mostly the kidnapped women are sold to become sex-slaves or forced prostitutes, men are forced into labors or are used as human shields when fighting against magical beasts or enemies. The kids on the other hand have a big market as they can be molded in many ways." Rose replied. 

"So, what happens when they cannot perform their tasks well?" Hira continued. 

"They are beaten very harshly, sometimes they even lose their lives, which reminds me… some rich nobles also torture commoners for fun as well." Rose's tone contained a hint of sadness by the end of the sentence. 

"Now you see… this is where I find the problem. They taught you that commoners should feel grateful when they are used by the nobles. But I am a commoner as well, do you think I will feel grateful when someone tortures me?" Hira hit when the iron was hot. 

"… No… boss… if someone hit you, then they will have to go through me first… They can't torture you." Rose tried to find an alternate answer that would not negate Hira's word but also not go against her own upbringing. 

"What if they ordered you to kidnap me so that they can take me as their slave?" Hira asked. 

"Impossible… why… why would they do that?" She refused to entertain the idea. 

"Because I am a commoner." Hira replied. 

"Then… Then I will kill them." Rose's answer contained determination. 

"Hmm… but then wouldn't that go against what they taught you." Hira questioned. 

"Yes but… but… I won't let someone torture boss." Rose replied. 

"Alright then Rose, answer me this… should I feel grateful when they use me as their slave?" 

"Absolutely not boss. You can't be someone's slave." Rose replied her eyes telling him she would get angry if he continued to entertain the idea.

'What the hell… yo… you are not supposed to get angry on me. Yo system, does my ability have a bug?' 


'Whatever' Hira continued. 

"Okay… so I am a commoner, and you don't want me to feel grateful for being used by a slave right. Then are you telling me that commoners should not feel grateful when being used as slaves?" 

"… Huh…" Rose stuttered. 

"That… makes sense… boss… how can you as a commoner feel grateful when someone enslaves you? Shouldn't you be angry?" Rose showed signs of improvement. 


"So, you see, I think that would be the correct answer, Commoners must have been very sad when they learned that they would become slaves."

"But… But master said, they show their sadness for how it took them so long to be used by nobles."


'… Yo what the fuck… you can even do that?' Hira suddenly realized how fucked Rose's superiors were. 

"Hmm… looks like we will have to dive a bit deeper then. Alright let's look at what they taught and what you have been doing one by one to understand what's going on here." Hira said.


Hira and Rose talked for hours. She told her everything they had asked her to do till now and what they taught her one by one. 

How she has been tasked with multiple assassinations, how her life was fraught with dangers, how she was taught to be cruel and ruthless as an assassin. Tears had started flowing out of her eyes at some point as she told him everything about how her life had been ever since she lost her parents, and she cried hard when she told him how "They killed my parents." 

"Aaaahh…" Rose, at some point had become a 'normal human' which made it much harder for her to realize what she had been doing all her life. 

But Hira decided to not stop midway, letting her let out everything that might become a mental burden in the future. 

"It's alright… I'm here" Hira hugged her and patted her head. 

Rose continued to cry for several minutes before her hiccups stopped. 

"B… Boss… I am so bad… wha… what should I do. Should I die." She asked him. 

"No Rose… you are not bad… you didn't even know what you were doing." Hira caressed her head. 

"But don't worry, we will get those bastards, who turned your life into this." He said as he made a promise to himself as well.

Hira is not some saint, but well shit is shit, and when you see someone shitting in the open you beat the shit out of them. 

"But first, we need to save those people who are being kidnapped." 

"But… how can we save them? … there will be many of Crest's soldiers participating in the trafficking." Rose worried.

"Rose you are dumb." Hira said.

"What…?" Rose felt a sore when she heard that, earlier she did not use to feel anything whenever he would call him anything or she did not feel bad even when he slapped her. But now, she felt annoyed when he called her dumb. 

"Who said we are going to stop the trafficking; we will just tell the Baron about it. After all its his responsibility to take care of whatever is happening in his town."


"Ye… Yeah…" Rose felt her cheeks burning as Hira pointed out what she was thinking was naïve.

"Alright, let's go, we should hurry up." Hira said as he held her up and walked towards the gate before opening it.




"What were you doing in there?" Misty asked. 

"Eh…" Hira suddenly felt lost seeing her cute but angry face. 

"I was with…" Hira suddenly realized what she might have been thinking. 

"Oh… Misty there is nothing like what you are thinking. I mean yeah, I might be very charming, but don't worry, I was only talking to her." He laughed as he assured her. 

"Really?" Misty's eyes eased. 

But then something unexpected happened. 

"Yes… boss and I were not doing anything like that. We were only talking while hugging each other." Rose said as she hugged Hira from behind.


"Ehh… Etto…" Hira suddenly found himself speechless.


Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Thanks to Mardell for the power stone

Chuckleswamycreators' thoughts