
I will find you ( the walking dead) on break for now.

Staring Akaze Saito, a son of one of the most deadliest drug smuggling group in the world that will used his skills to take down anyone and anything that's a threat to him to find his childhood friend Rosita. Rosita Espinosa a girl who was born in the slums of Mexico but taken in by the Saito clan. This is just a fanfic and I will change something's up but will follow on the plot. I like majority of the characters but I will create some drama will re-edit the beginning before start making new chapters

Suzumebachi_ · TV
Not enough ratings
26 Chs

Chapter 3

" What do you mean you couldn't find my daughter?! Where is she?!" Carol repeated those same two questions over and over in front of Rick's face as Akaze and Daryl were behind him looking down at the ground.

Akaze felt guilty for promising to find her although he tried his very best to look for her throughout the woods. He couldn't look the weeping woman in the eye and as she kept crying out those same questions the guilt started to eat him alive. Never in his life, has he met a parent like this, a parent who has a deep love for their child. As he grew up, people in his clan who had died serving him and his father, and their family would shame them for being weak despite their lack of experience and age. Unlike them, Carol is begging for her daughter to come back alive to him, wishing god to keep her safe until she could find her. Akaze knows Carol is nowhere near a fighter, anyone could guess that but she is willingly going out there by herself to find her daughter and that takes guts. Her fear of the dead shrunk as her will to find her daughter became greater.

"I'm going to find her." she shrug rick out of the way to head the same trail she last saw her daughter run to. When she passed Akaze's body the man suddenly wrapped his arm around her waist to bring her back. She tried fighting against his grasp but his strength beat her without him even trying.

"Get off of me! Let me find her!" she screamed out loud as she swung her arms like a mad man trying to escape him but soon she tired herself out. That adrenaline that was hyper her body up was soonly leaving her body and Akaze's free arm wrapped around her body to complete the hug. Her head fell back to his chest as she kept crying, whisperingly pleading to find her but the Japanese man just shook his head. She couldn't see him disagreeing but she surely felt it from behind her.

"I'm sorry, but no. It is too dangerous out there but as soon as the sun rises we will go out there to find her. Just wait, Carol." he was gentle to her, caring, and assuring. The three things Carol never felt from a man before. She felt his arms wrapped around her tight but not too tight like she couldn't breathe. His voice allowed her to calm down and she did but people in the group could still hear her crying but it was low to the point they couldn't hear what she was saying. However, Akaze heard every word she said and every time she spoke it punched Akaze in the gut because he didn't hold up his word to find her daughter.

" And that is what we will do. " Rick spoke aloud. " it's been a tough day for everyone so let's rest up and we will head out in the morning."

Everyone was quiet because today was an exhausting day. As everyone was walking away, heading into the vehicles to protect themself in the night from the walkers, Akaze still held on to Carol. He felt firm hands on his shoulders and he didn't have to look to see who it belonged to. He knew it was Rick and the sheriff gave his shoulder a quick squeeze.

" Thank you for today. Thank you for this moment. I'm glad you are here with us." he whispered to him and that made the Japanese worse for hiding a secret from this man who treated him nothing but good. He just nodded his head and as he heard his footsteps walking away from him he sighed in relief because he felt like the more Rick stood next to him he would have broken down in anger towards himself.

"Are you ready to head in the RV? You need sleep for tomorrow," he spoke to her.

" I don't know. I can't sleep knowing she's out there."

"Then we will stay on top of the RV looking out into the sky. In my culture, they say you can communicate with a loved one within the stars."

"I would love that."

Akaze finally let out her body and placed his hands on her shoulders to guide her to the van. As they were walking they spotted Andrew outside of the van.

" Why are you not sleeping? It's getting late."

"You're not sleeping either."

Akaze rolls his eyes at the boy. "Don't worry about me. Just head inside and I will be right on top of the van."

Andrew shook his head at Akaze and stood his ground. "No. if you're not sleeping I won't either. It's only fair."

Akaze knows debating the boy wouldn't go anywhere but he won't let the child outdo him. "Andrew, just go-"

"He can come up. The more the merrier. Don't have your son be separated from you."

(Son?! Wait, does everyone think he's my child? He doesn't even look like me.)

"He's not my son." Akaze automatically spoke out which caused the woman to be baffled at his reaction and Andrew stiffened up at his sudden response.

"Oh. I'm sorry for assuming but he still came up." She looked down at the boy and patted his hair. " Come on up. Let's stargaze." The two climb up the ladder as Akaze stands on the ground still shaking his head at Andrew.

(Carol is such a strong woman. She is grieving for her missing daughter but still is friendly towards Andrew. I didn't want him to come up because I didn't want to rub the fact that children are still here except her daughter.)


" Everyone picks up a weapon." Rick throws the arsenal of different types of knives on top of the hood of the car.

" We don't need this, we need guns." Andrea disapproves of Rick's approach.

"Have we been over this? Only Rick, Daryl, Akaze, and I are carrying." Shane disregarded her comment.

"How comes that fair? Why do we need to carry knives or whatever ya throw at us but not guns."Andrea spoke again, not submitting to his idea.

Ever since her sister had died, Andrea had been sorta a huge bitch who likes to complain and cry out from Akaze's point of view. He understands how it feels to lose someone that you will never see again, hence his sister. But he's not the type to bitch at everyone to just let out his anger.

"Have you ever shot a gun before? And are you prepared to handle your own when a walker comes after you?" Akaze questioned her as he leaned on the van with a brow raised.

Andrea scoffed at his lame interrogation of her." Yes I do. That gun belongs to me so I have every right to use it." attitude was covering her tone at the man.

"Really? Is that so I could have sworn I heard screaming when the herd was passing by and I could have sworn that screaming belongs to you."

Andrea switched her sights off of Akaze and glared at Dale. " you told him?!" she snapped at him

Before Dale could even defend himself Akaze spoke aloud.'' As I said, I heard it. He never mentioned it to me and what you just did proved my assumption. I didn't know who it belonged to but I guess I have my answer right now."

" I'm tired of your bullshit Akaze. I just want my gun."

" No."

" why-"

" Just get over it, if another herd passes by and you shoot a bullet it's over for all of us. We are here to find Sophia not to play military." Shane cut her off before the conversation turned into a screaming match.

Daryl and Rick told the group the plan they would be following as Akaze was sharpening his katana. Andrew eyed Akaze's movements as he made his katana sharp. " One day can you teach me how to use it."

Akaze stopped his movements and hoisted his brow, "And why do you want to use this?"

" To learn how to defend myself and I think it's cool how you wield that. I have never seen anything like that, only in movies."

A small grin was placed on his lips at the kid's comment. " One day. Let's go and stay near me. Got it?"

Andrew eagerly nodded his head, "Got it."

As the duo went to pack their bookbag for the journey ahead of them they heard Andrea and Dale arguing with each other near the van. Andrew closes the small distance between him and Akaze to say something to him. "She's a bitch." the boy whispered.

Akaze wanted to giggle or even laugh out loud but to raise the boy properly, cursing is a no-no. Kids should be kids. "No swear words." he lightly scolded the boy and Andrew sighed at him.

"You do it."

" So if I hypothetically jumped off a plane, would you jump behind me?"

"No, but you look like the type."

Akaze narrowed his eyes at him and wondered if Andrew saw his past because he indeed jumped off a jet but he had no choice. " See now you have no excuse to follow my bad behavior. I am a messed up individual and you don't need to follow my way."

" Why do you always place yourself in a negative light?"

Akaze halted himself from finishing packing his bag. Truth be told he doesn't understand why people such as Andrew and Rick see him as a good person because he knows he's not. In the past, he did stuff such as robbery, murder, terrorism, and many more except sexual activities. He is nowhere near a good person and he knows that but he doesn't have the heart to tell him. The truth is he doesn't want Andrew to view him as anything bad or break his trust. Akaze liked his bond with Andrew and appreciated his company. Andrew can be annoying at times but he rather him than any other snot-nose brat.

" Because that's how I see myself. We all have insecurities and that is mine."

"Well, I hope you can stop thinking that way because everyone here likes you besides Andrea."

" The feeling is mutual on my side. Come on. They leaving now."


" What is the first rule for the survival world?"

Andrew heaved out another sigh as he rolled his eyes. " We have been going through this for a while now. It's to be observant of your surroundings."

( I know he is irritated but he has to know. I might not be here and I want to prepare him for this world.)

" Just making sure, brat."

A whistle grabbed the group's attention and Daryl signaled Akaze to come with him. Akaze looked down at Andrew and gave him a sign to stay sharp as he went in front of the group. He peeps at the tent Daryl spotted and follows him.

Darly held his knife as Akaze held onto his katana. Daryl stopped at the front of the tent as Akaze headed to the back, the man was only using his senses in these types of situations because at times like this you must believe in your senses. Rick made Carol call out Sophia and she did countless times but it was silent. The only thing the group heard was the melody that nature produced. As Daryl opened the tent Akaze could already tell it wasn't good news. The smell that he grew accustomed to ever since he was a child took over his sense of smell.

( Either she is dead or it's someone else.)

When Daryl said it was some guy a small smile grew on Akaze knowing the girl was still alive. Before anyone could say anything the bell caught their attention and quickly moved to the sound of direction. The bell kept going and it sounded like it was a bit far from where they were but somehow the group made it before they knew it. They were greeted by a church and the four men bust in the church without a second thought seeing walkers sitting on the seats facing Jesus on the cross. Akaze held his katana up high and threw it to the nearest walker that was sitting down and he hit the bullseye right in the middle of the head hitting its brain. The other three handled their targets and started to look for the girl in the small sitting area but it was useless there was no way she could hide in there with walkers right in plain sight. Yet again the bell rang again and the people ran outside of the church to find where it was coming from just to see it on the side of the building.

"It's fucking on timer," Daryl grunted as Glenn disarmed it.

Everyone was tense. They spent out here from morning into late afternoon and soon the daylight was running out. They were fighting against time but Rick still had the will to find the girl despite his odds. Some of the people were starting to think the girl was dead and it was a waste to look for her while others were willing to see it through. Rick wasn't giving up and Akaze could see it but his main priority was Andrew although he did want to find the girl time was running out and he would not put Andrew in danger.

" Rick, we should split up," Akaze advises him. " Me and Daryl lead them back as we look for her to see if she is somewhere there while you and Shane try to find her further out. Andrew is getting tired and I can't have him out any longer, especially when the light is running out."

" I'm with it. You Rick?" Shane looked towards Rick as the sheriff nodded his head.

" Thank you Akaze. I do appreciate it."

Another gratitude from Rick towards Akaze made his stomach twist into knots as he saw the same person whom Rick cherished. Shane was by Rick's side as if he was the best right-hand man and Akaze couldn't say or do anything but give Rick a tight lip smile. As much Akaze wants to tell Rick the truth, now is not the right time, it doesn't take a genius to tell that Rick is losing it. He feels guilty about Carol's daughter and some people in the group giving him mouth about it. He is trying his very best to find the girl as he leads the group. "No problem." Akaze gave Shane a quick staredown to not make it obvious to Rick and Shane got the message. Shane could feel Akaze's disgust towards him and Akaze made it well known.