
I Will Become Hokage in One Piece

Rodney transmigrates into the world of pirates with the addition of the Naruto System. He acquires various ninjutsu, taijutsu, genjutsu, Bloodline Limit, and the Sharingan... A dazzling array of ninja techniques shines brightly in this world as he completes missions, exchanges skills, and aims to become the Hokage! Please give this novel 5 stars review and power stone ;) Read a few chapters ahead on readfanfic.com Read up to 30 chapters ahead on p atreon. https://www.p atreon.com/ThePirate Our community on discord: discord. gg /t66agbE

nyawdao3 · Anime & Comics
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152 Chs

Justice? Whose?

Chapter 146: Justice? Whose?

Faced with Rodney's question, Fujitora hesitated for a moment. Rodney smiled and said, "Instead of struggling here, why not become a new force in my territory? My domain is currently in a rapid development phase."

Fujitora remained silent for a moment and released the gravity weighing down on the black-clad bodyguards. He spoke in a solemn tone, "I can't trust you. I can only trust what my own eyes see."

Upon hearing this, Rodney raised an eyebrow. "Aren't you planning to blind yourself later?"

Well, if Fujitora wasn't going to blind himself, that was fortunate. He'd have to pretend to be blind in the future. But if his eyes were intact, why did he carry a cane? Wouldn't a sword be more appealing?

"No worries, you can do as you please. What should I call you?"

"Just call me Fujitora," he replied succinctly, sheathing his cane and standing quietly to the side.

"Alright, Mr. Fujitora." 

Rodney turned to the black-clad bodyguards and said, "What are you all standing around for? Get those kids onto the ship. If a single hair on their heads is harmed, I'll have your lives."

Among the black-clad bodyguards, one particularly stubborn individual, who had been irritated by Fujitora's earlier admonishment, hadn't heard Rodney's self-introduction and didn't know his identity. He rushed forward, wanting to teach him a lesson.

The result? He ended up face-down on the ground with legs gone limp.

"Overestimating yourself," Rodney commented, looking at the few remaining bodyguards. "What are the rest of you waiting for? Get to work. I want all the children on Gran Tesoro's ship by the time I leave."

"Yes," the group of bodyguards replied, sweating profusely.

This man was too formidable. His aura gave them the feeling of facing Lord Tesoro himself, or perhaps even something more terrifying. Despite his mild manner, a palpable sense of danger emanated from him.

"So, Mr. Fujitora, are you going to follow me, or will you join me later?" Rodney asked.

"For the sake of caution, I'll follow you," Fujitora replied after some thought.

"No problem. I happen to be going to the casino again. Would you like to come along?"

"Is it really alright to let those people handle the children like that?" 

Fujitora expressed concern. His Observation Haki allowed him to "see" what was happening, and the men handling the children seemed quite ruthless. He feared the kids might get hurt.

Rodney said, "I can't take them all by myself, and they wouldn't trust me either. Mr. Fujitora, wouldn't it be better for them to endure some hardship now than to live like this for the next few years? What do you think?"

Fujitora fell silent for a moment, then nodded.

 "Indeed, short-lived suffering is incomparable to long-term agony. So, Mr. Rodney, are you really doing this for the children?"

Rodney laughed, "Haha, of course not. I've said it before; I need them. My territory is under construction and needs fresh blood. These children, despite their potentially skewed values, are just what I need. We'll educate them and set their values straight."

"Education? Rehabilitation?"

"Special education!"


"The first task for them is to change their values. So, I'll have them mingle with kids their age. The environment is the most influential factor in shaping a child's character. The kids from Availiton, though a bit rough, are inherently kind-hearted. I believe they can influence these children for the better." Rodney explained in a low voice as he and Fujitora entered the casino.

As they walked, Fujitora asked, "Mr. Rodney, why are you doing this? These children might indeed possess talent. But isn't the investment in nurturing them from such a young age too substantial?"

Fujitora couldn't fathom why Rodney would go to such lengths for the potential loyalty of his subordinates. He found it hard to grasp.

Rodney grinned as he won a large sum of money. Then, they changed tables and continued playing, this time betting on the opposite outcomes.

"So, Mr. Rodney, what are your thoughts on the Marines?" Fujitora inquired.

"Justice is unquestionably important, but it's not always the same as their justice. It's the justice of the world's population, which is often influenced by the World Government," Rodney replied. 

"They can commit atrocities in the name of orders, protect those they know they shouldn't, and their sense of justice can waver because of the World Government or the Celestial Dragons."

"In general, they've protected many people, but a lot of individuals, even within the Marines, struggle with their own sense of justice."

It was precisely because of that sense of justice, not the one they imagined! Fujitora fell silent, and Rodney won again.

They changed tables once more, and Rodney bet big again.

"Mr. Rodney, do you believe in justice?" 

Fujitora looked into Rodney's clear, spirited eyes, seeking an answer.

"I do believe in it. How could I not? But I believe in my own justice!"

"I'd like to hear more about it."

"My justice is doing what I believe is right. If I think it's right, then it is. If I think it's wrong, then it is. I don't care what others think!" Rodney uncovered the dice cup, revealing a small result.

"Your sense of justice is too narrow and selfish."

"So what? I've never cared about what others think of me. I just do what I believe is right. Call me selfish or stubborn, but what does it matter? I'm Rodney, and I'm me. As long as I'm doing what I believe is right, that's all that matters."

He put down the chips and laughed heartily. 

"Why should I go along with the flow? Why should I follow this world's worldview? I can set this world on fire all by myself!" The people around him stared as if he were mad.

He paid them no mind, and together with Fujitora, he exited the casino. 

"What a terrifying world this is. They divide people into classes, from the highest echelons who enjoy the world's resources to the lowest, the slaves, who have no right to live or die. Mr. Fujitora, have you seen those people at the Human Auctioning House?"

Fujitora fell silent for a moment before replying, "Yes, I have."

"Do you remember that horrifying scene? I couldn't see a glimmer of hope in their eyes, only numbness towards life. I may be a... cold-blooded person, but sometimes, there's still warmth in me, burning hot. Mr. Fujitora, humans can be truly ugly at times. I've walked this world for a long time, and I haven't seen many shining examples of humanity. You know what? At first, I didn't plan to intervene in this. I was going to endure it until I couldn't anymore."

His values had always compelled him to take action when he couldn't stand by and watch. Some might call him a bleeding heart, or say he was meddling too much. But he was just that kind of person, obstinate to the point that once he believed in something, he would never change his mind, and he wouldn't regret it because everyone had to be responsible for their own actions. 

He would be responsible for this, even if it meant leaving a trail of bodies in his wake or potentially destroying the world.

But what did it matter?

He wouldn't adapt to this world because he couldn't. Since he couldn't adapt, he would make the world adapt to him. He would make this world into what he wanted to see.

Fujitora saw madness in this man, but he also saw a spark named "justice."

That flame... might truly set this world on fire!

Originally, Fujitora had been prepared to blind himself and stop looking at the world's filth, but now, he was somewhat glad he hadn't. It was a blessing to be able to see this person.

This man might cause a terrible disaster called war in the future. However, if he succeeded, an unimaginably beautiful world awaited the people of the world.

Fujitora wanted to witness it!

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