
I Was Spotted By Grindelwald and Went To Hogwarts (EDITED)

Principal: Gellert Grindelwald (President of the Wizarding Reform Association, first-class magician of the Merlin Order) To Mr. Sean Wallup. Congratulations, you have been accepted to study at Nurmengard School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Enclosed is a list of required books and equipment. Semester is scheduled to start on September 1st, please return your responses by July 31st. Vice Principal (Female) Vita Rozier sincerely Looking at the second magic school admission letter he received, Sean fell into deep thought… There is a big problem in this magical world… -------------------------- I don't own anything from this novel. I don't own the book cover and if the original owner ask me I can take it down. there will be no update schedule I will edit as I read. original novel: https://www.mtlnovel.com/i-was-spotted-by-grindelwald-and-went-to-hogwarts/

All_GoodNamesRGone · Book&Literature
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20 Chs

The Hogwarts Express

Talking: "..."

Thinking: '...'

System: [.....]


The Potters are gentle and warm people. The two greeted Sean in a friendly way, and they didn't mean to look down on Sean's family. They were both parents of students, and they got to know each other happily.

"I think, you still don't know how to enter the platform, do you?" Lily asked gently.

"Yes, ma'am." Sean nodded slightly, observing the other party without anyone noticing.

Although it would be very impolite if found out, it's really hard to restrain his curiosity.

There is no negative image in the original book, representing the beautiful Lily Evans, and of course, now Lily Potter.

Slightly curly and decent red hair, clear and moving green eyes, always with a gentle smile, just like her name, a pure, dazzling but not fiery lily.

He quickly looked away, because Harry's, eager to show off, pulled Sean with him.

"Hey, you see that pillar, just rush in hard. Remember, the speed can't be too slow."

'speed?' Sean suddenly understood why no Muggles had broken in.

He pushed on the suitcase, and then glanced at the Potter family who were still standing there: "Then let's go first?"

"Go, we have to wait for someone."

Sean nodded, pushed the suitcase and accelerated sharply. The wall was getting closer and closer. At the moment of collision, he felt as if he had entered a cloud, and his vision was dark and bright at the same time. After passing through the wrought iron archway, Sean was already standing on the platform packed with passengers.

Beside, the dark red Hogwarts Express that is lying on the rails.

The thick smoke of the steam locomotive wafted over the chattering crowd, and cats of various colors wore around under people's feet. Amid the humming of the crowd and the noise of lugging heavy luggage, the owls also screeched.

Sean smiled involuntarily.

With the help of his father, he picked up the heavy suitcase and found an empty compartment. When the luggage was put on the shelf, the roar of the train whistle had already sounded.

"It's time for me to go down, child, take care of yourself, remember, write at any time... If that owl is really useful." Allen hugged his son heavily.

"Don't worry, Dad." Sean also hugged his father.

Sean waved to his family members on the platform. He saw his sister Ella running with her short legs and accidentally fell down.

"Be careful, Ella!"

But Ella quickly stood up, continued to run and waved at him with a smile.

Sean's nose got hot: "Wait for me at home, I'll send you a Hogwarts toilet seat!"

It was not until he could no longer see the platform behind him that Sean sat back in his seat.

"Okay, let's start now, learning to be a wizard." He murmured.

Before he finished speaking, the sliding door of the box opened, and a little girl with long thick and fluffy brown hair stood in front of her.

"Hello, is there anyone here? God, the box where I was staying is now in the process of being filled with smoke, and I'm a little hopeless for those red-haired brothers... I mean, I want to find somewhere to go to Hogwarts safely." The girl raised her head slightly and explained very quickly.

Sean smiled slightly, stood up politely and made an inviting gesture: "Of course, I'm worried that I will be bored alone."

"Oh, thank you very much." I have to say, with his handsome appearance and decent words and deeds, Sean has not lost his hand when facing a girl.

Of course, a third-year sister who looks like a first-year does not count. She may have Veela blood.

The girl blushed slightly, thanked him, and sat down.

"Nice to meet you, Sean, Sean Wallup." He introduced himself with a smile.

"Hello, my name is Hermione Granger, are you here alone? I only saw you when I passed the box just now."

"No, I was sent by my parents. They got off the bus earlier."

"So, were your parents wizards? I mean, my parents didn't understand magic, so when I got the admission letter, I was flabbergasted, but also very happy, because, I mean , as far as I know, this is the best wizarding school - I have memorized all the textbooks, of course, I only hope this will work." She finished in a barrage.

"Yes, I'm the same as you, but the textbook is very long, I just taught myself a little."

The same family background made Hermione feel a little more intimate, and her chatterbox opened at once: "Isn't it? The textbook is really magical, I never imagined it. I also experimented with a few little spells during the summer vacation. The spells, they all succeeded, but there will definitely be more advanced magics to learn after entering the school, I am a little worried about whether I can keep up with the progress..."

Sean listened to Hermione's chatter with a smile on his face, without showing any impatience on his face, and gave a few sincere responses from time to time.

The two chatted for a while (mainly Hermione was talking), there was a noise in the aisle, and a woman with a smile and dimples pushed open the box door and asked, "Honey, do you want to buy some food from the car? ?"

"Of course." Sean stood up, bought a lot of snacks and put them on the seat. During this period, Hermione wanted to take out the purse, but Sean stopped her with a smile.

"It's just a small gift for the first meeting," he said.

Hermione accepted his kindness, but she still said, "Next time, I'll treat you."

Sean smiled and nodded.

Taking apart a chocolate frog, Sean threw it into his mouth, feeling the strange taste of the still moving frog in his mouth. He picked up the card in the package, which showed a cool, handsome old man.

"Oh, Grindelwald." Hermione glanced at him, "I've read about him in books, but I know very little."

Sean nodded in agreement, then turned over the card.

Gellert Grindelwald, current principal of Nurmengard

Considered one of the greatest wizards of the century

Grindelwald's well-known contributions include:

He founded the Nurmengard School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and the Society for the Reformation of Wizards

Improved more than 15 powerful spells

Promoted the development of the awareness of rights and interests in the contemporary wizarding world

Professor Grindelwald loves chamber music and wizard chess

He put away his second Grindelwald card (Dumbledore already had four), turned his head and asked curiously, "Speaking of which, you should have received two admission letters, right?"

Hermione, who was sipping the steaming honey water with her cheeks bulging, put down the drink in her hand, and then covered her nose. This is a pungent drink that will emit steam after drinking it. Covering the nose can effectively prevent the steam from coming out of the nostrils.

After covering it for a while, and knowing that only some transparent steam was coming out of her nostrils, Hermione blushed and said: "Yes, I also received two letters. However, the boy who came to recruit students and my father didn't like each other very much. like that guy, I think Nurmengard is a little too arrogant in the face of ordinary people, and I don't like that."

Hermione's bright voice came out of the box and was heard by a few people passing by.

A boy with pale blond hair but a worrying volume opened the box door.

"Aren't wizards supposed to be high above muggles?"


I deleted some words and changed some to be more readable.

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