
I Will Be the Strongest with My Slayer System

April was sure he died after getting assassinated on his way home from school. He wasn’t expecting to wake up in an orphanage, in the body of April Frost, in a parallel world. The world resembles his old one, except the supernatural is not just a story, although hidden, and he has some connection with it. Bad news though, he’s supposed to be twenty but he’s stuck in the body of a thirteen year old, both mentally and physically. It’s not all bad though since he has a system that supports him; the [Slayer System]. The more enemies he defeats, the stronger he becomes. One day, the orphanage April lives got involved in a territorial dispute between demons and vampires and became collateral damage. The only survivors were him and two others; Sylvia and Klint. *** “I will make them pay. I will become the strongest and I will make them pay!” *** April, Syril and Klint, ends up under the care of one Sakura Tsuchimikado, the famous Witch of the East. Under Sakura’s care, April and a few others investigate cases revolving around the supernatural, providing April with plenty of enemies to fight making him stronger and closer to his goal. But just as he and his comrades got into a rhythm, problems arise which involves the higher echelons of the supernatural and at the very center of it is April with his mysterious power. Will April become the strongest just as he desires? ******* A/N: This is an original fiction story. Although a few elements may seem familiar, it is still a fact that the events in this story came from the author's imagination. Also, I welcome honest and helpful reviews, comments and power stones. And feel to stick around. P.S. Cover was found on google and edited on Canva. Xoxo, Bai_Wu_Yue

Bai_Wu_Yue · Fantasy
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102 Chs

The WLA Special Program

So apart from having an observer, I apparently now have a bodyguard.

Isn't that too much?!

I have two people tailing me everywhere I go! Why did Sakura-nee even think of giving me a bodyguard? I'm perfectly capable on my own!

"Are you okay?" I hear Nicco ask in a whisper as he walks beside me.

No, I'm not.

But I can't exactly snap at Nicco.

We're currently inside the high school department of White Lotus Academy, the school I will be studying on for the next three years. Nicco and Shino are both with me since they will be attending the academy with me.

Sylvia and Klint will be starting in the next school year since they have to pass the Japanese-Language Proficiency Test. I didn't have to since I have the <Language Arts> skill which basically translates any language into something I can understand.

Now why would a twenty year old young man with the body of a thirteen year old, be studying in high school?

According to Sakura-nee, she wants me to experience high school life. I wanted to tell her I didn't have to and that I already did and it sucked. But telling her that will only lead to her asking when and where I studied. I can't exactly say April Nera is merged with April Frost so both have access to the memories of both.

I'll probably be sent to an asylum if anyone hears that.

It's not that bad being at school again though. April Nera's teenage life wasn't exactly all sunshine and daisies with his involvement in the mafia, and April Frost has to quit school because people will notice he's not aging. So even though I got in through means only Sakura-nee knows, I am kind of glad.

What I'm not glad about is having two people tailing me all the time.

"I'm fine Nicco. I haven't been to school in a long time so I'm just kind of worried." I told Nicco who only nods his head.

"This is my first time going to a school like this." Nicco replies. "I grew up homeschooled in both the orphanage I came from and in the Vatican. People like me aren't exactly safe outside especially those twelve and below."

Well he's a demigod and he attracts monsters who want to have him as meal, so I guess it's not a good idea on his part to attend a regular school.

"How about you Shino?"

I turn to my newly assigned bodyguard who has been staying quiet ever since I met him this morning. Well, I guess he's the silent-type so there's nothing I ca do about that. He's not a bad kid though even if I'm a little miffed we fought early in the morning. But he was ordered to do that so he's not totally liable. Plus, he's my new sparring partner since he's also an energy manipulator. He has more experience in that area and Sakura-nee thinks it's a good idea to learn stuff from him.

"It's… my first time as well. In going to school, I mean. I have been living in the mountains somewhere in Hokkaido all this time to train so I never had the chance to go to school."


So we don't have much track record on schooling. I don't have good memories of it and my two companions have never been on one.

"We've arrived." announces the woman who has been leading us to the principal's office. "The principal will see you inside."

We enter the office and I see an elderly woman behind a wide table. Her graying hairs are neatly folded in a low bun and she's wearing a business suit which completes the intimidating look as a principal.

"Hello, you must be the recommended students of Sakura Tsuchimikado-sama[1], Hiiro Wakaba-sama, Ryuuji Minamoto-sama and Hirato Osaki-sama."

I can't help but raise an eyebrow. Those names are big shots in the supernatural scene.

Why did she have say all those names? And recommendations? No wonder someone like us who probably doesn't have clear school records enter a prestigious school like White Lotus Academy.

"Welcome to White Lotus Academy." she says with a smile. "I am Fumiyo Nakahara, the principal. I have been instructed by Sakura-sama regarding you're your enrollment. You three will be placed in the general education classrooms, following the general education curriculum, but you're also part of the school's special program so there's some difference regarding your stay in the academy.

White Lotus Academy, also known as WLA, is a prestigious institution owned and managed by the Tsuchimikado Clan that has produced countless accomplished individuals over the last century. The school offers three course-like classes; general education, science and arts. But that's what the general public know.

The White Lotus Academy also trains onmyoujis and mages that use eastern magic. Outstanding onmyoujis and spell casters graduated from this academy.

But, it's my first time hearing about the special program though.

"Uhm," I raise my hand to get Principal Nakahara's attention. "What's the special program?"

"I suppose the Clan Leader never told you?" she asks in which we nodded.

I guess it's safe to say that she's involved in the supernatural as well. It's a given since she's the principal of WLA.

"I see. The special program is a school program offered by the academy to student celebrities."



"We do have a few students who are celebrities and idols, so the special program is a way for them to study despite their irregular attendance. You are only obligated to sit on class for three days straight a month, while the rest of your lessons will either be discussed online or through modules."

Oh wow. Isn't that rather convenient?

"We offer such program to celebrities and idols due to their schedule. Of course the students are also obligated to come to school for major exams and school festivals that need their attendance. The three of you are in the special program since you will go on missions from time to time right?"

I can only nod my head and I catch the two also nodding theirs. It's a pretty convenient system and it won't have any conflict on my studies. Or at least I hope to.

Wait… doesn't that program defeat the purpose of being enrolled at school at all?

Ugh! Sakura-nee can be really unpredictable and confusing at times.

"Did she ever tell you guys about it?" I ask Nicco and Shino who are standing like statues beside me.

"I think she mentioned it." Nicco answers with a thoughtful face. "But I don't remember her exact words."


Shino only shrugs and not answer. He's really not the talkative type huh.

"Now then, let me show you to your classroom. Sakura-sama asked me to have the three of you in the same class."

Of course she'd ask that.

Well I don't really mind being stuck with the two considering the situation but I just wish my school life is actually nice this time around. But of course with my luck, that wish is probably already thrown out the window.


[1] –sama – this honorific is attached to the name or title of someone with a high standing or position. Sometimes also used to show respect and admiration to someone.

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