
I will finally embark on the road of no return called hero

(hey this story isn't mine just translating) This is a time when gods did exist, yes this is ...... Greece! God wilfully squandered his rights, as long as good-looking men and women regardless. This is Greece!

sliver_203 · Anime & Comics
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139 Chs

chapter 35 (edited)

In the end, despite Meleager's earnest pleas, Cyd made a very decisive exit.

"I didn't come to hunt the boar for praise," Cyd said honestly. "I did it to avoid offending Artemis."

Meleager was moved by Cyd's words. On the journey back, he began to recount Cyd's heroic deeds to everyone they met, spreading tales of the Hero of Pure White. As a prince, Meleager's words carried immense weight, and soon the story of Cyd's bravery became legend.

What Meleager didn't realize was that his actions had thwarted Artemis's plan to unleash a horde of wild boars upon Calydon. In a way, he had saved the city from disaster. Tragically, Meleager's own fate was sealed when he was later killed by his mother—a fate Cyd would not learn about until much later.

"Melgaer really didn't hold back anything now everyone knows me and Atalanta killed the boar," Cyd thought with exasperation. But that was a problem for another day. Right now, he faced a more immediate dilemma.

"Are you coming to Arcadia with me?" Atalanta asked, her back turned to Cyd as she spoke in a strangely hesitant tone.

It was an enticing offer, but Atalanta was the princess of Arcadia. Cyd worried that accepting might lead to political trouble.

He rubbed his chin thoughtfully.

Even though he was in a huge mess, Cyd wasn't one to give up easily. He knew he had to handle this carefully.

"I'm honored, but I—"


An arrow whizzed past Cyd's face and embedded itself in a nearby tree.

"I didn't catch that," Atalanta said flatly, drawing another arrow and nocking it on her bow. Her eyes narrowed, the arrow now aimed straight at Cyd's kidney.

"Whoa, Atalanta, wait!" Cyd raised his hands in surrender. "Let me explain!"

"I'm listening," she said, her gaze unwavering and her aim steady.

"I have a quest I must complete," Cyd said, glancing at his left wrist where a faintly glowing mark of the gods was visible. "I need to receive blessings from thirteen gods. I've got three so far, but I need ten more before I can rest."

Atalanta's eyes widened in surprise. "You're not lying to me?"

"I swear on the gods," Cyd said, lowering his hands but keeping them up in a gesture of peace. "It's a burden I must carry."

"How long will it take?" Atalanta asked, lowering her bow slightly.

"I wish I knew," Cyd said with a rueful smile. "I might die before it's over."

Atalanta's eyes flashed with determination. "You can't die. We still have a challenge to settle. If you break your word—"

Before Cyd could react, Atalanta stepped forward and grabbed his collar, pulling him close with a fierce glare.

"Even if you end up in the Underworld, I'll come after you!"

"Don't worry, I won't break my word," Cyd said, reaching out to hook his pinky with hers. "This is our promise."

Atalanta blushed, then, without warning, she headbutted Cyd on the forehead.

"Remember that!" she said, her cheeks flushing as she turned and ran back into the forest, her movements like a wounded lioness retreating.

"I'll remember," Cyd said, rubbing his forehead with a wry smile. "After all, it's my only promise."

"Ah~ A promise with little Atalanta~"

Before he could react further, a soft weight pressed down on him unexpectedly. He felt Artemis's delicate touch as she stood behind him, her white hair cascading over his shoulders.

"Don't you want to make a promise with me too?" Artemis said, her voice teasing yet sincere. She took Cyd's right hand and linked her pinky with his, mimicking the earlier gesture.

"Lady Artemis, are you serious?" Cyd stammered, feeling a mix of panic and wonder at the goddess's touch. "Can't we just talk?"

"I'm very serious!" Artemis pouted, wrapping her arms around Cyd's neck and shaking him playfully. Her long white hair flowed around them like a silken veil.

Should I resist? What if I upset Artemis?

Cyd remained still, unsure of how to respond.

Seeing Cyd's passive stance, Artemis grew more frustrated. "I'm annoyed now! I'm going to curse you!"

"What?! I didn't do anything!" Cyd protested, his eyes wide with shock.

"Exactly! You didn't do anything!" Artemis retorted, tapping him on the head with a mock frown. "You and little Atalanta were having all this fun, and I was left out!"

I wouldn't dare act like that with you!

Cyd's mind raced, feeling trapped by the goddess's playful ire.

"I'm trying to think of a fitting curse… um…" Artemis bit her lip, clearly struggling to come up with a suitable punishment.

It's too harsh, it might upset her. It's too trivial, and it doesn't fit her serious demeanor.

"Is there any way I can make it up to you?" Cyd asked desperately, trying to defuse the situation.

"There is!" Artemis's eyes brightened as an idea formed. "How about you retrieve something for me?"

She was more interested in the idea than actually cursing him.

"How about the Golden Fleece?" Athena appeared beside them, her gown flowing elegantly as she casually plucked an arrow from the tree. She smiled warmly at Cyd. "It has to be something hard to get; otherwise, it wouldn't be a real challenge."

Cyd's heart sank as he realized what was coming.

"But I don't really need anything," Artemis said, her face scrunching up as she thought.

"Well, there is one thing," Athena said, stepping closer with a sly grin. "The Golden Fleece."

Artemis's eyes sparkled at the mention. "Yes! I want the Golden Fleece!" she declared, pulling Cyd closer by the collar and shaking him excitedly. "Go get it for me, Cyd!"

Looking at Athena's smug smile, Cyd sighed in resignation. Knowing he got played

"Athena!" he groaned internally, realizing he had been outmaneuvered.