
I was supposed to be The Gamer but the author forgot it midway.

Death, such an arbitrary concept. What could it be? I wonder? Is it the death of the body or the death of the soul? "Sigh~..., Even after death, I cannot understand it." { Ding! Congratulations! You have been chosen to become a gamer! Do you accept? Y/N } Follow over MC as he becomes the strongest Gamer. --- Disclaimer: I own nothing but the OC characters. +++ This P a t r e o n is only for those who want to help me by donating money. I really appreciate it. p a t r e o n.com / meatball chan

meatball_san · Anime & Comics
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54 Chs

True Dragon High Human Divine Heroic Spirit Hybrid...

While Irta, the angel, was informing Heaven about the recent hearing of the Dragon Beat, the instigator of all of this was eating his little sisters calmly. Illya and Sakura had reached maturity during these ten years of living in the moving time.

Both of them have matured into stunning women, capable of swaying the heart of any straight man.

Masato was drinking tea with Illya, Sakura, Irisviel, and Artoria in the hall of The House, with greenery all around them and the soft smell of freshly watered plants permeating the surroundings.

The spirits of his sword were within him. Except for Restia, the other three stayed mostly inside his head. They felt more... at ease there than they did outside.

"So that strange heartbeat was the heartbeat of a dragon about to be born?" And because Onii-chan merged the essence of a True Dragon with your bloodline, the sound was amplified to the point where it could be heard all over the world?"

"Pretty much yes," he nodded before taking a sip from his cup, his eyes and enjoying the mild taste and warmth spreading throughout his body.

"And since you've finally upgraded your bloodline to a High Human, gaining a skill that allows you to see the "reality" of the world? But, because you're still a newborn, you can't control your eyes properly. You, like any other child, will have to get used to it before you can use your eyes again?"

"That is exactly what I said, yes."

A small silence falls over the hall, with the girls staring at him, before Sakura slams her fist into the table, yelling angrily, "Why didn't Onii-chan tell us before? You know how concerned I—we were when the earthquake occurred, resulting in a massive pillar rising from where Onii-chan was? We thought those Heaven guys Onii-chan mentioned had attacked you or something!"

Masato fell silent. He wanted to say that he informed them about his bloodline upgrade about a decade ago, but he didn't. Angry Sakura might rape him... which sounded appealing to him.

He wanted them to practice refining their bloodlines as well, but he reasoned that he should test it on himself first. And, because he was already training in it, he told them that once his bloodline upgraded, he would allow them to practice it as well.

In any case, they had a thousand years to live here. A decade or two won't make a significant difference.

"Anyway," Artoria diverted the conversation by putting a piece of cake in her mouth, savoring the taste, and asking, "With such a large movement, wouldn't Heaven or other factions know about your existence now?"

"Hmmm." Masato paused for a moment before responding, "They should, yes. More than likely, the Garden of Sunset's leader used his ability to predict the future of the planet and saw me. So I wouldn't be surprised if they were aware of our existence even before we arrived on this planet."

Garden of Sunset — A force comparable to Heaven, but the most enigmatic of all other forces. They moved without a clear goal or motivation, making their every move unpredictable.

In reality, it was said that the Garden of Sunset's leader could see into the future. And the majority of Garden's moves were based on these visions. Adding to that, no one has ever seen the leader of the Garden of Sunset, and no one in the world has even the faintest idea of the leader's true identity.

Masato was certain that he should have seen him in the vision of the future he saw after recalling the plot. So there was a good chance, about 90%, that the entire Garden of Sunset, or even other major forces, were already aware of his existence to some extent.

"But didn't you say we're not connected to the Akashic? So, how can he see us if he sees the future written in Akashic?" Irisviel inquired, pulling her plate away from the pouting Artoria, who had devoured everything in front of her. Fortunately, she could eat as much as she wanted in The House, making it her favorite spot.

"Just because we don't make contact with the Akashic doesn't mean it won't record our existence. As I previously stated, Heaven saw the names in the XXX timeline while we live in the YYY timeline. The Akashic is the universe's foundation. It is nearly impossible for it to have no record of us when we are living in the universe."

Similarly to how everything, no matter what, was recorded in the Nasuverse's Root, everything that has happened in this world should be recorded in the Akashic, whether or not they have made personal contact with it.

"What are we going to do now? Fight with Heaven? I'm pretty sure they wouldn't tolerate a 4th Class being in a mortal world with no mana." Illya made a remark.

Indeed. Masato's status has increased from Tier 3 to Tier 4 after upgrading his bloodline and merging with the Essence of a True Dragon. And that was just his base values, not his perks or boosts. Fighting an early Tier 6 being wasn't out of the question for him right now.

"They would try to remove us in order to prevent any irregularity or anomaly from occurring in the earth. After all, your mere presence, according to this world, necessitates a large amount of Mana. Not to mention the fact that dragons have previously destroyed many worlds, making you something akin to a level 9 threat to the earth."

Masato rubbed his chin and shrugged at Artoria, "If they did send someone to look after me, I guess I'll just add him/her to my exp. It's not like I fear Heaven when they can't even use their powers in the lower worlds. Such constraints are meaningless to us as long as we are not connected to the Akashic."

'Alternatively, we can simply kill them and be done with it.'

Masato smirked when he heard Balor's remark because he had the same thought. If something bothers you, simply kill it and move on. Easy. There's no need to go through pointless plots and battles just to prolong the inevitable.

"Anyway. Leaving that aside, why don't you girls, leaving Artoria aside, start to train your bloodlines? The advantages of becoming a High Humans are numerous, particularly the skill that comes with it." He said this while pointing to his closed eyes.

Artoria had no bloodline to begin with because she was a Heroic Spirit. After all, she was just a mana construct. Artoria has contracted with him as a Heroic Spirit, as opposed to other girls who have contracted with him as humans. Though it didn't matter to him because he will create her a human body in the future, one with more benefits than a regular human.

'Now that I think about it, Illhan did create a body for a lingering thought within the mind, didn't he? He even created a body for the succubus he killed, or rather, resurrected her. Can I, seeing as she was able to give birth, do the same?'

Masato realized that he should begin learning more about human biology right away. There were many such books in the Gate of Babylon, and he had plenty of time.

He took a sip and realized he still had a lot of work to do. He wouldn't be bored for another century or two.


"How was a dragon born on Earth? That isn't supposed to be possible!" An angel sitting on the central chair on a big rectangular table said with astonishment, barely hidden within her words.

"I'm not sure how. All I know is that a dragon was born on Earth, no matter how impossible it may sound. Those Dragon Beats I've heard with my own ears." Irta gave a solemn response to the commanding angel. Even if she didn't want to believe it and the situation didn't seem very realistic, the facts were in front of her eyes.

"Are you certain it was a Dragon Beat? Could it be something else?" Another Angel added. The premise was not incorrect. It could be something completely different, and Irta had misidentified it as the Dragon Beat.

"Something else? Let's say it is, and I, a higher being, mistook it for Dragon Beat; even if it isn't, that is concerning. What could cause such rapid heartbeats that could be heard all over the world? And don't forget that the earth hasn't yet completed its first level-up phase! Any being's birth should not be possible!"

She also wanted to point out that when time is stopped, even animals are unable to give birth. But she believed her previous statement sufficed as an argument.

"Irta is correct in her assessment. Even if it is not the Dragon Beat, the birth of any being with a class on Earth should be impossible. The only other possibility is that it is an extraterrestrial being who has arrived on Earth for a reason." An angel with a spear added.

Other angels agreed with a nod. Her words made the most sense to them.

"Could it be from the Garden of Sunset, the Destruction Demon Army, or the Army of Brilliant Light?"

The air became suddenly heavy after the angel's sentence was spoken.

"It shouldn't be possible." Another angel with lovely features interrupted and said, "Like us, other factions can't easily influence a lower world. So they either choose exceptional people to lead or send lower-level beings (imposters) to that world."

"Indeed," said the leader, sitting in the center chair. "So, while the premises of this dragon belonging to other factions are zero, those led by that faction are not. For the time being, Lita, you will go down on earth and check this... anomaly," she said to the beautiful angel who had just spoken. "To see if you can learn as much as you can about him/her."

"Don't engage. Observing from afar should be fine for a higher being like you. Take care of him/her if he/she is another higher existence. And if they are a lower existence that you can take care of, you are free to attack. Otherwise, continue to observe as before."

"Such a mission, it shouldn't be too difficult for you, right?"

Lita paused for a moment before nodding, "Leave it to me."

The leader nodded before saying, "In fact, if you think it's too dangerous, you can take another angel with you as well. Take Erta, a magician, with you because you are a close combatant. She's been doing nothing but loitering these days."

Lita agreed with a nod.

"Good. The meeting is then concluded. Please be on high alert for anything unexpected until more information is obtained."


"By simply repeating this breathing pattern, you were able to improve your bloodline?" Artoria inquired, looking at Iri, Illya, and Sakura, who were sitting in a lotus position, trying to control their breathing.

"Don't ask me because I'm also a skeptic. This was the manual provided by the system, and I'm still not sure how it works. All I know is that it alters the flow and direction of our blood and follows the prescribed breathing pattern. I'm not sure; perhaps it's due to the genetic code in our blood?"

Even after a decade of practice, he was as oblivious to how it worked as he could be. This has all just happened.

"So... what should I do now? Can I go and eat now?" Artoria asked, seeing as there was nothing for her to do here anyway.

"Tsk, tsk!" Masato smirked as he moved his finger to the right and left. He walked up behind Artoria and hugged her soft body, saying, "You know. I simply merged with the dragon essence, transforming into a True Dragon Human Divine Heroic Hybrid. The point is that the Dragon part makes me very... horny. You understand what I'm saying, don't you?"

Artoria's face flushed, but she didn't struggle out of his embrace and nodded slowly. Masato smiled before both of them vanished, leaving Sakura, Iri, and Illya alone.

Soon after, his sword spirits joined him in the room and ended up ganging up on him, only to lose in the end. His essence was no laughing matter.

This P a t r e o n is solely for those who wish to assist me by donating money.

P a t r e o n.com / meatball_chana

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