
I Will Be The God Of All Gods

(the first few chapters are mostly info dump with the setting of the world) Alex has been always been considered the quiet kid of his class, always in the top three, barely any people he can be considered as his friends. always skips PE, but none of them dares to bully him because he is the only son of a billionaire, at least two bodyguards can be easily spotted always around him, barely anyone dared to talk to him. to be honest, Alex was tired of this life well, good for him he was isekai'ed, and that too with a system! finally it was time for him to be the protagonist, well sadly his whole class was isekai'ed too, he wasn't the only isekai'ed person in this world, he wasn't unique anymore, but that wasn't really the case.

demon_king69 · Fantasy
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17 Chs

Lin's boobs were at least an F cup

"Why did you hide it?" he said as he touched her horn with his, it was a bit weird since she only had one horn but it did work out.

"I don't know-" she said shyly.

Alex sighed "well then whenever we are together I don't want you to hide it from me, please, I really like it."

"okay-" she said with a blush. "anyways," she said as she transformed back into a human "so- what are your plans next?"

Alex turned into a human as well and he started asking questions he was very curious about.

after a few questions and answers, where neither Alex nor Lin was holding back anything,

it turns out that the 7 nations only existed on a single continent called the 'Allied continent'

demons and some other races lived on a whole another continent, and there was also a third continent which was practically destroyed in a war for resources.

there are also a few other small kingdoms on the allied continent, but since they aren't part of the allies, they aren't deemed as very important and are pretty small.

okay no they arent small, at all, even the smallest kingdom had an area of 10 million km2

which is around the size of the whole US!

Humania is apparently the 3rd largest nation on the continent with an area of 200 million km2

About 40% of the whole surface area of the earth, including all the seas and oceans.

Humania also had the largest population of approx 16 billion people. that's more than twice the whole population of the earth, Alex had no idea how the planet even supports life at that size, but then mana came in, and whatever couldn't be explained, you just add mana onto it and it suddenly makes sense.

how are people able to survive that amount of gravity?


how do living organisms survive under that super intense atmospheric pressure?


everything not explainable by the science of earth was explainable by adding mana to the answer.

in the end, Alex decided to head to a random dungeon which was recently discovered 100km outside the city, since Alex wanted to go to a dungeon where there weren't many people it was the perfect place. although he could have asked Lin to blockade a closer dungeon, the problem would be that dungeons are the livelihood of many people, so blocking even one in the capital region would cause a huge commotion.

the dungeon was supposed to be a rank 2 or 3 dungeon and Lin's 3 royal guards would accompany Alex, he didn't really want them but Lin insisted so he had no choice. after Lin strapped him on with top-tier gear, she personally guided him to the teleporting area, which was just a huge marble platform with a weird circle with even more circles shapes and some weird language which I wasn't able to read written on it.

apparently, the method for making large distance teleportation magic circles has been lost, so the ones that exist are national treasures, and only nobles and important people have access to them. normal teleportation circles can only teleport to distances in 50km radius at most, while this humongous circle can teleport a person as far as 2000km.

but it took around 15 minutes for Lin's underlings to lock in the coordinates and other stuff, so Alex guessed it did take a bit of effort. he waved off to Lin as he teleported away with the 3 royal guards provided by Lin.

I was unable to see their faces since all of them had a complete silver, with a whitish-bluish tinge armor on, well I was told that the metal was called Mythril, and it was so valuable that only 20 knights of the royal guards wore it.

while teleporting he couldn't see anything and was practically blinded by the light, but when his senses returned he was in front of a very large cave, not even comparable to the one he went to before.

the system greeted him with.



REWARDS: 400S Coins, TITLE : Dungeon Master ]

'ho, this seems interesting, what does the title dungeon master do?' Alex wondered while grinning.


he sighed 'well alright then.'

all the equipment Lin had strapped him with was recognized as B class equipment, it was as good as what the royal guards were wearing but without the movability issues.

he ordered the knights not to enter the dungeon because he wanted to solo it and he also didn't trust the knights, they were strangers to him.

but he was only a few steps in when he was greeted by a woman, whose skin was as white as snow, her eyes were bloodshot and they seemed to glow, and her hair were black with streaks for red. She was wearing a pure black dress which contrasted with her skin color. and her boobs- they were bigger than Lin's, and Lin's boobs were at least an F cup.