Shit Shit can this be possible!? Shit I can't breathe (gasp) (gasp)...those things keep following me But what happened? I was at my desk and after finishing that game I was brought here.....(grrr grrr) Shit here they come it's pointless; I'll think about all this shit later The first thing is to get away from all these things
Shit...get away...grr fuck this thing isn't going to let me go for anything in the world (struggle)
damn so close...ugh it's going to rip my face off..grrr
but how can I get free it has me against the wall
shit what can I do...think...think
wait its leg is all broken and has horrible traces of a strong bite
this is something unreal how do you have all that strength with one of your two supports...broken!?
fuck this thing keeps pushing.....well I just have to hit it on that leg
ugh take that disgusting thing (without thinking more I hit it on the leg which gives way easily)
(that thing crashes violently against the floor but still it is not affected)
shit that was close....a little more and it would have torn my face off...(I turn to see that thing)
fuck after all not a sign of pain, there is only that aggressive and chilling look
(that thing tries to get up but it is useless its leg does not seem to straighten)
fuck who made that kind of wound on your leg I know I hit but looking closely
large pieces of flesh have been torn off your leg....shit even the... are visible
ugh...agh...shit I think I'm going to vomit...I've seen a certain amount of gore on the internet and in many other games but this is too much....and especially the smell..ugh..grrr...huh?
(turning to see I find that thing) shit you're not giving up
(the creature that at first tried to get up, apparently gave up after
many useless attempts and opted to crawl, although it moves its movements
are very clumsy and slow) well I have to get out of here...I turn around and proceed to leave the alley
oh right here is this guy who saved me...hey are you okay...yes he only hurt me in the arm
can you get up?...yes, don't worry it will only take me a moment, I'm glad you weren't hurt (he proceeds to smile at me) or if it was all thanks to you umm..umm (I think I've seen his face somewhere) something wrong? no nothing friend (it's pointless)...whatever we have to get out of here and call the police and call an ambulance?
-Okay, let's get out of here... hey, come lean on my shoulder
-Oh, yes, thank you very much (we proceed to leave the alley)
(Shit, how did this happen... ugh... I was at my desk and then in the blink of an eye I was thrown here in this alley... perplexed by the place I was in, I went out and found that thing... I remember that that thing knocked me down to the ground by surprise and tried to bring its face to my neck, maybe trying to bite me, but I resisted as best I could and screamed for help) (but my call was not heard or so I thought... when my strength was abandoning me, this guy came and got him out of the way but he got the worst of it, being attacked on the arm)
(Maybe I could have run to get help, but what kind of man would I be if I left my savior alone, so I grabbed him and dragged him into the alley, but then he got up and pushed me against the wall and then we get here)
(but fuck that thing with all those wounds...and yet it doesn't even flinch and behaves like an animal...with such behavior wouldn't it be a zombie!?)
( maybe the guy suffers from a fit of rage...I've seen on the internet that rabies is rare but not non-existent and that most who suffer from it tend to bite everyone they find...yes that must be it...since zombies are things from movies and games...hehe I'm just exaggerating)
ahhh....don't let me go....don't stop agghh....ugghh
what the hell!?
in front of me a guy was tearing another guy's neck apart...with his teeth!?
kyyaaa....(the scream came from near my side) eh...seriously
kyaaa...let me't hurts
(a man was biting his leg and showed no sign of letting go)
-this can't be happening...what kind of shit is this
-I don't know is this a hidden camera?
-I doubt it, this looks too real to be real, whatever, we need to get out of here, so hold on tight
(As we walked away, we could still hear the screams of that girl and sounds of flesh being torn off)
(We kept walking down the street and as we moved forward we saw people running away,
screams and more of those things)
(Shit, it's not safe to walk down the streets...but there's no other option, we just have to keep moving forward) (as we turned the corner there were a lot of them surrounding something)
But how many are there...there are too many
Hey, speak quietly...calm down...let's turn around and get out of here
But contrary to my expectations, something rose up and came out of that pile of those things
Ugh, let me, you guys save me...PLEASE...HELP ME!!
(in front of us was a girl with many bites all over her body but her arms and one of her legs took the brunt)
Hey help me... please don't leave me!!
-Hey....should we help her?!
-No, she's already lost, we should run!!
Don't go, save me...NNOOONOOO...COME BACK...UGH....NOOOO..PLEASE!!
(those things without wasting time surrounded that girl but some others began to chase us)
-Hey, can you walk alone!?
-Yes I can...don't worry
-Well...we have to run fast...or else those things will catch up with us
(As we moved away we stopped hearing that girl...only in the distance we could hear the moans and grunts of those things)
(as we moved away we stopped hearing that chick...only in the distance could we hear the moans and grunts of those things)
shit.....where should we go...ugh.....gasp
as I looked around looking for a place to take shelter I didn't know who my savior was
(he slowed down and his skin turned pale and his breathing was irregular)
heyy.. hey now is not the time to fall...if those things catch you it's you understand
gasp...gasp...gasp...I know but I feel like my strength is going away...gasp....gasp you know a place nearby where we can go!?
gasp....gas...a place?
gasp...I know one...gasp...we have to go this way..gasp
well...we have to hurry..