

Follow the life of Alexs who is drawn into a mysterious world by an act of forbidden magic. Now, as the hero summoned by the Demon Queen, they embark on a journey full of danger and discovery to unravel the purpose of their summoning and save this world from the clutches of darkness. Will they succeed in uncovering the truth behind their summoning and overcome the threats that loom over them?

Alexs_Aguirre · Fantasy
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CHAPTER 2 - In The Shadows Of Shadowfall

Chapter 2 - In the Shadows of Shadowfall

When the light went out, a young man is seen lying on the floor of what looks like a very elegant royal great hall with a stylish

Alex's Point of View

"Mmha where am I" my head rumbles and my vision is completely blinded by the intense light that hit me a moment ago as I compose myself I hear around me a voice that emanates authority seems to be from a man.

"Welcome gentleman, we've been waiting for you for a long time," greets the mysterious voice as my vision recovers, what the hell I must be dreaming, this guy couldn't be real in front of me, what seems to be a combination between human and a goblin with sharp teeth and spiky hair, wearing an elegant pink suit.

"McHmcm excuse me, but who are you and where am I?" This can't be real But I don't want to act scared or worried I don't want to imagine what can happen

"My name is Slyther Drews, faithful servant of this realm, but everything else will be answered by your majesty, so if you could follow me please," after saying that, he advances towards a large door of what appears to be a throne room, although it is far away, I decide to follow him without refuting it while I analyze my surroundings.

"This place is too big, it must be some king's castle, it will be that I was sent to another world to save it, after all, I clearly remember what happened before and that was not something normal, but more importantly, where are Hanako and the others, I am sure that they also crossed" I thought to myself as I walked down the great corridor and finally we stopped in front of the giant door.

Slyther: Well, here we are, wait a moment while I call your highness.


Slyther: Your highness already get up, we have a special guest, and you don't want to greet him, scare him with his current appearance! I scream so loudly that it almost burst my eardrums.

And right after that, there is a loud bang from the other side of the door, as if someone has woken up and is running late for work.

And then quickly someone opens the door and you can see the silhouette of a woman when the light illuminates the room you can see a beautiful woman of about 26 years old maybe?, Platinum Blonde hair and unique orange eyes with a black gothic style dress that fits perfectly to her body and shapes her figure, Though he has pointed ears, could he be an elf?

"My apologies for the delay and for what my butler said. Slyther tends to exaggerate things a bit, I wasn't sleeping, I was just concentrating on planning some battle strategies," she replies in a seductive but elegant voice, which reflects her real appearance, I never thought this would happen to me, maybe it's like in the novels I read where the protagonist is sent to another world, although I hope and they don't betray me.

"Don't worry your highness" I reply with a slight bow to show respect, maybe it's someone who doesn't care much about relating to people, but in this place where everything is different and unique I must act differently, after all it can be interesting to know what my life would be like. beautiful girls and I could form a harem like the otaku that I am, I won't say no to that.

"Alright, let's get started, huh?" Suddenly, a cloud of smoke forms around the queen and when it dissipates you can see the same but younger as about 16, although it looks as if she hasn't slept in three full days, her hair all messy and eye bags that look like giant trash bags.

Slyther: You can't even maintain your adult form for more than 10 minutes, but I told you to sleep early and not be reading tales from the elven world all night that our guest is going to think of you Miss Lilith.

Lilith: I couldn't help it, my favorite author just released her new romance novel about a girl who was scorned by her ex and then fell in love with her boss who turned out to be a very powerful demon and dominante.es hit in the head by Slyther. Who looks at her with an annoyed face.

Slyther: He's NOT old enough to see that kind of thing. What would his Mother say if she were alive:

Lilith: What seduced and enslaved any Truman boy?

Slyther: If that's the reason I wanted you to bring an adventurer from another world, I'll bring him back right now, I don't want to be involved in your weird fetishes, miss. He responds in a voice that reflects that he is embarrassed by the situation.

"I'm still here," I reply, somewhat uncomfortable and confused by the situation.

Lilith: I apologize for my attitude as you already heard, my name is Lilith and I am The queen of this place known as Shadowfall is a very prosperous kingdom or at least that was the way it was, a few years ago we were mainly dedicated to the sale of slaves and cursed artifacts among other things, although when Mama took power democratically by force we left aside the sale of slaves. Despite being demons, he didn't see that as necessary, in addition to creating more conflicts and tensions with the other kingdoms, so he preferred to use our knowledge in dark arts to develop objects and sell them, in addition to being a place with a large number of volcanoes and unique minerals, we use the resources for trade.

"Well, it must be tricky to run a kingdom and take away something that's tradition to explore new things."

Lilith: That's right, at first most people refused, but my mother was an expert in the art of seduction, combined with an intelligence and ease of speech, it was easy to convince them by showing economic improvement.

Slyther: Right after that the kingdom prospered and great alliances were forged with most of the kingdoms and shadowfall became a realm where all races could come together and find a better future until..."

"Until what?" I asked curiously over his pause.

Lilith: Until the great Chaos War, a conflict that originated between all the kingdoms, no one even remembers why it happened back then, however some kingdoms like Truman's accused Shadowfall and the demon queen Lilith of creating acts of terrorism in their kingdom and kidnapping their people.

Slyther: However, some others did not believe that it was like this since their kingdoms were allies of both sides, but some time later attacks appeared in the other kingdoms and everyone found clues that accused the others, which caused a world conflict that destroyed a large part of the world until one day the Trumans, with the help of wizards and who they call gods, summoned a couple of warriors from another world to end the conflict by attacking Shadowfall and killing my mother, the demon queen, who at the time was the one most likely to win the war, and when she died all the other kingdoms signed a peace agreement between them, not wanting to suffer the same fate as Shadowfall, which almost ended up destroyed and with most of its inhabitants fleeing to other kingdoms or being captured by the Trumans.

Lilith: If it weren't for the fact that out of nowhere the summoned heroes revealed themselves and began to attack the other kingdoms, causing them to be declared traitors and married until they were killed or locked up, our kingdom would have ceased to exist.

"Wow, that's a lot to process right now, I'm sorry what happened to your mother, it must have been very hard for you," I give my condolences as I was speechless and didn't know what else to say or do

Lilith: I know, but that's why you're here when the chaos of the heroes was over, they all went back to their pre-conflict lives, however, they also forgot, or rather put aside their conflict with Shadowfall, after all, what more damage could we cause if it was no longer more than the Osmbra of the prosperous realm that it once was:

"But that doesn't explain why they called me to whom, or where my friends are, I'm pretty sure they were with me too, when the gold and red lights blinded us." I mention what leaves them a little baffled.

Lilith: Golden lights, Slyther, do you know anything about that? He asks his butler who is thinking before answering.

Slyther: It may be that the Trumans have summoned as well

After Slyther mentions the possibility that the Trumans have summoned someone, Lilith frowns worriedly. She makes her way to a large carved wooden table, where she sits down thoughtfully.

Lilith: If the Trumans have summoned someone as well, that means the balance of power in this world is in jeopardy. We cannot allow history to repeat itself. His words are serious and full of determination.

Slyther nods silently, understanding the gravity of the situation. Meanwhile, Alex becomes increasingly uneasy about not knowing how he came into this world and what happened to his friends.

Alex: Sorry to interrupt, but could you explain why I was brought here? And where are my friends?

Lilith and Slyther look at each other briefly, as if debating how to approach the situation.

Lilith: I understand your confusion, but first let me explain our situation. Years ago, my mother, the demon queen Lilith, ruled Shadowfall with wisdom and prosperity. However, everything changed with the Great Chaos War. His eyes reflect sadness and determination as he recounts the story of the fall of his kingdom.

After listening intently to Lilith's story, Alex is moved by the tragedy that Shadowfall has suffered. He understands the gravity of the situation and the importance of helping the demon queen restore the lost glory of her kingdom.

Alex: I understand. If I can be of help in preventing a repeat of the tragedy, I am willing to do whatever it takes. But how can I help you?

Lilith smiles at him gratefully, appreciating his willingness to help through such a difficult time.

Lilith: The first thing we need to do is restore the confidence of the other realms in Shadowfall. We need to show them that we are not a threat and that we are willing to work together for peace and prosperity for all. But to do so, we need someone who can represent us to the leaders of the other kingdoms.

Slyther nods in agreement, adding his own point of view.

Slyther: Also, we need someone who can help us stop the Trumans and the renegade heroes before they cause more chaos and destruction in this world.

Lilith: That's why we've brought you here, Alex. We need your help to be our ambassador to the other kingdoms and to face the threat of the Trumans and the renegade heroes.

Alex nods determinedly, accepting the challenge that comes his way.

Alex: I'm ready to help in any way that is needed. I will do everything I can to restore Shadowfall's glory and protect this world from any danger that threatens it.

Lilith and Slyther smile contentedly, knowing that they have found a valuable ally in Alex. Together, they begin to map out a plan to meet the challenges ahead and restore peace to this imperiled world.