
I will follow your heart

Elizabeth is such a lucky woman who have everything she desires: a wonderful boyfriend and a job she likes living in her favourite city from all time: New York. Her boyfriend is her first love that she met in school few years ago. But, when something terrible happen to her boyfriend, will she be able to recover from this? Will she ever be able to find love again?

Enjoywriting3000 · Urban
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31 Chs

Falling to pieces

Elizabeth's world just fall apart.

"That can't be true" She thought. "I talked to him not that long ago and he was just fine!"

She stops what she was doing before the phone call and rushed to her car. And drove as quickly as possible to the hospital her love was held in.

She was so disturbed during the drive that she passed a red light and almost created a car crash.

When she arrived, she was running and didn't know where to go. She looked around very quickly and in all directions.

A nurse at the entrance post noticed her.

The nurse: Can I help you ma'am?

Elizabeth looked at her, tears in her eyes and rushed to the post in a hurry.

Elizabeth(taking all the strength she has left to talk to the nurse,sobbing) euuu,*sobs* my fiancé, James Bennet,*sobs* just got admitted here for a car crash? His doctor called me so I can get here.

The nurse looked at her with pity and compassion.

The nurse(saying softly): You can go sit down in the waiting room. I will call the doctor and he will come to see you alright?

Elizabeth nodded, still sobbing.

Her: Thank you so much.

The nurse nodded and Elizabeth went sit down on a chair, impatiently waiting for the doctor.

While she was waiting, many scenarios got into her head.

"Is he okay?, is he dead?, is he going to become paraplegic or paralyzed? God please no. Why him? Why us?" She thought.

"Elizabeth Bennet?"

She looked up to see a doctor. She quickly stood up, tears in her eyes.

The doctor: My name is Greg. I am the neurosurgeon who called you. I am in charge of the well being of your fiancé.

Elizabeth suddenly worries.

Her: Is he going to be okay???

The doctor looked at her.

Him: I think we should go upstairs, there is a room there that we can talk. After we can go see him together if you want to.

Elizabeth nodded and followed him, but her worries were more and more important as the time was passing.

When they arrived upstairs, they went in a cosy room and the doctor closed the door.

"Not a good sign" She thought.

The doctor showed her a chair in front of his desk to sit. She sits on the chair and the doctor sat at his desk.

The doctor: Your fiancé, James, had a car accident. He was crossing the gate to come back here in New York. He stopped at a red light and started to drive when it turned to green. But, the truck on the other driveway, whose light was red, never saw the red light and crashed into your fiancé's car.

Elizabeth was trying to stay strong but more and more tears were falling down her cheeks.

The doctor paused and decided to continue, knowing that she has the right to know the truth.

The doctor: When he arrived here, we immediately stabilized him and I took him upstairs for surgery. He had one of his legs broken, an arm and some ribs. Except that, he is in good physical condition.

Elizabeth(sadly smiling,gaining hope) That's still good news? You fixed him, now he is good again? Can I go see him?

The doctor looked at her with a sad expression on his face.

Her:(her smile fading) What's going on? What are you not telling me?

The doctor: Even though his body is in good condition now, he hits his head very hardly during the car crash. I am a neurosurgeon. That's why I got him as a patient. I went in surgery with him and I did my best, but unfortunately I couldn't help him enough.

Elizabeth(not understanding what the doctor meant) Oh, but I am sure he will be okay. He is just sleeping.

The doctor is now very uncomfortable, knowing now that the truth will really hits her like a bomb but he has no choice anymore. He needed to tell her in a way that she could understand quickly.

The doctor(understanding and choose carefully his words) I am sorry Miss, but your husband will not wake up anymore. He is brain dead. That means that he is physically in shape but the connections in his brain are broken. So he has no control anymore over his own body.

Elizabeth(in shock realizing what he just said): So you are saying....

The doctor: He is dead. I am sorry.

She instantly started crying loudly. She couldn't hold back anymore. The doctor, clearly understanding his situation, but doesn't know what to do, stood up and directed himself to the door slowly.

The doctor: I will come back in a few minutes.

When the door closed, she cried even more. All the stress from the last hours came down. Her world just broke and fell into pieces. He just proposed to her few days ago, and now he is dead. All her dreams with him, a house, a family, none of that would happen now. She puts her head on her laps, put her hands on both side of her head and screamed of anger and frustration. How? How could that have happened to them? They were so happy together, they were doing their jobs, didn't commit any crimes. So why them? And why him most of all! He was the most innocent and sweet man she knew.

Fifteen minutes later, the doctor knocked on the door.

Elizabeth(sobbing) Yes?

The doctor: Can I come in?

Elizabeth: Yeah.

The doctor came in as she played with her engagement ring on her finger.

The doctor: Are you ready to go see him?

She nodded.

The doctor: Come with me.

They left the room and walked into the hospital's hallways. Soon, they arrived to his room.

Elizabeth started to sob again. It was not the fact that he was in a bed that disturbed her. It was the fact that he was so peaceful resting on this bed that broke her. Even though he was breathing with the help of the machines, there was no trace of fear, sadness or even anger on his face. Elizabeth almost thought he was softly smiling. She couldn't believe that he was dead. She just wanted to go wake him up so they could both wake up from this horrible nightmare. But she knew that wasn't a nightmare.

It was now her reality. And she would be forced to deal with it.


That's it for this chapter ;) thank you again so much for reading and supporting me! That truly means a lot for me!