
Chapter 10

Narrator's POV

"Why so hostile, huh Hiro?" said Illumi, emerging from behind a tree.

From the moment Hiro called him, Illumi quickly made his presence known in a strange way by removing some needles from his face.

At first, Hiro thought Illumi had only planted needles on Kilua, but it seems he was really wrong.

"I can feel I don't have his smell on me, but who knows if he'll put needles in me later to monitor me better" thought Hiro with a slight shiver.

"Tell me, how did you detect my needle?" asked Illumi in his usual emotionless voice.

"I don't believe Mother or Father ever taught you anything that would allow you to sense it, and I can see you currently can't do it," he continued.

To Illumi, Hiro's level should be slightly below Kilua's. So he shouldn't be a danger to him, nor be able to detect him and his needles.

But the facts showed he was wrong and that Hiro could detect his needles and even track him from one of them.

"I don't have to answer that, but you on the other hand, what did you do to Canary with that needle and what are you doing here?" I said calmly.

"If he's here, it's surely because he's on a mission, but why was he near our hotel? I need to get information from him," thought Hiro.

"That is unfortunate," said Illumi, blatantly ignoring Hiro's question.

"Now that you're aware of my presence here, it risks displeasing Father," expressed Illumi with a sigh.

"I'm going to have to make you keep my presence here a secret since Father would be disappointed if he knew I got detected when I'm supposed to be discreet."

Once Illumi finished speaking, the atmosphere around them had completely changed.

If Hiro could compare the air around him, it would be similar to when he was about to die on Earth.

"So this is the power of Nen?" thought Hiro, feeling all his enhanced senses screaming at him to flee and put maximum distance between him and Illumi.

"I would have preferred to avoid combat, but Illumi isn't the type to easily change his mind once it's made, unless the opponent can inflict serious damage on him, so someone who plays in the same league," Hiro could only think quickly.

Currently, Hiro's physical abilities are below Illumi's and he doesn't know Nen. But Illumi has already learned it and compared to him who still lacks real life-or-death combat experience, Illumi must surely possess some.

"I also have to give up the Zoldyck techniques since Illumi knows them all. So that just leaves him as my only option," thought Hiro about his sole trump card.

"Oh fuck it, I'll deal with the consequences later, but for now" thought Hiro while looking at Illumi.

"I'm going to finish you the old-fashioned way since you don't seem open to discussion," said Hiro.

It was the first time Hiro had shown this side of himself to someone in this world.

Even though Illumi had never had a long conversation with him, it was the first time he observed Hiro's face being so determined.

"What is he trying to do?" thought Illumi, making the first movements that would start this confrontation.

"Future Devil," said Hiro silently, dodging several needles thrown by Illumi.

"Ok Wolf Devil, I accept another contract," said Hiro mentally, contacting the Wolf Devil again for the day.

"You won't regret it, human. Now, let your wild nature run loose and quench your long repressed thirst," the Wolf Devil mentally told Hiro.

"Haaaaooouuuu," Hiro let out instinctively.

"What's going on?" Illumi couldn't understand the situation at all.

One moment, Hiro had dodged his needles, which had surprised him a bit given their speed. But after, Hiro had abruptly started screaming.

"No, he's not just screaming, his appearance is changing too," observed Illumi.

"I don't know what happened, but I have to knock him out quickly," thought Illumi, moving swiftly.

In an instant, he was already behind Hiro.

"Now," thought Illumi, trying to stick a needle in him.

"Too late, and thanks for just standing there like a typical shonen villain," said Hiro in a grave voice, not from his mouth but from a muzzle instead.

When Illumi heard that, it was too late since he was already sent flying by a kick or paw? from Hiro.

Hiro's appearance had changed in an instant. He no longer looked like a 6 year old boy but a bipedal half-human half-wolf creature.

"I don't like this boiling bloodlust within me," said Hiro in a monologue.

The ability Hiro had obtained from the Wolf Devil was a fusion. It combined Hiro and the Wolf Devil into one being, even if it was Hiro who kept control of the resulting body.

To put it simply, the first contract between Hiro and the Wolf Devil was quite straightforward, even if some found it inconvenient.

It consisted of providing Hiro with all the Wolf Devil's senses in exchange for which Hiro would provide him with a large quantity of meat. But the second contract was more delicate.

The reason was that the Wolf Devil had proposed being able to fuse often with Hiro. This would grant him all the devil's abilities and the advantages of humans.

But in exchange for giving him control of the body, the Wolf Devil could ask Hiro a question related to the future, since Hiro had informed him of his contract with the Future Devil.

Of course, Hiro didn't want to easily give out sensitive information since he doubted he could trust a devil. But Illumi hadn't left him a choice.

"I see you have some hidden tricks up your sleeve," said Illumi, looking at Hiro's current appearance.

"But if you think that's enough, you're sorely mistaken."

When Illumi finished speaking, the atmosphere around him had grown even heavier. Any ordinary human would die of fear on the spot, but Hiro was a Zoldyck.

Illumi had made needles appear out of nowhere from Hiro and the Wolf Devil's point of view.

"Try not to get too hurt, otherwise it would be troublesome to have to explain everything to Father and Mother."

"I see he's getting serious," thought Hiro, dodging while getting as close to Illumi as possible, making maximum use of the Future Devil's abilities.

The attacks and dodging continued, creating environmental destruction in the park.

"I have to end this quickly," concluded Hiro, observing the destruction around him which would eventually attract unwanted people.

And anyway, Hiro didn't have much time left. Not only had he contacted a specific devil twice tonight, but he had also used the Future Devil's power.

Not to mention his new physical abilities offered by this transformation were more consuming of endurance than expected, despite the Wolf Devil's support.

"Now's the time!" Hiro mentally shouted, lifting dust and leaves from the ground caused by the destruction of Illumi's needles.

Hiro had used them to reduce Illumi's visual capacity as much as possible.

"With my current physical abilities, I can do it," thought Hiro, executing an ability that didn't exist in either the HxH or Chainsaw Man worlds.

Every time Hiro was left alone after training with Zeno, he always tried to recreate various techniques from other fictional works. But it had always resulted in failures or half-finished techniques.

He had even come to ask Zeno for advice since he was more experienced than him. But Zeno had stated that Hiro should focus on Zoldyck techniques and not waste his time.

"Soru" was one of the many fictional techniques Hiro had tried to recreate, but in vain. He had given up, or more precisely put on pause.

The reason was that his young body was perhaps a factor contributing to these failures. But right now, he had to bet on it.

When Hiro used Soru in his new form, he felt himself abruptly gain speed in an instant and had rushed straight ahead.

Before Illumi could react, it was too late. Hiro was already upon him.

"How?" That was the last thought Illumi had before losing consciousness from the shock of the speed and Hiro's blow to his skull.


Author's note: This is the first fight scene I've ever written in my life 🤣🤣 and I'd like your opinion on it.

And for those who will say the protagonist is too young to beat Illumi, tell yourself Illumi underestimated him and doesn't know all the information about Hiro. And I'm not even talking about the fact that this Illumi is younger than the manga one.

And for those who will tell me "but how could he face a Nen user without Nen?" Know that there are Nen users who die from firearms 💀. Or there was Pokkle who got killed by chimera ants while he was a Nen user and they weren't at the time.

So being a Nen user doesn't mean you're invincible against ordinary people.

Finally, I have bad news 😢. I have the exams this week and next week. So posts will slow down a lot. You'll only get 3 per week max (3 chapters per week).

Please excuse me if I disappoint you😓.

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