

Simon was nervous and happy as well.

Happy that his father was finally willing to talk to him and nervous because he had to explain himself.

But Simon wanted another person to be a part of their conversation. "Father, can you call Rune as well?"

Yug replied, "He is here already."

Simon smiled and nodded. Once they reached Yug's room, Rune was already there.

"Come sit," Yug said and sat down beside Rune and Simon sat in front of them.

"So we will start." Yug said, "Who are you?"

Simon replied, "I am Simon Wren Amedio, your son..."

"Alright... another question: how old are you?" Yug asked, fortunately, he was calm now and was not that freaked out but it was still tough for him to see Simon as a grown adult when he saw in front of him his baby face

Simon sighed, "I am... I was... twenty before I came back."

Yug nodded and looked at Rune, who glanced back at him.