
Chapter 24

Before dungeon change start, outside the slime dungeon gate.

"Huh? Why suddenly many adventurers come outside," said an adventurer who was outside the dungeon. People around him also notice that and start gathering near the gate.

"The System notified us that something about all 'The One' title holder from the same city and generation is inside the dungeon and the dungeon difficulty will increase and the dungeon will change," said one of the adventurers who just got outside of the dungeon.

"Dungeon change?" the atmosphere outside the dungeon suddenly change. They never heard about dungeon change before in their whole life. While adventurer one by one were teleport outside, suddenly the gate change color from blue to black. "The gate colour change," shouted one of the adventurers. A few minutes later, an adventurer tried to get into the gate, but he can't get in. No one can enter the dungeon.

"I need to report this. Luke saw Luke went inside. All of you secure around the gate don't let anyone near it and if someone comes out, detained him or her until I come back," said an adventurer. That adventurer was Gryth Roland, one of the prince Fruth Kingdom. All the knights ordered by him went around the gate and Roland immediately flew towards Eplia City. He came to the slime dungeon because King Owen caught wind of Luke wanting to train in the dungeon and asked Roland to bring him back. Roland didn't know why King Owen ordered him to bring Luke back but now that something like this happen, King Owen must know something.

It only took Roland one hour to reach Eplia City. He flew straight towards the castle. He stopped by in front of the throne room and informed the guard he wanted an audience with the king. The guard went and informed the king. A few minutes later, the guard came back and let Roland into the throne room. Inside, he saw all the minister standing at the side and King Owen sat on the throne. He walked towards the throne and stopped when he neared it. Roland got on one of his knees, bow his head and gave his respect to King Owen.

"Gryth Roland give his respect to His Majesty," said Roland.

"Stand up," ordered King Owen. Roland stood.

"What is the emergency report you need to report to me," said King Owen.

"This morning, you give me orders to bring Prince Luke back from the slime dungeon but upon arriving there, something happen to the slime dungeon," said Roland.

"What happen?" asked King Owen.

"Adventurer from inside the dungeon suddenly comes out of the dungeon and said the system notified them that the dungeon will undergo changes," said Roland. He continued, "According to them, the system told them that five 'The One' title holder from the same city and same generation was inside the dungeon and the dungeon will increase the difficulty."

"It must be those that just awakened this month from this city," said King Owen, "Did the gate turn black?" asked King Owen.

"Yes," answered Roland.

"There is nothing we can do. The gate won't open until they complete the dungeon. No one can come in or out of the dungeon. Just leave few knights there and tell them to report if anything unusual happen. You can leave the gate and do your usual job," said King Owen.

"Eh? I can just leave the area?" asked Roland.

"The gate will stay that way until people inside the dungeon complete it or in more specific terms those that holds 'The One' title complete it. They won't die. If the one who holds 'The One' title inside the dungeon, they won't die no matter what happen to them. The dungeon will protect them from losing their life but that only apply to them. Anyone else inside the dungeon will need to rely on their own ability until they complete the dungeon if they want to survive," said one of the ministers.

"This has happened before?" asked Roland.

"This happen many times before but not many people know about it because it usually happens in a newly appear dungeon where not many adventurers know about the dungeon," said another minister.

"This is test that 'The One' title holder needs to go through at least once in their life if they want to reach Rank Supreme. They can't do this by planning first because it can only happen by chance. I went through this before when I was at Rank 5," said King Owen.

"Then I don't need to be there anymore?" asked Roland.

"Yes, you can go back to your training or doing the adventurer jobs," said King Owen.

"Yes, Your Majesty," said Roland and he retreated out of the throne room. Once he went outside of the throne room, he wondered why King Owen ordered him to bring Luke back.

"Your Majesty, His Highness Luke and the others will be safe inside the dungeon. They won't be able to harm them while they are inside," said one of the ministers.

"Luckily the test happens. Let's put a few high rankers outside the dungeon to protect them when they come out after they complete the dungeon," said King Owen.

Inside Slime Dungeon.

'Ting~ Dungeon change complete. All the floors in this dungeon merge into one floor. All the monsters inside the dungeon is now stronger than before. All the boss monsters from each floor has now turn to monster general. Ninety-four new monster general added to the dungeon. This dungeon now has one hundred monsters general. The dungeon master will appear when all the monster generals are defeat'

'Ting~ All previous missions will be cancelled and replace with new missions'

'Ting~ You do not hold 'The One' title. As normal Ranker, life immunity will not be granted'

'New missions receive

1. Survive inside the dungeon until 'The One' defeats the dungeon monster. Reward: Can create new skill.

2. Team up with 'The One' and work together to defeat the monster generals and dungeon master. Reward: Can create new skill

"Dungeon Master… monster generals… what actually happen?" said Ethan.

"No life immunity… not that it matters. New missions. It shows the reward i will get if i complete them. The previous missions did not have this. Survive the dungeon and team up with 'The One'. Mateo is the only one i know with 'The One' title. I need to find Mateo. The life immunity will make sure that Mateo is alive, but I hope Lilia, Wafu and Gooey is okay too," said Ethan. He took out new clothes from his storage because his current clothes got dirty from the ground and from his blood. He changed into the new clothes and decide to get out of the waterfall. He got near the waterfall and see his face reflected on the waterfall surface. He realizes something. He moves his hand and touch his hair.

"What is happening? Why my hair becomes like this again?" Ethan hair now had a cyan shade on it just like after what happened in Nanaz Village. "This colour must have some meaning or else why is it appearing again," said Ethan.

'guruguruguruguru' sound can be heard coming near him. "Huh? What is that sound? It sounds like something is digging the ground. The sound becomes clearer and Ethan realize the sound comes from the ground wall. Ethan took out his dagger and suddenly a monster break the wall and attack Ethan. The monster looks like a mole with huge claws but its whole body was transparent brown. Ethan blocked the claw with his dagger but the mole like monster strength was too much for him and he was send flying out of the waterfall.

The monster followed him but did not when through the waterfall but through the ground. Ethan saw that and knew that the monsters dislike water. He got back up from his fall immediately and casted water ball. The mole monsters blasted out of the ground straight towards Ethan and Ethan shot his water ball. The water ball hit the monster and the monster wriggling in pain and run away underground. Ethan sighed in relief.

"Luckily it run away. The dungeon really changes. I thought this is slime dungeon but there was mole monster here too… wait, that is not a mole. It is the brown slime. The slime can take shape now… The difficulty really changes," said Ethan. Once he calmed down, he looked around and shocked with what he saw.

"What happen. Is this really dungeon change? Are you serious? What in front of me now is not merely a change. This looks more like terraforming!!!"

thank you for reading :)

MuZikrcreators' thoughts