
I, Who Was a Sacrificial Offering, is Being Pampered Beyond Belief!

• Frena was a little flower that had been trampled on by the harsh realities of life. She was the victim of a terrible case of discrimination, all because her parents had brought the plague to the village. It was as if she had a big, flashing neon sign above her head that read "Avoid me at all costs." • She was a poor, lonely soul who was saddled with all the hard labor in the village and had her daily routine completely disrupted. To make matters even worse, she was even betrayed by her own friends. • But one day, Frena was given a role that seemed like it would finally bring an end to her tormented life. She was to be a sacrifice to the gods, and it seemed that she would soon be devoured by them. • However, God had other plans for Frena. He took one look at her and said, "No, I won't eat her. She can treat this temple as her home from now on." And with that, Frena's life changed for the better. She was finally doted on by God, and her days of suffering and oppression were finally over.

K353 · Fantasy
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6 Chs

An Unexpected Encounter

Frena couldn't help but stare at the beautiful young man in front of her. He had glossy black hair and long, smooth eyelids that seemed to be looking right into her soul.

"Ah, uh... who are you?" she stuttered, her heart pounding like a jackhammer.

She had never seen any boy as beautiful as him in the small village of Shishiro. Could he be from Mt. Esan? She had heard rumors of people living on the mountain, but she'd never met any of them before.

"That's my line," the young man replied with a chuckle. "I was out for a walk in the mountains when I saw this strange box. When I looked inside, I saw you sleeping. You... you're human, right?"

Frena pressed her lips together, feeling self-conscious. "Well, yes. Do I resemble something other than a human? I know the villagers are always telling me I'm grubby and stuff, but I never thought I looked that ugly..."

"No, no, it's not that. I think you're quite beautiful," the young man said with a genuine smile.


Frena's face turned a shade of red that would make a tomato jealous, wondering if she was experiencing a hallucinogenic episode. No one had ever called her beautiful before.

The young man bent down, his eyes meeting hers like two stars twinkling in the dark sky.

"But seriously, what are you doing here in the mountains? It's way too cold for humans to survive up here, and there's no food or anything. Plus, no one usually comes up here. So why are you here? And what's that box you were in?"

Frena hesitated, feeling embarrassed to explain her situation. But the young man seemed to genuinely want to help her, so she took a deep breath and told him about the sacrifice tradition and how she had been chosen to be offered to the gods.

""I don't even know where the gods are, though," she admitted, feeling defeated. "I was hoping you might know something about it."

The young man tilted his head to the side like a curious pup, squinting his eyes, as if deep in thought. Then he opened his mouth and spoke. "Oh, I get it now. Time has really flown by, hasn't it?"

"Yes! Do you know something about it?" Frena asked eagerly,

The young man gave her a sly grin. "Well, let's just say I might be that God you're talking about."

"What?!" Frena gasped, her eyes bulging out like a cartoon character's.


As Frena walked with the young man through the mountains, she told him her story. He claimed to be a god who lived on Mt. Esan, and since there weren't any other gods around, she had no choice but to take his word for it.

But I always figured gods were a bit more... spectacular," Frena mused sheepishly. "Like, with wings or something. And I always wondered how they eat humans. Do you just cut us up into little pieces and eat us or something?"

The young man chuckled. "No, no, nothing like that. A long time ago, I did say, 'Two hundred years from now, bring me a human.' But I never said anything about sacrificing or eating humans."

Frena frowned, confused. "So what did you mean?"

"I don't eat humans. Gods don't need food, you see."

Frena was shocked by this revelation. She had been prepared to die, but now it seemed that her fate was not as sealed as she thought. "So you're not going to kill me?" she asked hesitantly.

"No, no, I won't kill you," the young man replied with a grin.

"That's just heartless!" Frena exclaimed.

"... Is it really?" the young man asked, looking puzzled.

Frena couldn't believe that he didn't understand her plight. She had been living a miserable life in the cruel village, and the idea of being offered as a sacrifice to the gods had at least given her a sense of purpose.

But now that plan had been dashed, and she had no idea what to do.

"Well, I guess you don't really understand my circumstances," Frena said, sighing. "But I'm glad you're still willing to help me."

The young man nodded, and the two of them continued walking up the mountain.

"Look over there," he said, pointing to a temple in the distance. "That's my home, the castle of God. Let's go in and warm up for a bit. I'll listen to your story more closely later."

Frena trailed behind the handsome young man as he navigated through the foggy mountain landscape, her heart racing with a mix of excitement and nerves.

She wasn't sure what to expect, but she was grateful to have someone to turn to in this strange, cold place. And as they approached a small, unassuming temple made of chalk-white stone, she felt a sense of calm wash over her.

It wasn't much to look at, but there was something about its humble exterior and serious atmosphere that made her feel at home. She followed the young man inside, eager to hear what he had to say.



The warmth of the temple enveloped Frena like a cozy blanket straight out of the dryer.

It's really toasty in here, quite a contrast to the chilly gusts outside. And the atmosphere inside is as still as a museum exhibit - no signs of life, just rows and rows of pillars like silent sentries. There's a little stream trickling alongside, adding a touch of serenity to the scene.

"This must be where the God resides," Frena muttered to herself. "Hello, I'm Frena Shiv. I'm not the tastiest morsel around, b-but please eat me as an offering!"

"Frena, that's a lovely name. And no, I wouldn't dream of nibbling on you," the young man chuckled, his eyes twinkling with mirth.

"Uhm, what should I call you then? God?"

"Well, as a God, I'm not supposed to reveal my name to mortals. But since you asked so nicely, you can call me Mae."

"Mae-sama! Such a strong-sounding name," Frena exclaimed, her eyes sparkling with reverence.

Mae, the young deity, approached the pillars and casually picked up one that had been broken.

"Wh-what are you doing, Mae-sama? Are you going to bash me with that pillar?" Frena cried out in alarm.

"Don't be silly. I just need a seat and this will do nicely," Mae replied nonchalantly.

"Oh, how stoic," Frena chuckled, feeling a little foolish.

It's no surprise that Mae, being a God and all, possesses superhuman strength. He easily lifted the heavy marble pillar and placed it next to Frena.

"Here you go, have a seat," Mae offered.

"It's a bit high... I can't even reach my waist," Frena complained, trying to hoist herself up.

But the pillars were just too tall. No matter how hard she tried, Frena couldn't seem to climb up.

"I see. Watch this," Mae instructed, a mischievous glint in his eye.


Before Frena knew it, she was floating in midair. Mae had scooped her up and jumped onto the pillar, holding Frena securely in his arms. As he held her close, Frena was enveloped in a sweet, comforting scent. It was as if she had been nestled in Mae's embrace for an eternity.

"There, that should do it. Your body should be warm by now. I'll fill you in on everything," Mae said, ready to begin his tale.