
I Went Back in Time and Became Otherworldly Handsome

Xiang Feng was a man at his wit's end. After years of struggling to make ends meet, he had just been fired from his job with no prospects for the future. He felt hopeless and helpless, his life had become an unbearable burden, and he was ready to end it all. Then, one day, he received an advertisement on his computer. It was a mysterious invitation to "go back in time and live your life to the fullest". Intrigued, Xiang Feng decided to take a chance and see what this offer was all about. He could go back and relive his life with the knowledge he had gained from his experiences. Going back to his past and fixing the mistakes he had made the first time around. Xiang Feng was determined to use his newfound power to become wealthy and find true love. He quickly learned that his only hope of achieving this was to take advantage of the opportunities that presented themselves. Attention readers: prepare yourself for a leisurely journey through the pages of this tale. There is no rush here; each scene, character, and plot point are meant to be savored and explored in depth. Don't expect thrills and excitement at every turn; instead, settle in and relish the unfolding of this story in all its slow-paced glory. Take your time and enjoy the subtleties of the narrative as they gradually reveal themselves. This is a story that rewards patience and careful attention, so settle back and enjoy the ride. —Shen_Tong

Shen_Tong · Urban
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11 Chs

The Visitor

Xiang Feng's parents arrived in his room mere moments later, their expressions of astonishment immediately apparent as they took in the scene before them. Unfamiliar with the remarkable transformation in their son, they were unable to contain their surprise. His father's face was a mix of awe and confusion as he surveyed the figure before him, seeming to marvel at how drastically different his son now appeared. "Is that really you, my son?" he asked, his voice filled with wonder. "You've grown so tall! You look like a completely different person." Xiang Feng nodded, a small smile tugging at the corners of his mouth as he watched his parents take in the changes with open admiration.

his towering frame seeming to stretch up to the sky. Xiang Feng couldn't help but take note of the contrast between himself and his parents as they stood in his bedroom—he was easily a head taller than his father.

Xiang Feng then embraced his parents in a warm, tight hug. His father and mother were taken aback, looking at each other in confusion.

His father asked, "Feng'er, what's this all about? Normally, it's us who hug you, not the other way around." Xiang Feng pulled away, his eyes glistening with tears. He smiled and said, "I just wanted to show how much I love and appreciate you both. You've done so much for me over the years, and I just wanted to express my gratitude." His mother smiled and wiped away a tear, while his father patted him on the back.

They both embraced him again and said, "We love you, too, Feng'er." Xiang Feng smiled and hugged them back, feeling the warmth of their love. He marveled at the infinite love his parents had for him, and how much they had sacrificed to give him a better life. In that moment, he was truly grateful for everything his parents had done for him.

After a minute of comfortable silence, Xiang Feng finally spoke up, his voice laced with curiosity. "What's wrong?" he asked, looking at his parents fondly. His father smiled and shook his head. "It's nothing, son," he said reassuringly. "We haven't seen you in such a long time. You've grown so much and changed so much, we're just happy to see you, but your father and I have so many questions."

His mother nodded in agreement, her eyes twinkling with tears of joy. She reached out and caressed his cheek with her hand, her expression soft and full of love. "Those questions are for later, let's just cherish the moment," she said, her voice quivering slightly.

Xiang Feng felt a warmth spread through his chest, and he smiled back at his parents. He knew that the old him, even when still lived with them, had been distant from them lately, but he was glad that they still supported him and accepted him for who he was. He was grateful for the love that his parents had for him, and for the hug that they had just given him.

The livingroom was filled with the comforting and familiar aroma of home as Xiang Feng sat atop the soft cushions of the couch. His parents shared the armchair, their hands entwined in a gesture of solidarity and love, while his sister perched on the edge of the coffee table, her gaze directed towards the window situated opposite them. Sunlight poured through the panes of glass, its gentle beams bathing the room in a warm, inviting glow. A peaceful atmosphere pervaded the space, a sense of contentment and unity shared by all.

Suddenly, the sound of the doorbell echoed through the house, stirring Xiang Feng from his relaxed state. His parents exchanged a quick glance as his sister looked up from her phone, the sudden intrusion into their peaceful evening momentarily startling them all. "Don't worry," Xiang Feng said, standing up from the sofa. "I'll open it."

He walked towards the door, feeling his heart quicken as the sound of the bell echoed through the house once again. He wondered who on earth could be visiting. Taking a deep breath, Xiang Feng opened the door, his curiosity piqued.

Xiang Feng felt his heart sink as he opened the door. Standing there before him was a teenage boy, no older than fifteen. He had an air of confidence about him that Xiang Feng immediately disliked. "Hi—" Xiang Feng began before his sentence was cut short. He instantly knew the identity of the young lad before him, his distinct features and mannerisms giving away his familiar presence. Recognition surged through his body, his heart beating faster as he looked into the boy's eyes. This boy, a classmate from her school, would soon become his sister's first boyfriend. Little did Xiang Feng know at the time, this boy would eventually lead her into a life full of drugs, sex, and a long time for his sister in rehab.

The boy eyed Xiang Feng suspiciously, his face twisted in a deep-seated emotion that could only be interpreted as jealousy. His brow furrowed in a way that spoke volumes of his mistrust, and he spoke his question with a tone that was heavy with suspicion. "Who are you?" he asked, his voice barely above a whisper, and yet the accusation of his words was unmistakable. Xiang Feng remained stoic, though he could sense the jealousy radiating from the boy. He could tell the boy was jealous.

Xiang Feng hesitated, his mind spinning as he tried to think of an excuse to send the boy away. He was still searching for the right words when he heard his sister from behind, her gaze fixed on the young man in front of her.

"Qi Zhen? What are you doing here?"

Qi Zhen's voice was tight as he cleared his throat and asked accusingly, "Xiang Yanyu, who's the man standing next to you?" he gestured towards Xiang Feng, who stood head and shoulders above him, "Is he your boyfriend?" His eyes were narrowed in suspicion, and his stance was rigid as he stared at Yanyu and her companion. Yanyu shifted from foot to foot, her gaze flitting from Xiang Feng to Xiang Feng and back again.

Xiang Feng, however, remained composed. He merely raised an eyebrow and responded in an deep, even voice, "My name is Xiang Feng. I'm Yanyu's brother."

Qi Zhen was taken aback by the sudden mention of a brother from Xiang Yanyu. "Since when do you have a brother though, Xiang Yanyu? Why haven't I seen him before?" he asked, his eyebrows knitting together in confusion.

Xiang Yanyu's lips curled into a shy smile as she replied, "That's because he was always locked up in his room." Her voice was soft and gentle, as if inviting something unseen. Her dark eyes sparkled with curiosity as she gestured toward the door. "Why don't you come in?" she asked.

The boy's expression softened, and he nodded. "Okay," he said. "I just wanted to make sure." The tension in the air dissipated, and Yanyu let out a sigh of relief.

"Actually," Xiang Feng interrupted, his tone clipped and cool, "now isn't a great time. Perhaps another time," he said as he abruptly shut the door.

Xiang Feng's sister stared at him with an expression of anger, her eyes narrowing in displeasure. She stood in the hallway, her mouth open as if to form a reply, but no words came out. The finality of his words left her speechless. It was clear that she wanted to contest his decision, but she didn't have a chance before he closed the door.

Xiang Feng's voice cut through the tense air like a knife, his tone stern and commanding. "Don't open him," he warned his sister, but she paid no heed and pushed him aside. With a swift and determined motion, she opened the door and Qi Zhen stood outside, an unpleased expression on his face. His features were twisted in a grimace, but he remained silent. Qi Zhen seemed to be on the verge of speaking, but he held his tongue, his expression betraying a mix of anger and surprise.

Xiang Yanyu's expression was firm and her gaze unwavering as she strode past Xiang Feng, not flinching in the slightest at his displeased expression. Her steps were sure and her posture rigid, her confidence unshakeable as she firmly guided Qi Zhen past the threshold and into the house. She paused briefly, her head turned away from them both just enough for Xiang Feng to catch the sight of her lips as they moved in a hushed whisper. Her voice was barely audible as she muttered the words "You asshole" before continuing her determined march to the living room, Qi Zhen in tow.

Xiang Feng's brow furrowed as he watched his sister lead Qi Zhen into the livingroom. A warm smile spread across her face as she told to everyone Qi Zhen is here. His mother's face lit up in joy, and she quickly moved towards Qi Zhen and embraced him in a welcoming hug. His father followed suit and the two exchanged pleasantries in an excited conversation. Xiang Feng's stomach churned as he watched this scene unfold before him. He wanted to scream and shout, to stop the proceedings before it was too late, but he felt helpless. His sister was completely taken in by this boy, and he knew that his words would not be enough to sway her. He felt his anger boiling within him, yet he knew there was nothing he could do now.