
I Will Become Hokage in One Piece

Rodney transmigrates into the world of pirates with the addition of the Naruto System. He acquires various ninjutsu, taijutsu, genjutsu, Bloodline Limit, and the Sharingan... A dazzling array of ninja techniques shines brightly in this world as he completes missions, exchanges skills, and aims to become the Hokage! Please give this novel 5 stars review and power stone ;) Read a few chapters ahead on readfanfic.com Read up to 30 chapters ahead on p atreon. https://www.p atreon.com/ThePirate Our community on discord: discord. gg /t66agbE

nyawdao3 · Anime & Comics
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152 Chs

Entering the Sea Forest

Chapter 123: Entering the Sea Forest

"Boil Release: Steam Fist Gun!"

"Fishman Karate: 5,000-Watt Straight Punch!"

The two attacks easily shattered the already battered Flying Dutchman.

Rodney exhaled a hot breath, and his whole body seemed to shift into second gear like Luffy. The Yin Seal avoided, and there shouldn't be any more trouble ahead. He looked at Vander Decken and the others falling from the sky and ascended into the sky with Moon Walk.

"Vacuum Sword!"


In the air, Vander Decken couldn't turn his body, and with a physique far inferior to Shikibu and the others, he could only passively endure the beatings. His body had several deep wounds, bleeding profusely. Suddenly, his neck felt a sharp pain as a scorching hot hand grabbed it.


The scalding steam began to damage his neck, making him scream uncontrollably. In his desperate struggle, his hand accidentally struck Rodney's arm, and then came the pain as Rodney severed his hand with a blade.

Making Vander Decken lose his abilities was a very easy task.

"Fortunate, King Neptune, Vander Decken, the one who has been giving you a headache, has been captured just like this. I thought it would take more time, but it turns out he's this weak," Rodney said, somewhat dissatisfied, tossing Vander Decken to the ground. 


It seemed he was very unsatisfied with Vander Decken's strength. Clearly, you could use your Devil Fruit power to throw yourself as a projectile. As long as you maintained a target, you could throw yourself as a projectile.

An escape method. Rodney had thought Vander Decken had considered this and had deliberately set up many ambushes, but now it seemed he had wasted his effort.

"Really? You've succeeded already, Vander Decken!" 

King Neptune glared at Vander Decken, the one who had been harassing and intimidating his daughter all this time. Today, he finally saw him!

He wished he could skin and disembowel this guy, but he didn't want his daughter to see that scene.

"Shirahoshi! Shirahoshi! Where have you hidden Shirahoshi? She's right here, isn't she?!" 

Vander Decken, enduring the pain, shouted loudly, seeing Princess Shirahoshi emerge from beneath her disguise!

Seeing that beautiful face, he said, "Ah! Shirahoshi! My beautiful wife! Come and save me!"

This narcissistic guy had long considered Shirahoshi his wife and had a possessive attitude towards her. If he couldn't have her, he'd destroy her.

Shirahoshi hid behind King Neptune, looking timidly at him, shaking her head. King Neptune and Shirahoshi's three brothers heard Vander Decken's address to Shirahoshi and were so furious that their three souls nearly jumped out, almost drawing their swords.

Rodney stepped on Vander Decken's head and said, "Enough, stop dreaming. How can you think Hoshi Princess would ever be with you?"

"Impossible! She is my beloved wife! She's just shy, that's why she hasn't accepted my love yet!"

"Shut up! Is that love? You're just lusting after her! You scoundrel!"

"Hmph! Superficial!" 

Although Vander Decken had lost an arm, somehow he still looked vigorous as he continued to speak. He looked at Shirahoshi and said, "Shirahoshi, there's no one in this world more deserving of you than me. Be my wife!"

Shirahoshi peeked out from behind King Neptune, timidly saying, "Mr. Vander, you're not my type."


It was as if everyone could hear Vander Decken's heart shatter.

"Being rejected in a confession must be heartbreaking, right?" 

Robin, on the side, once again reopened Vander Decken's emotional wounds and poured salt on them.

"Why bother with that 'Mr.' stuff? Princess Shirahoshi, you're being polite," Robin shook her head, saying, "In any case, this guy is mine now. Lei Jiu, go collect Vander Decken's bounty. As for Robin, come with me. Let's go to the Sea Forest together."

As he spoke, he inserted his knife into Vander Decken's chest, took his life, and earned some mission points. Then he and Robin entered the Sea Forest.

"Captain, do you know where the main text of history is?" After entering the Sea Forest, Robin asked.

"Don't worry, leave it to me. Shadow Clone Technique!"

A group of shadow clones appeared beside him, and he said, "The target is the main text of history! Then, disperse!"


The shadow clones scattered to search for the hidden main text of history within the Sea Forest.

Before long, one of the shadow clones returned with memories. Rodney smiled and said, "It's here; we're ready to go."


Following her captain, she asked softly, "Captain, why are you interested in the main text of history?"

"No, I'm not interested in the main text of history; I'm interested in the truth of Laugh Tale. What exactly did Pirate King Roger leave for the world? Don't you wonder what 'One Piece' is? Don't you want to know about those blank 100 years? Robin, human curiosity can be deadly, but after satisfying that curiosity, it's a great feeling."

"You can say such things; you really live up to your name, Captain. I'll help you decipher it."

"That's a relief, Robin."

"Well, it's just my job. Sharing what I know with others is also a pleasure." She would never have said such words before, but the person in front of her was different. He was a man who dared to fight against enemies he knew he couldn't defeat, for her and her comrades.

"Is that so? Sharing one's happiness with others is like doubling it. Sharing resources online is like multiplying them countless times. Hehehe, not being able to go online is really uncomfortable."

Seeing Rodney talk nonsense again, Robin shook her head with a smile. This guy was good in every way, but he loved saying meaningless things. Of course, he also had a habit of causing explosions while cooking!

"Captain, are you sure this is the right way?" After walking for a while, Robin asked.

"Huh? Well... I think so?" Rodney wasn't entirely sure.

Hearing this, Robin narrowed her eyes and said, "So, Captain, did you get lost again?"

"What? How could I get lost? I'm Warlord Magician Rodney!" He slapped his chest, saying confidently.

This made Robin understand. Indeed, he had gotten lost. He was directionally challenged, but fortunately not to the point of getting lost on a straight path. He would only get lost on complicated routes.

"Fine, let me create a direct path." Rodney couldn't help but grasp the hilt of his sword and wanted to clear a path with his might.

Unfortunately, a hand grew from his waist and stopped his hand about to draw the sword, saying, "Captain, this is Fish-Man Island with a long history. Please don't destroy any artifacts."

She hated people who destroyed artifacts. Although most of the Sea Forest was made up of coral and such, there might be precious items hidden among them. If Rodney damaged them, it would distress her.

"Alright, alright, alright. I'll listen to you." 

He let go of the hilt, and the arm on his waist turned into petals and dissipated. Rodney said, "You lead the way. Hopefully, Captain, you won't wander off on your own next time. Otherwise, it'll be very troublesome for me and the others to find you."

"I got it, I got it!"

Following behind Robin, this girl had an exceptional sense of direction; she had actually found the true historical text.

Like the historical text in Alabasta, it was a large square stone with meaningless inscriptions on it. In this world, apart from Robin, hardly anyone could decipher them.

The historical text was covered in moss. Rodney swept all the moss off it. These historical texts were made of nearly indestructible materials; otherwise, they would have crumbled long ago after years of exposure to the elements.

He couldn't help but wonder how those people had processed these stones back then.

Suppressing his curiosity, he waited quietly, letting Robin carefully decipher the content.

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