
I Will Eventually Embark On The Path Of No Return Called A Hero

Cyd, a normal man wants to live a normal life without any troubles. But he didn't had the knowledge how to live a normal life in ancient Greek! So, read and know his struggles to live a normal life. --- This is a Translated Novel. The Novel belongs to original writer. --- To read additional chapters, go to -> www.patreon.com/kurato6180

Kurato6180 · Anime & Comics
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63 Chs

Chapter 45. Passing the Trial

I Will Eventually Embark on the Path of No Return Called a Hero - 45. Passing the Trial


And the hero wins.

Like countless lauded feats, today's impossible trials have been passed.

Standing naked among the broken bones, Jason gasped and raised his fists to the sky, his muscular body covered in bruises.

Even though all the Dragon-tooth Warriors are in a state of collapse, the power is real, and that's why Jason puts up a good fight.

There was no invincible crushing, there were countless moments of crisis, the people onlookers cheered countless times, and finally the hero named Jason won!

Even Aeëtes had to admit that Jason passed his trials as a hero.

Jason looked towards Medea sitting next to Aeëtes at the top.

Since ancient times, heroes have loved beauties, and facing this charming little person Princess, Jason is also quite tempted. He is confident that this trial is enough to show his heroism, and no girl can resist him.

[Why didn't you die?]

Medea stared at Jason fiercely with extremely dark eyes.

As someone who knows the truth, she only thinks this trial is very boring, everything is expected by Cyd, everyone, even Jason is deceived by Cyd. All the dangers in this trial have been solved by Cyd, and just for a show Jason is in down there. Nobody doubted the authentication of the trial, let it be Jason or the people. Even the king Aeetes also agreed with it or else everyone will doubt him and his reputation will plummet.

If it was in the past, she might really be attracted to the hero who was cheered by people, but she knew the truth, and now she only finds it annoying to look at the hero below.

Because she lost the bet.

Maybe Medea's eyes were too dazzling, Jason lowered his head somewhat guilty. Although he was fluttering a little just now, he still knew very well that without Cyd, he wouldn't even be able to get through those two cows.

"It's okay Medea," Aeëtes patted Medea and then starred Jason fiercely, "I have nothing to say for this trial, but he still won't get Golden Fleece so easily. "

"Huh?" Medea was stunned. Although she didn't want Jason to get the Golden Fleece, she wanted Cyd to get the Golden Fleece. If her father would have something to do with it, making it difficult for Jason, it wouldn't matter. But if it becomes difficult for Cyd…

"It's true that the Golden Fleece already belongs to Jason, but that doesn't mean I'll give it to him, after all, it's for God of War Ares. If he wants it? Then get it yourself," Aeëtes said spreading his hands, "Since he can create two miracles, let him create a third one, the miracle of defeating the dragon."

Medea was stunned, her father was still a rogue.

Aeëtes stood up and declared Jason's victory during Medea's sluggishness, but Jason couldn't laugh when he said that Jason could take Golden Fleece himself whenever he wanted.

He's not the kind of guy who gets carried away when he wins, at least he's not like the tour group that's already cheering.

Let him take it himself?

The tree on which the Golden Fleece hangs is guarded by a dragon!

If he has the ability to take Golden Fleece under the eyes of the dragon, who will play the trial with you, just take it and go!

"That's it~"

Cyd sitting on top of the stone pillar touched the chin.

"What about it, Cyd?" Jason looked up at Cyd with a frown, "It's rare that you helped me through the trial."

"No no no, it was you who scared Khalkotauroi with your smell. And the dragon-tooth warrior you faced with your hands, and the scars left on your body are proof of the danger you have experienced," Cyd waved his hand, "You passed the test."

Cyd's words moved Jason for a while. Compared with the group of melon-eating heroes, Cyd was more like his companion. For a time, he had a feeling that Hercules was still there.

"But it doesn't make any sense that we don't get Golden Fleece even if we pass the test," Jason shook the head.

"Ah~ this has nothing to do with you, you only need to pass the test, how to get the Golden Fleece is not something you should worry about," Cyd jumped off the stone pillar, patted Jason's on his shoulders, "Cheer, celebrate, prepare to go back and get what you deserve, this is what a hero who has passed the trial should do, as for Golden Fleece, I will get it for you."

" You want to go get the Golden Fleece alone!? No way! That's a place guarded by dragons!" Jason grabbed Cyd's shoulder, "It's really not good, let's go together!"

So, you still have a bit of humanity~

"Don't worry~ I will definitely not fight the demon dragon hard, and everyone has their own trials that they have to go through. You have passed your own, and now... "Cyd raised his left wrist, and only three of the thirteen transparent crystals on the wristlet lit up.

"It's time for me to do mine."

Medea's room…

"So?" Medea, who was sitting on the bed with her chin up, looked at Cyd, who was sitting cross-legged on the ground, "What are you going to do?"

"Kill that dragon to death," Cyd tilted his head for a moment and raised a finger.


A slap-thick magic primer slammed into Cyd's face.

Medusa sitting on bed slammed a magic primer on his face. She was about to throw one more, but stopped seeing Cyd's head was a little sluggish. And she hoped that he might wake up out of his mind after being smashed.

"Are you awake?" Medea picked up another magic primer.

"Yeah~ I seem to be impervious to sword and spear," Cyd put the magic primer aside, "But please don't use the dangerous-looking magic circle at me."

"Do you know what you're talking about?" Medea waved her hand to disperse the magic circle, "That's a magic dragon, not the same level as Khalkotauroi."

"I know, But unfortunately," Cyd shrugged, "I seem to have only one way and that is to kill it."

Medea squeezed the corner of her skirt, "You might die."

"Probably..." Cyd squeezed his fist.

"You will go no matter what I say," Medea took a deep breath, as if she had made up her mind.

"Um...let's say don't even think about drugging me," Cyd moved back with Medusa in his arms, for fear that Medea would suddenly pull out a bottle of magic potion and pour it on his head.

"No way!" Medea reached out to Cyd angrily, "Do you have any materials, I'll help you make props."

"Materials... "Cyd touched his bag and took out a small leather bag, "How about the impervious to sword and spear lion's teeth?"

"..." Medea took the leather bag with a twitching mouth., "And you have to follow me when you go to the dragon!"

"It's enough to have me, I'll protect Cyd," Medusa raised her hand.

"Do you know the way?"

Medusa put down her hand silently.

"When are you going?" Medea tossed the leather bag in her hands.


"Looks like I'm going to stay up all night today," Medea scratched her silky purple hair, "but don't worry, I've got some boosting medicine, I will never be secretly dropped by you because I am sleepy."

"Eh~ how could I leave you~" Cyd scratched the back of his head and looked around.

"The magic potion is here by the way," Medea shoved a small tube into her chest.

"I think it's still too dangerous." Cyd looked at Medea seriously.

"Then I'll tell the father that you cheated on Jason and let him kill Jason. Although there is no evidence, I believe that the father must be very happy to do so."


"Alright, you can come with us."