
Chapter 2(The New World)

Booker awoke the next morning somewhat hoping that all of what took place yesterday was just a dream, but he woke up in the bed where he fell asleep. He had a good nights rest and could tell it was still sometime in the morning. He could see the dust floating through the air as the sun was coming through his window.

He willed himself out of bed and went to the closet and pulled out one of the uniforms in his closet, he examined the clothes. It was a regular tailed suit and it looked like something a servant would where.

"Maybe a aid is just a glorified butler," he chuckled to himself.

Booker did notice the blue bow tie that was connected to the suit. He thought about how he would feel strange wearing it, but he put it on anyway thinking it could not have looked worse then the clothing he was wearing when he got here.

The suit felt a bit tight but Booker could still tell it had been most likely worn before by someone. He wondered if he had been the first person to have this job or if others had come before.

He stepped out of his room into the giant hallway and began to wander around looking for Lana. He arrived in a huge dining room and saw that both she and someone appearing to be a maid were conversing about something

"I see your up, it took you a while you lazy shit," Lana said after seeing Booker approaching. Booker let out a small chuckle. He thought about if she was always such a dick to people.

"Sorry about that I was pretty tired," Booker replied.

"Don't worry about it. This is Dana she is my head maid here, she will be able to help you with whatever you ask," Lana states.

Booker observed the women in the maid outfit. She looked around 30 to 35 with long black hair and icy blue eyes that seemed like they could see right through him. He noticed she was well endowed but felt if he stared to long he would find himself in an awkward situation so he looked away.

"Nice to meet you i'm Booker," Booker stated as he extended his hand outward to Dana.

"Nice to meet you sir," Dana speaks and shakes his hand. After they were done exchanging pleasantries Lana interjected again.

"Dana I need you to go take of that thing I asked to do," Lana says and a few seconds later the maid bowed and departed from the room. "Today your coming with me i'm going to a meeting with some important nobles to discus some politics and such." Lana says.

"I'm going to go get ready right now so you can eat some breakfast while your waiting for me. It might take a while since the dresses take so damn long to put on," she states while frowning. Booker did think to himself about how her dress she was wearing the day before did look very extravagant.

After a good 30 minutes Lana came back into the dining room and told Booker it was about time to leave. So Booker helped prepare the cart for their departure and after a while they finally left the mansion.

As they were riding through the city he still felt scared and nervous in this new land. He looked out the side of the cart and observed the city outside as the conversation Lana was having with the driver faded into background noise. He focused on the sounds and sights of the city. Birds chirping, the wind rustling the leaves of trees, the sound of the common townsfolk chattering among themselves. Booker was afraid of this place, but still was able to take in the beautiful sights and sounds the city offered.

"I wish I could read some of my old manga or something," Booker thought while on the ride he thought about his home and thought about his baseball team was doing good and about his siblings wondering how they were doing and if they found out what happened to him.

They soon arrived at a large mansion and Booker stared in awe at the Mansion in front of him which was even bigger then Lana's, he was planning at some point to ask her about the world and trying to get some info about his location and the world around him.

He was impressed, the mansion was mostly made from stone from what he could see. The crest on the banner in the front was a purple rose also covered in intricate designs different from the crest at Lana's. Booker assumed they must be family crests for important nobles and the like.

"Hey you ready to go in?" Lana broke into Bookers train of thought. "Yeah i'm totally ready for this, only I don't really know what i'm supposed to do," Booker said to Lana.

"All you have to do is help me with whatever I ask and stand their quietly like a good little dog," Lana giggled. "Your a mean person you know that," Booker said smiling.

Booker and Lana stepped out of the cart and walked up to and through the door. "So, I know I haven't asked this but what is your family's name and where are we?" Booker inquired curious about where he found himself.

"Well i'm one of the 28 noble families in the country but even an idiot should know that even if your from outside, but I suppose I will tell you. My family is house Mire and currently we are inside of house Francis. We chose this place for a meeting about the current state of the Capital," Lana explained.

"Do meetings like this happen very often?" Booker asked. "Yeah every so often we have meetings like this to discus current affairs, but usually only about twenty of the noble families attend the meeting," Lana tells Booker.

"I see, thanks for telling me thats very helpful," Booker said. In a sing song voice Lana replied "Your welcome."

Soon they arrived at a room and Booker and Lana entered. There were about 15 people sitting at a table as well as a few standing wearing clothing resembling Bookers. one of the men sitting down spoke "Lana welcome, and who might this young man be?" he asked

"Ah, this is my new personal aid Booker," Lana said to the man. Booker figured this was most likely a time for him to use manners.

"Nice to meet you Sir," Booker said politely. "Yes nice to meet you young man," the man said. The man looked to be in his early fifties or late forties. He was wearing a set of very nice clothes. His face and demeanor were gentle but Booker looked into his eyes and could tell there was something different about this man that made him seem very wise and powerful.

Lana sat down and greeted some of the other nobles. Booker thought that she must know them quite well. Booker caught the man's name. The man's name was Gough. Then Mr. Gough spoke "Welcome to the meeting everyone as you all know we are here to discuss the current affairs of the country of Esor and more specifically the capital."

"That must be the country i'm in," Booker thought to himself.

"Currently some news is that, as of recently the adventurer guild has gained more members then ever before due to the increase in monster activity around not just the capital, but the country in general," Gough states.

Booker thinks to himself "I wonder what kind of ghouls and monsters you can find in this world," Booker shuddered at the thought. Mr. Gough continues on with his news.

"Recently, as i'm sure many of you are aware, four noble children have been kidnaped as of late and are yet to be found." Mr. Gough states. One of the nobles trembles a bit and Booker infers that one of his children must have been taken.

"Another news includes the decrease in livestock and crops due to the monster attacks, The death of the head of the Ainzworth family Oryan, Also the country to our north Ueera has offered us trading of goods and valuables," Gough says.

A short while later after discussing the topics presented Gough told everyone to take a short break and to help themselves to the snacks and treats around the room. Lana turned to Booker.

"Hey Booker could you go get me a blanket from the cart it's kinda cold in here," Lana tells Booker. "Sure no problem," he responds chuckling. Lana mumbles something inaudible which Booker figures is an insult.

He leaves the room and goes back the way he came before admiring the beauty when he suddenly hears muffled cries that were barely audible.

"What the hell?" Booker thinks to himself and begins searching for the source of the noise which leads him into a bedroom. He continues to hear the cries until he pulls away a rug from the ground and comes across a old wood trapdoor. "Holy shit," Booker says audibly.

Booker slowly opens the trap door and the cries become much more clear while still faint. The door screams and moans every inch Booker pulls it up to reveal a flight of stairs. Booker was shaking and sweating terrified of what may lie down in the darkness. Booker on shaky legs began to walk down the stairs.