
I Will Be There For You

Yan Longwei was a regular highschool student. He wanted to have a normal life, without any troubles and difficulties. But that all changed when the new transfer student arrived. Instantly, she became the talk of the school. “Her beauty has no bounds!” “She’s the one for me!” All these words were said. For Yan Longwei, “Kill!” “Why is that nerd sitting next to her!” “Murder! Murder! Murder!” As fate has it, the two’s lives were intertwined. What would be in store with the two of them. Made my cover in Canvas

Teaisnice · Urban
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13 Chs

Chapter 13: A Ominous feeling

Chapter 13: A Ominous feeling

"Longwei!" Cheng Lihua called out to Yan Longwei, but the guy kept walking. It was as if her words were air. It got to the point where Cheng Lihua frowned.

And then,

"Longwei!!!" Cheng Lihua screamed so loud that everyone paused to look at the two!

That snapped him out of his funk. He turned around,

"What do you-" Yan Longwei was going to ask why she would scream so loud. But he paused because Cheng Lihua's eyes were red. She was about to cry at any moment.

"Don't ignore me." Cheng Lihua sniffled at each word.

"Ahhh," Yan Longwei didn't know what to say. But he heard everyone around him,

"How dare he make such a beauty cry?"

"Dammit! That guy! I'm going to kill him!"

"We'll jump him at the same time!"

Everyone around leaked out a murderous aura, ready to kill Yan Longwei without a thought.

Ahh. Yan Longwei could only sigh as he walked up to Cheng Lihua, "Alright, alright. Don't cry. This is my fault." He was lost in thoughts as he walked. He might've walked into the streets if Cheng Lihua didn't scream at him.

Cheng Lihua quickly shook her head, "No! You don't need to apologize. You did nothing wrong."

Girl, you are adding fuel to the fire!

"Such an angel!"

"Why does this guy have such a sweet and innocent girl as his girlfriend!"

"The heavens are too unfair!"

"Here, blow your nose." Yan Longwei took a handkerchief and placed it on her nose. Cheng Lihua quickly tried to move away,

"I-I can do it myself." Yan Longwei shook his head, "Just do it right now. I have my hand extended already."

"...Ok." Cheng Lihua blew her nose into her handkerchief. It was cute and quick.

"Alright, let's go now." There was no need to stay in this place any longer.

"Ok!" Cheng Lihua nodded, and the two started to walk again.

Yan Longwei asked, "How have your classes been going?"

"I've been doing fine. Everyone is nice to me, and I think it will be fun." These past few days have been fun for her. Albeit the confessions she received, the students were kind to her.

"You got that protection squad too?" Yan Longwei chuckled, remembering that.

Cheng Lihua became embarrassed, "I don't know what to say to them."

"Yeah, they faint." Every time Cheng Lihua tried to talk to them, those guys would pass out from shock!


"But they are doing good." Despite the unneeded protection, they did do something nice. They cut off a number of people wanting to confess to her.

Students they thought were in over their heads were thrown out the door! Yesterday, one student with average looks was thrown out of the classroom.

"I feel bad for my classmate." Remembering how he got thrown out of the room, Cheng Lihua felt regret.

"Eh, he kinda deserved it." Yan Longwei said, "He was trying to hit on you. You know that, right?"

"I know, but."

Yan Longwei sighed, "You're too good of a person. But let's not talk about this. It seems that you're having trouble understanding the class."

Taking slight glances, Yan Longwei noticed Cheng Lihua frowning from time to time.

Cheng Lihua scratched her face, "Mmhmm. I do have some problems from today too. Can you help me out today as well?"

At night, Yan Longwei would be the one to help her out with the materials she didn't understand. It had become a daily routine.

Yan Longwei nodded, "I got some free time today."

"Thank you so much!" Cheng Lihua nodded her head!

"Hey, stop that. Aunty told me to help you as much as possible. So I'm doing just that." Yan Longwei said,

"Come on, let's go home. We'll get it done quickly."



"Ahhh." Yan Longwei yawned loudly. Hearing this, Cheng Lihua asked,

"Did you get enough sleep?"

"Mmmhmmm. I'm just not a morning person." Yan Longwei said casually. But then he asked,

"Do you understand everything now?" The two were walking to school. To and from school was a usual thing for them.

"Mmhmm! I think I got 50 percent down!"

50 percent? That isn't good. Despite Yan Longwei's thoughts, he couldn't say anything because of her proud expression.

But Yan Longwei knew something was off. Whenever he taught Cheng Lihua what to do, a frown plastered on her face.

He explained it a couple of times before she got it. But it was odd for him.

"If you have trouble in class, tell the teacher about it." Yan Longwei added.

"Understood." Cheng Lihua nodded.


During class,

"Cheng Lihua, could you read this passage?" The teacher asked, and Cheng Lihua nodded. The students looked eager, ready to listen to every word.

This was the first time Cheng Lihua spoke out loud in front of everyone.

"In haf been ten days sinwe we hade-" As Cheng Lihua talked, the student's expressions contorted.

What is going on?! How could the beauty mess up in reading it?! Her voice was beautiful. The problem was that the words that came out of her mouth were wrong!

Looking at Cheng Lihua's serious expression, it didn't seem like a joke either!

It didn't take long before Cheng Lihua finished! She took a deep breath as she sat back down.

"T-thank you." Even the teacher was surprised something like this happened.

"I'm sorry." Cheng Lihua apologized as she explained, "I have difficulties understanding the contents."

The teacher shook his head, "No, you don't need to apologize. It was my mistake. I forgot about it." He turned to another student, asking him to do it.

But the guy stuttered too. What Cheng Lihua did was so strong for everyone.

I knew it. Yan Longwei was the only one who was calm. He had a hunch there was something off with Cheng Lihua. It was too odd that she often needed help with some simple things.

But that didn't matter right now.

All he knew was that something bad was going to happen next.