
I Will Be The Villain

-Read my new book Nightmare Mythos!! “I’ll get back to my world no matter what even if I had to kill everyone here just to achieve it. “If that’s how everything will turn out at the end of my miseries then… I will be the villain.” … Lander, a normal worker and novel writer, found himself in the body of one of his mid-level boss villains, Duke Mauberon after a peculiar circumstance occurred to him. Yet, three years have already passed since the very start of his work. “Sir Duke, we finished off our preparation. It’s finally time to wage war in the world.” Slapped with the refutable fact that he got transmigrated, Lander, or, the current Duke, had to find a way to return to his home, Earth. Yet as he searches for methods to do it, Duke encounters strings of mysteries, challenging crises, and tremendous obstacles that get him tangled up in his goal. … “I’m worried about myself… I might go crazy while searching for a way home." Thought, is that really a problem? I was already crazy before I even came here...

Ordki_Hozei · Fantasy
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50 Chs

Underworld Overlords

"Oh my…"

As soon my eyes blinked to see the world, it didn't leave me feeling a second of relief, instead, a sensation of excruciating pain was injected into my forehead, then to my body. The last thing I knew, my body was in an intense mess.

Oh, how I wished to sleep once again.

It was really a surreal adventure since while I was asleep, I'd been dreaming about different kinds of scenes where I'd returned to my world joyously.

A blissful moment until reality slaps me back into its own world.

Well, that was just a dream. No matter how happy you are in that world, it will never be the same in real life.

So if that was the dream…

'Is this the reality?'

Why in the world do half of my officials are in this room of mine, some are currently resting while others are guarding.

Wait… this isn't my room.

White marbled spacious room… a weird-looking ceiling fan that had a few similarities to my world… a few technology items that almost looked like life supports for a person in need…

Am I in a hospital, sleeping in its hospital bed? No, that can't be. We're going to risk our information.

It must be the organization's infirmary.


Meera's ears perked up, shifting her gaze towards my bed. Realizing that I was awake, she shrieked as if she had seen a dead coming back to life.

"Eeeeek! B-boss… awake!"

The Weize family that was guarding the far end of the room, immediately rushed by my side as the other officials began waking up, their piercing gaze at me, showing signs of relief and gratitude.

"Boss!" Orelia shouted in delight, almost tearful, "Thank you, sweet heavens!"

"Praise the heavens!" Her husband, Leomord, followed suit as they clasped their hands together.

Not going to deal with their nonsense, I proceeded right on the topic.

"How long was I out?"

It shouldn't be longer than three days, right? I can clearly remember what happened before I collapsed but that doesn't mean my unconscious state should be any longer than that.

"A week."

'A what?'

"For real?"

"Yes, sir."

Sezter answered on behalf of Maria, who was still in a daze, realizing that her boss was indeed back from being half-lost state.

With a smile on her face, Sezter added, "And we've dealt small fries that tried to harm you. Now, we're going for the bigger fish and we'll do it all together."

'Small fries? Bigger fish? Why are we mentioning those scary words… What on earth is happening…'

Perturbed at how this was going, shouldn't they put their mind that I was gone for a week!? Literally, everything could happen in that span of time.

Why are they blabbering weird stuff...?


Finally, the relieved Maria spoke while placing her hand on mine. Her soft hand felt calming for some reason as if she was going to say something nice for the first time.

"We will give the underworld for you."


"So please sit tight and have fun on yourself. The others have informed about your situation and everyone's on the same boat."

'No, no, no… I was supposed to take the underworld for you guys, not the other way around… Aren't your attention on the war that was canceled? Weren't you guys supposed to do something about it, like betraying me or orchestrating something behind my back?'

I felt like my head would throb once again if I pursued this train of thought.

This one week felt too long as if there were much more to understand and know, sensing that a lot occurred.

"How about we let boss have some alone time with himself?" Heralton suggested with his usual benign expression, "We'll continue staying outside but I think he needed some fresh air of himself."

"Y-yeah." Maria was in total agreement as she was the first one to stand up, "Just continue to recuperate yourself, boss. We'll get revenge on those bastards soon."

'Just who on earth are we talking about?'

Leaving that thought in mind, my men began exiting the room. Finally, the room was at peace, and I was alone.

My eyes soon noticed a newspaper on the table on my side where a cold supper was placed. If I had to see what actually happened, the newspapers could help me know it.

I started reading…

…and my face scowled after a few minutes of tracing the words 'sigil of the intertwined fallen wings, destroying the mid-size picky fifty gang'

It wasn't on the Underworld's Hot Topic but was just slightly below it. Still, this was on this week's news where everyone in the underworld or even people outside could see.


My initial reaction was gone, replacing my usual one.

'This isn't so bad at all.'

So what if they wanted to get the underworld for me? I can always redeem it back to them, saying along the lines 'they put so much work into this, they should enjoy the fruit of their labors and such'

For some reason, this put a faint smile on my face. Doing tedious work isn't really suited for me and since it's something they wanted to do for my sake, I wouldn't stop them.

'Still, an assassination? Did they come up with that conclusion after realizing a pool of blood from my room?'

Everything started to click together now.

They misunderstood that this act was some sort of assassination that involved the Picky Fifty Gang which led them to their demise.

But when thinking about it deeply, they should've realized that the mid-size gang didn't have enough strength to pull it off which could only mean…

'The Underworld's Overlords.'

Even with all the reports we've gathered from the picky gang, they must've thought they had a relation to them since there's not a single connection between the mid-size gang to these overlords.

I mean, there actually aren't. Just an entirely misunderstood circumstance.

But even so, seeing my men weren't afraid to leave the traces of our movement and the sigil itself, it was safe to assume that they were ready to fight them head-on.

Besides, if we get to fight them, at least we have an advantage. Because these renowned overlords, I know all of them. Whether they were the real boss, the fakes, or the ones in hiding, I knew them all.

Well, because I made them.

As for the other individuals and groups below them, that's something my precious men had to do their jobs. This is the reason why I had to ask Maria to find the leader of the picky fifty gang which was hiding outside the underworld.


There's a reason why these despicable and awful people continued to do illegal operations under the administration's nose. Of course, only a considerable amount of people knew about this.

It was because the main character had connections with these people, all for good reasons. Yet, these overlords, seeing this as an opportunity, used this to get a hold of the current rising star of the world.

They formed a truce. It wasn't just a simple agreement as it happened right in the middle timeline of Fiend's Day continuous attack.

With their assistance, they help the main character to fend off the Fiends, in exchange for complete control in the underworld.

But now that the war was over, both sides commenced finding chances to eradicate opposite foes. The main character holds a reputation that is just too strong for a moment and the overlords are doing shady activities which both hurt the people and the main character herself.

They are just partner-contract alliances and nothing sort of friends who could help each other without any payment in return.

'It will be a bloodbath soon.'

And I don't want any part of it. Well, even if it indeed happens, I should be far from it and entirely put all my focus on my way to going back.

Resting my back to the bed's headboard, I whistled.

"Everything's fine so far…"

Is it right for me to think that?

If I'm following the current timeline, chaos from inside and outside will ensue. Whether they were part of it, not part of it, or had something to do about it, everyone and everything will get entangled in this pit of chaos.

'Hahh, I'm such an awful person.'


Suddenly, as my thoughts were wandering around, I heard voices coming right outside of my bedroom before the door opened.

"Gabby, I told you he is resting—"


The door opened, revealing a tailored suit, young man looking straight at me while calling out politely.

Gabby Quertz

An official member of our organization and the one who is handling our matters outside the underworld. He is also an executive member of our largest legitimate business outside and the other businesses we've had that are all legal.

He's a very important member of our group like the others but he was also very famous. One could say he's a professional politician and expert on laws.

Many wanted to hire him but Duke managed to recruit him on his side.

'What is he doing here?'

Now, there are only two reasons why he had to come here. First, there's an urgent meeting that requires all officials' presence.

And number two…

"Sir, your… uncle wants to see you."

Something bad happens on the outside.

"As painful as it sounds, I believe sir Jams time is slowly running out."

Since I've just woken up, Sezter and Vodry advised me to take another day to rest. At least, my body has enough energy to recuperate which I followed thoroughly as I'm also worried about my well-being.

And now, they quietly escorted me through one of the private elevators available.

"Do you have anything you need, sir?"

"Yes, I have everything I need."

"We'll do anything we can to make your dream come true."


That took a weird turn. And, a funny thought ran through my head, urging my lips to say 'You don't even know what my dream is' but refrain from doing so.

"Let's go."

Paying the farer a single gold coin, Gabby and I entered the elevator. Halfway through our designated area and to remove the unending silence, I start the topic.

"How's business?"

"It's doing great, sir."

"Any problem it faced so far?"

"A bit but nothing that requires your attention. Rest assured that I'll handle these things with complete control."

I asked him a few more questions, all relating to business, and stopped when the door of the elevator dinged and opened.

Exiting room after another, we were once again in an inn which is full of people who weren't that great. The mood is tense. There are beggars everywhere, adventurers wanting to be recruited, and so on.

While the rich and successful people were delighted to eat even a single piece of meat, these poor ones couldn't even drink a bottle of water.

All of this happen because of the corrupt law officers that transpired throughout the time. Fiends' Day just made this situation worse.

"Our ride is here, sir." Gabby pointed his hand at one exit of the room before lowering the black hat he was wearing.

Nodding once, we slowly walked towards the exit. Walking leisurely and once we're there, the door opens revealing two people entering the inn.

Those two people made way and both of us exited as if nothing happened. We quietly ambled towards the end of the street where Gabby guided me towards the carriage.


Once there, I immediately stopped myself from entering. My eyes closed, an ominous feeling surrounding my pounding heart as I mused:

'It's her…'

The main character of my novel character, a person whose reputation is irrefutable as of the moment, and even if she was wearing a skin mask as I did, her gem-like eyes were just enough for me to know that it was indeed her.

Cayenne Forthringer

'Why is she here?'