
I Will Become Hokage in One Piece

Rodney transmigrates into the world of pirates with the addition of the Naruto System. He acquires various ninjutsu, taijutsu, genjutsu, Bloodline Limit, and the Sharingan... A dazzling array of ninja techniques shines brightly in this world as he completes missions, exchanges skills, and aims to become the Hokage! Please give this novel 5 stars review and power stone ;) Read a few chapters ahead on readfanfic.com Read up to 30 chapters ahead on p atreon. https://www.p atreon.com/ThePirate Our community on discord: discord. gg /t66agbE

nyawdao3 · Anime & Comics
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152 Chs


Chapter 10: Rewards

Goa Kingdom, Windmill Village.

Windmill Village was a small village, not much different from Syrup Village. It was quiet and peaceful, rarely invaded by pirates. It was also the hometown of the future Pirate King. A warship docked at the port, which was a common occurrence for the villagers and a sign that the naval hero had returned to his native land.

A pirate ship slowly docked, and the marine forces brought by Garp immediately cheered up, picking up their weapons and aiming their guns at the pirate ship. Garp's adjutant, Bogard, raised his hand and was about to order his men to fire when he saw Rodney standing at the bow of the ship. He immediately ordered them to wait.

"Adjutant Bogard," Rodney greeted Bogart.

The pirate ship came to a stop, and the faces of the pirates on board turned pale. They had been under Rodney's control for more than half a month. They thought that getting rid of this plague god would allow them to regain their freedom, but now they were being handed over to the Marines.

"Mr. Joestar," Bogard nodded in greeting. Rodney smiled and said, "Adjutant Bogard, I will leave these guys to you. These pirates, none of them have clean hands."

"Understood. Thank you for your generosity," Bogard replied. 

He immediately ordered his men to arrest the pirates, who didn't resist because they knew that resistance was useless. They could only let the Marines lock them up and wait until they are taken away and thrown into prison.

"Is this Vice Admiral Garp's grandson? You really caught him," Bogard said in surprise when he saw Ace, who was standing behind Rodney with a displeased expression.

Ace had a much rougher, he didn't have good training along the way and was served as a special person. The food was delicious and spicy, but the little bit of meat he had would be gone after a training session.

"This guy eats as much as everyone on a ship. On the way here, I even hunted and killed two small Sea Kings to make up for his consumption," Rodney explained.

"Well, where is Vice Admiral Garp? I brought back his eldest grandson," Rodney asked.

"The Vice Admiral is at the only tavern in the village," Bogard responded.

"Okay, Ace, let's go."

"No, I don't want to see that stinky old man!" Ace tried to resist Rodney, but it was futile with the Seastone Cuffs on. He couldn't possibly match Rodney's strength.

"These are Seastone Cuffs? Did Vice Admiral Garp's grandson also become a Devil Fruit user?" Bogard asked, glancing at Rodney.

"Captain Smoker crossed paths with me. He put a bounty on me, three million bellies, so..." Rodney looked at Bogart with embarrassment, implying the reason for Ace's capture.

Bogard understood and smiled. "No problem. It's simple to revoke a bounty under 10 million bellies. I'll notify the authorities to lift your bounty. I didn't expect you to catch a Devil Fruit user."

Having spent a few days together on the ship, they knew that Rodney wasn't a Devil Fruit user and would have a hard time dealing with people with Devil Fruit's abilities. But they were surprised that he managed to capture Ace despite that.

"Haha, luck is luck. I'll be leaving now, and I'll leave him in your care," Rodney said, setting Ace down. No matter how much Ace struggled, it was useless.

"Ace? Isn't that Ace?" Windmill Village wasn't that big, and the people at the port immediately recognized Ace, who had been away for a few months. They couldn't understand why he had suddenly returned and been captured.

"Excuse me, sir, could you tell me how to get to the tavern?" Rodney stopped an old man wearing a yellow shirt with a heart symbol.

The old man pointed in a direction and said, "Go from there, turn right, and the third house on the right is the tavern. Why did you arrest him?"

"Arrest him? His grandfather asked me to," Rodney replied without thinking.

Ace, who was on Rodney's shoulder, exchanged a look with the old man, who smiled, making Ace feel uneasy. He had set off from Windmill Village with pride and ambition, but now he returned in embarrassment and humiliation. 

It was far from what he had imagined. He had envisioned returning after becoming the Pirate King, showing everyone in the village what he had accomplished. He wanted them to respect and admire him, as well as despise his father.

"Hey! Rodney, let me go! I don't want to come back here!" Ace shouted, but no matter what he said, Rodney paid no attention. Every time Ace spoke up, Rodney would simply stuff his mouth with food.


Garp's bubble of snot burst, and he woke up. "No, I fell asleep," he muttered. Looking at the sleeping grandson in his hand, he punched him again. "How long are you going to sleep, Luffy?"

"Ouch! That hurts! Let me go!" Luffy, who never gave up, weakly protested as he was being beaten by his grandfather, showing the deep psychological impact Garp had left on him since childhood.

"Smelly old man, let go of Luffy!" Ace, weakened by the handcuffs, could only threaten Garp with his words.

"Sorry, Ace, I worked hard for my Rokushiki. We won't have any grudges afterward," Rodney reassured him.

"Bastard! You tied me up! How can there be no grudges? Once I break free from these lousy handcuffs, I'll beat you up!" Ace shouted, feeling a mixture of shame and anger as he looked at the familiar surroundings and the villagers who had watched him grow up.

"This is it, right?" Rodney and Ace arrived at the tavern. Before they entered, they heard Garp's roar from inside, "Luffy, you brat! How many times have I told you to join the Marines and become a great marine? Eat my Iron Fist of Love!"

"Ouch! It hurts so much! Grandpa!" A boy's scream echoed from the tavern, accompanied by a gentle woman's voice trying to calm Garp down. "Vice Admiral Garp, stop hitting him! Luffy's face is all swollen."

Upon hearing that Luffy's face was swollen, Ace shouted, "Old man, stop hitting Luffy! Rodney, let me go! I want to protect Luffy!"

Rodney pushed the tavern door open, set Ace down, and said to the old man behind the bar, who was raising his fist and dozing off with a boy wearing a straw hat on his lap, "Vice Admiral Garp, I've brought back the person you wanted. I'll take my leave now."

Makino, the tavern's proprietor, saw Ace and exclaimed, "Ace? Weren't you supposed to be out at sea?"

"Ace?" The other customers in the tavern also expressed surprise when they saw Ace.

Garp and Luffy turned their attention to Ace at the same time. Garp was delighted, while Luffy was shocked.

"Hahaha! Well done, Rodney boy! You did a great job! Do you want to join the Marines and tag along with me?" Garp laughed upon seeing Ace, who was still bound. He was very satisfied with Rodney's work.

As Garp laughed, the system also notified Rodney that the task was completed. The 800 quest points, Majestic Destroyer Flame, and Sharingan were credited to his account.

A special chakra began to converge toward Rodney's eyes, causing him discomfort. He couldn't help but rub his eyes, and as he did, they turned red. Three black tomoe swirled slowly around his pupils, giving his eyes a sinister and ominous appearance. Garp was taken aback and asked, "Boy Rodney, what's wrong with your eyes?"

"It's nothing. Occasionally, my eyes become like this," Rodney replied, concealing the fact that he now possessed Sharingan. 

Having acquired Sharingan, the world appeared different to him. Everyone's movements seemed extremely slow in his eyes. Even though he wasn't from the Uchiha clan, with the help of the system, he had seamlessly integrated with these eyes. However, it would take some time for him to get used to the slower world he perceived through his eyes.

"I have Devil Fruit too!" Luffy, who had wriggled out of Garp's grasp, shouted as he saw Ace bound on the ground. His arm stretched out like a rubber pistol, striking Rodney at lightning speed.

To Rodney, it appeared as if Luffy's attack was happening in slow motion. He swiftly dodged to the side, grabbed Luffy's arm, and threw him out of the tavern. 

All of this transpired in the blink of an eye, thanks to Rodney's enhanced vision.

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