
I Will Eventually Embark On The Path Of No Return Called A Hero

Cyd, a normal man wants to live a normal life without any troubles. But he didn't had the knowledge how to live a normal life in ancient Greek! So, read and know his struggles to live a normal life. --- This is a Translated Novel. The Novel belongs to original writer. --- To read additional chapters, go to -> www.patreon.com/kurato6180

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63 Chs

Chapter 9. God is Stingy

I Will Eventually Embark On The Path Of No Return Called A Hero - 9. God Is Stingy


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She is the daughter of Sea God Nereus (Nereus) and Sea Goddess Doris (Doris), the wisest of their daughters. She summoned Hekatonchires (Hekatonchires) at Titanomachy (Titanomachy) to help Zeus rebel against the Titans (Titans).

The legend once prophesied that her child would be far greater than her father. This time, Zeus, who was pursuing her, was... counseled. To prevent his dominance from being affected, he married Thetis It was given to a mortal hero, and it really gave birth to a heel that far surpassed his father's.

And now this Goddess is squatting in front of Cyd. He doesn't mind that Cyd will see his naked spring light. Instead, he is stroking Cyd's hair with his eyes closed with interest.

"Your hair is beautiful, I'm afraid it would be even more beautiful if it were longer."

Sorry, I don't want to be cold behind.

"By the way, I'm Thetis," Thetis squeezed Cyd's face.

"That...Thetis Sama has something to do with me?" Cyd closed his eyes and didn't dare to move, allowing Thetis to play with his face.

"I'm here to help you instead of looking for you?" Thetis stood up and took a few steps back.

"Help?" Cyd cautiously opened his eyes and relaxed after making sure Thetis was already not in his head.

"Yes, help, you have thoroughly soaked the Styx River, your body is almost immortal, and there is no weak spot on your body," Thetis touched the chin, looking at the wet body of Cyd, "There is basically no problem with dealing with ordinary mortals."

"No, there are more problems," Cyd rubbed his neck, "The only thing the body can block is the attack from the outside., poison, and curses can make me hang up without a word."

"That's why I appear here," Thetis pointed to himself, "although you don't have Divinity on you, you have obtained with an immortal body, if you are now, you should be able to withstand the temper of Heavenly Fire, making you more perfect, even no less than those demigod heroes."

"Perfect?" Cyd After watching Thetis was silent for a while, he slowly opened his mouth with an apologetic smile, "Sure enough, forget it."

"Really? There is no chance that mortals will have the opportunity to become immortal like you. Thetis looked at Cyd in confusion. "As you said, your body seems immortal but has weaknesses. Now you have the chance to be perfect and without blemish."

Cyd scratched the back of his head.

"What to say? Thanks, Goddess, for your love, but ah, sure enough," Cyd opened his hands, "I'll just keep it that way, it's my weakness that makes me cautious."

Although I didn't intend to be perfect from the very beginning.

Cyd stuck out his tongue inwardly.

"I don't understand."

As an immortal god, Thetis has absolutely no idea why there are beings who refuse to be immortal.

"Because I'm a stupid mortal," Cyd smiled and pointed to himself.

"It seems that I came here for nothing, no, it should be the opposite," Thetis chuckled twice, "Pure Son of Man, it's time for you to go, your journey has just begun. "

"I hope you can bless me to end this journey as soon as possible," Cyd rode on the white horse with a helpless face.

"God can't decide this kind of thing, only you can decide the end," Thetis smiled with his hands behind his back, "Go ahead, then stop when you're satisfied, and that's it. It's my blessing to you."

"I really feel Waaaaaa!"

Before Cyd finished speaking, the white horse suddenly spread its wings and shot straight into the sky like sharp arrows. Cyd, who was almost thrown off, could only scream in agony except for holding the white horse's neck tightly.

"Poseidon? It's really stingy, I just said the child's wishes and the child just wanted to thank me," Thetis helplessly shook the head, and at the same time She opened her left hand that she had been holding, and a few white hairs were lying quietly in her palm. For some reason, when she touched Cyd's hair, she subconsciously broke a few of his hairs.

"In the end I..."


"Slowdown slowdown slowdown!"

In the sky where only gods and birds could step on, a clear human scream echoed in the clouds.

"Shu ――――"

Accompanied by the strong wind, a white shadow tore apart the clouds and moved towards the front, and the white shadow seemed to be carrying something.

That's right! It's Cyd!

"Ma'er! Ma's big brother! Horse-sama!"

Cyd shouted dignifiedly, hugging the white horse's neck tightly.

"I'm going to fall! I'm really going to fall!"

It should be said that he is completely hanging from the neck of the white horse and the white horse, Cyd can foresee that after the let-go's end.

However, I don't know if it was because the wind was too strong and the white horse couldn't hear it, or it was another reason.

"I was wrong! Although I don't know why! I apologize!"

There must be some reason why he accidentally stepped on the minefield! But he doesn't understand at all!

Cyd's aggrieved tears were blown away by the wind as soon as they flowed out.

Sure enough, hurry up and learn a self-protection technique to find a city, ah no! Find a deserted forest to the farm!

Suddenly the white horse's flight trajectory began to lean forward, its wings folded sharply, and it fell at a faster speed than flying, which made Cyd grit his teeth and directly closed his eyes.

Now he can only bet that the white horse won't harm him, or that his untested body can withstand a fall from the sky. Well, let's bet that the white horse won't harm him.

Cyd wrapped tightly around the white horse's neck.

The white horse narrowed its eyes, and at the moment when it was about to land, it fully unfolded its folded wings and slammed into a fan.

"Pu tong——"

Cyd rolled down from the white horse in a very embarrassed manner.

"I almost saw Hades-sama."

Cyd crawled on the ground in pain, thankfully he hadn't eaten, and his empty stomach couldn't find anything. thing.

The white horse snorted, walked to Cyd's side, raised its hoof, kicked Cyd's butt, then spread its wings and flew away.

This is it!

You kicked my ass just to say goodbye!

Cyd stared wide-eyed, liar!

At this time, the crisp sound of hooves came from far to near. Cyd turned his head in the direction of the hooves with difficulty. It was a cave, but it was dark inside, and even the sun could only shine. A little rock at the mouth of the cave, and the sound of horse hooves are getting closer at this moment.

Finally, the owner of the voice appeared in front of Cyd.