
I Will Be the Strongest with My Slayer System

April was sure he died after getting assassinated on his way home from school. He wasn’t expecting to wake up in an orphanage, in the body of April Frost, in a parallel world. The world resembles his old one, except the supernatural is not just a story, although hidden, and he has some connection with it. Bad news though, he’s supposed to be twenty but he’s stuck in the body of a thirteen year old, both mentally and physically. It’s not all bad though since he has a system that supports him; the [Slayer System]. The more enemies he defeats, the stronger he becomes. One day, the orphanage April lives got involved in a territorial dispute between demons and vampires and became collateral damage. The only survivors were him and two others; Sylvia and Klint. *** “I will make them pay. I will become the strongest and I will make them pay!” *** April, Syril and Klint, ends up under the care of one Sakura Tsuchimikado, the famous Witch of the East. Under Sakura’s care, April and a few others investigate cases revolving around the supernatural, providing April with plenty of enemies to fight making him stronger and closer to his goal. But just as he and his comrades got into a rhythm, problems arise which involves the higher echelons of the supernatural and at the very center of it is April with his mysterious power. Will April become the strongest just as he desires? ******* A/N: This is an original fiction story. Although a few elements may seem familiar, it is still a fact that the events in this story came from the author's imagination. Also, I welcome honest and helpful reviews, comments and power stones. And feel to stick around. P.S. Cover was found on google and edited on Canva. Xoxo, Bai_Wu_Yue

Bai_Wu_Yue · Fantasy
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102 Chs


"So? You are now a candidate on becoming Hell's High King?" Sakura-nee questions with a stern look on her face.

We contacted her a little later after King Belial, or Hitorv von Belial, announced my candidacy. We told her everything that happened; from getting abducted by Regina (who ran away once the fight was over) to fighting against the guy who killed almost everyone in Hope Orphanage.

And right now, I can still feel her fury even though she's on the other side of the video call.

From the way she's acting, does that mean I actually screwed up?



"I'm not the one who wanted to be one! I just wanted to defeat that guy but right now I can't even fight him because we're not supposed to fight directly!" I grumble with a pout on my face. "This is Ferigo's fault!"

"Eh? Young master you're blaming me?" Ferigo asks in an offended manner. I think he's about to cry or something.

"That Belial guy said you were the one that recommended me!"

Seriously. Was that the reason he wanted to return to Hell that much?

"Please don't call his excellency Belial-guy, he does command eighty legions of demons and fifty legions of spirits, as well as the current highest-ranking authority of Hell." he sighs while shaking his head. "Anyway, if I didn't do that, then the Dantalion Family will do everything they can to destroy you for harming one of their own!"

"That guy killed most of my previous family. Do you really think I'll let that slip past me?" I growl.

I'm already set on avenging them and yet a sudden wall is hindering me from doing that. Again. I will never forgive him. Plus, I have to ask him how he found out about the [Shards of the Primordial] and how to track it. It will be bad of everyone suddenly comes after me because I emit the same aura as those shards.

"Are you sure you're not only trying to quell your own bruised pride?" Sakura-nee suddenly asks, catching me off guard.

Well, everyone else is also silent so I guess they're as shocked as me regarding the question.

Wait, did she really just ask me if my revenge is only to quell my pride?

"Sakura-nee! What the hell is wrong with you?!"

Oh I'm angry alright. Now usually I'm good at handling my anger but it's been quite hard to do that lately. Maybe it's because I'm stuck with the mentality of a thirteen year old? I only act that way so people won't be suspicious of me but I guess it's actually affecting my very own mentality.

"Because of that guy… because of him, everyone else died in the orphanage! If Sylvia and Klint weren't helping out a tikbalang[1] and I didn't have immortality, we would've perished as well! You're my, no, you're our guardian! You should be aware of how I feel about that demon!" I yell. Well I've got the feeling I'm more like lashing out at the moment but words just come pouring out.

My chest feels a little strange and heavy and I'm pretty sure tears are falling form my eyes.

"Do you really think I care about my pride at such a thing?"

"April." I hear Sylvia say as he puts a hand on my shoulder. "Calm down. We understand your sentiment about it. I'm sure Miss Sakura is just worried about you."

"Sylvia is right. I mean, you did fight a demon noble."

"But she- she- And I-"

And the dam can no longer hold it. It has already leaked and now it's fully destroyed. Yes, it's embarrassing that a twenty-two year old man is crying but even the strongest of men cry when they're hurt, sad or frustrated.

And at the moment, I'm feeling all of it. From the original April Frost's memories and even to my short time with them, I held everyone in the orphanage close, like a real family.


Now that I found out Levton was there because of me, it makes me even more stressed.

Maybe… maybe I really do bring bad luck to the people around me.


I wake up with a headache and stinging eyes. Memories of getting angry at Sakura-nee's offhanded question and crying in Klint and Sylvia's eyes resurface in my head.


What an embarrassing display! Did I really just do that? Have I no shame? Since when have I become too emotional?


What's happened already happened and cannot be taken back.

Ugh. Can't I undo that? I made a fool of myself.

Still… I'm a little put off at everything that happened.

Hmm… I'm alone in the room. I guess everyone's out doing something.

I take a look at the time in my phone.


It's already ten in the morning? The heck! Why didn't anyone wake me up?

[Answer. They tried to wake you up for breakfast but you did not budge.]

I see. Eh? Still, weren't they worried why I wasn't waking up?

[Answer. Individual [Niccolo di Angelo] and [Ferigo von Purson] explained that you might've drained your energy during the fight. And thus let you sleep in.]

I see. Now that I think about it, my body is kind of sore. Hey Slayer, is this the effect of that power boost you gave me last time?


I see. Wait, I remember sacrificing my elemental magic or something when the system decided to unlock one of my locked skills. I should probably check my status.


The door suddenly opens before I can even open my status window and Sakura-nee enters.

Eh? Sakura-nee? But I'm still in Negros! Why is she here? Wait, how did she get here that fast!

Could it be I've been actually asleep for a long time?

Huh? But the phone shows that it's only been the next day so how-

"You're wondering why I'm here when I'm supposed to be in Japan." she suddenly says then chuckles.

How did she know that? I knew it! She's a mind reader!

"I'm not a mind reader. Your expression is just too obvious. Even I can tell even though I'm only using a body double to talk to you."

"Body double? Like a doppelganger or something?"

"Not really. This is just a copy of me made by my magical powers. Pretty neat isn't it? I don't have to go to places personally and can chill inside my office or something." she says with a grin.

"That just means you're stuck with paperwork and can't come personally."

"Ugh. You don't have to remind me. I'm currently signing paperwork while talking like this to you." she pauses and looks at me with a sad expression. "I apologize for my remark yesterday. That was insensitive of me especially when you lost the people you considered family for the last seven years."

Oh. She's actually apologizing. And even though I know she's not here personally here to apologize, I can feel that she's actually being genuine. I'm pretty sure she's exerting a lot of magic power to control the body double from a very far place.

The thing with Sakura-nee was that, it's hard to tell if she's being serious or joking about something. In the short time that I spent with her, I actually observed that.

"I also already apologized to Sylvia and Klint. They said I should hear your answer first once I ask you. They said they'll follow your decision."


Those two really… I can't help but shake my head at their decision.

"Sakura-nee, you don't really have to apologize. And even if it's really necessary, I forgive you. I mean, you do have a point you know? Others might actually think I'm only being prideful by taking revenge but I assure you that it's not. I also apologize for losing my composure during our video call. I-"

"I understand and I forgive you for that. I suppose being stuck in the mentality and appearance of a thirteen year old is already showing."

Ah, so she knows about it.

"You're housing a very dangerous relic inside you after all, so the consequences are unknown. But that was probably an effect. To stop you from dying that day, the heart froze your body at the time you started housing it. I'm not sure of the other adverse effects we can only observe as you live your life."

I get the feeling that she's got a point.

"Speaking of, I learned something dangerous."

"Oh? Something even more disturbing than being a candidate of becoming Hell's High King? What is it?"

"[Shards of the Primordial]."

For the first time, I see Sakura-nee stunned and speechless.


[1] Tikbalang – (also Tigbalang, Tigbalan, Tikbalan, Tigbolan, or Werehorse) is a creature of Philippine folklore said to lurk in the mountains and forests of the Philippines. It is a tall, bony humanoid creature with the head and hooves of a horse and disproportionately long limbs, to the point that its knees reach above its head when it squats down. In some versions, it is a transformation of an aborted fetus sent to earth from limbo. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tikbalang)

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