
Chapter 31 Invitation from the True Lord of Fire Virtue

After the maid drank the wine, her cheeks flushed with a rosy tint, and she covered her face with her sleeve as she slowly withdrew.

Liang Hui examined the Peach, reaching out with his palm to delicately inspect it.

Unlike ordinary fruits' softness, it felt as smooth and hard as jade.

His eyes lit with divine light, observing the peach even more carefully.

Meanwhile, the Great Heavenly Venerate had already picked up a Peach and faced the assembly of immortals.

"My lords, let us eat this Peach together and revel in the mysteries of the Great Path," he said.

"We thank you for your grace, Great Heavenly Venerate!"

"To the everlasting enjoyment of the Great Path for the Great Heavenly Venerate and the Queen," they acclaimed.

The immortals also raised their Peaches in celebration.

Together with the Great Heavenly Venerate, the immortals swallowed the Peaches in their palms.