
I was rincarnated as what? As a rose!!!?

Follow the story of our protagonist Rossella (Rosi). And her dream of dominating the world. She will find many friends in her adventures But there is only one problem..... How will she dominate the world if she literally has her feet planted on the ground!? ________________________________________________________________ "UMMM!!!... YES!!.. I CAN HEAR SOMETHING!!! " "Let’s start the plan of world domination!!" _____________________________________ But don’t worry because this will be the beginning of her adventure and her evolution , towards what destiny has reserved for her! __________________________________________ - Comments and criticism are welcome, Thank you - Sorry for the grammar errors, English is not my native language *** - And finally, have a good read! (1. I took the cover and the images from the internet and I don’t have the rights to them, 2. The characters, the settings and everything about the story are all written by me and I own the rights to them! ).

BonnieLove123 · Fantasy
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25 Chs

Chapter 25: "Run!"

The chirping of the cicadas and the rustling of the leaves overshadowed the silence of the night, all the people on the ground were still sleeping, from the darkness that covered the trees came out a man, he approached near the cage next to that of Elentari, took out a couple of keys and quietly opened the cage of our protagonist, he was going to open the other cage but decided against it , he would come back later to get the elf, he could wait.

'uh...?' something disturbed my sleep, I was still a little bit drowsy as i was going to open my eyes something damp covered my mouth, I began to struggle but the more i wriggled the more I felt my mind blur and my limbs weaken, then absolute darkness.

The man seeing that the girl was no longer trying to get free, took her and put her on his shoulders and then set off towards the woods.


I started to regain consciousness, i opened my eyes slightly, all i could see were the faint shadows of the trees, maybe it was still night, I felt myself slightly swinging back and forth so I looked around but my eyes met the ground, I felt like a sack of potatoes literally!, an arm held me tight on my waist, I tried not to move as not to alert him, as i moved the fingers of the right hand I felt that I was regaining the movement of the limb, I devised a plan - the plan was composed of 4 points:

  1. be able to free myself from its grip without giving him the  time to react,

  2. Once point 1 had been completed, the man had to be stunned  as to give me the time to escape,

  3. run until i reach a safe place,

  4. Find Elentari and also plan her escape.

Now the problem was just putting them into practice, I opted for a surprise attack, 


I kicked the air with my feet so as to push my body down and be able to free my waist from his grip, somehow it worked, the man was caught by surprise loosening the grip making me fall to the ground, I got up right away as I stepped back trying to figure out who my kidnapper was.

I took a look at him...no, it's Impossible!?.. .  .( °ロ°)!

among all those who could be he was the least i expected to see!.... the man with broken boots!

"I didn't think you'd wake up so early.... Not even the elf before had succeeded, this time for you I will ask a higher price", he rubbed his hands as if he could already feel the coins between them.

Needless to say, this was the perfect time to have my revenge and settle accounts with him.... but mostly I had to get my money back!  (ఠ益ఠ)۶

The man quickly approached me as I dodged him he turned around suddenly ....stumbling on a root of a tree making him fall face down on the ground. I suppose it was the roundness of his body that prevented him from coordinating his limbs well.

Are you kidding me!!?...Really? The monster plant was more challenging than him.... (눈_눈)




'Pft!.....Bhahahaha, how does it feel to eat the dirt?!!!!, I bet it's good....hahaah....',  ( ` ∇ ´ )

  if I could talk I would really want to ask him that question, the man still did not move from the position he was, that it had been a fatal fall? is he dead??

By now I thought he was dead, I got a little closer, then a little more, I bowed slightly forward, trying to figure out if he was still breathing, suddenly something grabbed my ankle, making me fall backwards, the man quickly raised his head with an angry expression, I quickly tried  pulled my foot back but I couldn't, the man was trying to get up on his feet, I had little time to act, I kicked his face but he dodged it, this angered him even more, he pulled to himself my ankle, I was losing ground, with my hand I grabbed the dirt and throwed it towards his eyes, looseing his grip on my ankle as covered his eyes screaming in pain, it was my chance, I looked for something to knock him out.

"AARGH!.... MY EYES!!!... WHERE ARE YOU!!?. COME BACK HERE!." The man kept screaming and kept rubbing his eyes.

'Come on!.... Ah! Here it is!' with my hand i searched around for a stone or a stick, finding a big stick just behind me, luck was on my side that night, I took it hitting it on his head.

*BANG! * immediately he fell backwards to the ground knocked out.

*Phew*..Lucky me...  ε-(´・`) フ... 




hehe.... Now let's move on to the most important thing!  (屮`∀´)屮

.... THE SPOILS!..  \ ($∀$) /


I went through his pockets and even his shoes, finding something and examined its contents.

'umm..let's see....!!', in my hands I had what kept reappearing even in my dreams.. the bag full of money from before.... I shook it slightly,*chi-ching* that was the sound I remembered, I opened it and I was amazed by the amount of coins that were inside,  bronze coins, then silver and some of them were even gold!!


I already imagined how I would spend that money, I would buy a nice little house for me, I would eat more succulent things than simple earth mixed with grass, I was determined to live the life I deserved  ✧ (•̀⤙•́ ).

I was really euphoric, but the happiness didn't last for a long time, from afar, among the branches of the trees my gaze was attracted by a small glint - a light, someone was heading towards me,  those men from before, they were looking for me, I started to run from the opposite direction, i'll to rescue Elentari later now it's not the right time, I couldn't get caught otherwise how could I have freed her if I was in the cage with her!?

' system answer me is an emergency!'



'activate the GPS, I need the directions of location for the nearest village, quickly I have little time!.'






1) continue for another 300 meters then turn right,

2) then continue straight NORTH for 500 metres,

3) continue for a further 112 metres,

4) then turn to ...]

-ˋˏ✄┈┈┈┈ 1 hour later ┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈

'How many miles i had run...5?....10?....20?.... AND I HAVE NOT YET REACHED THE VILLAGE!!' 

*ε=ε=ε=  ヘ ( •̀ Д•́ )ノ 


I could even feel the droplets of sweat coming down from my forehead, my legs trembled - I was exhausted from head to toe, if it wasn't for the fear of being caught by those men again I would never have been able to run all these miles on foot.



Hearing the notification from the system I stopped running, it was barely visible but it was there, I could see a small village in the woods, while I was approaching my destination i heard footsteps coming from my direction and voices approaching - someone was coming -but they weren't the kidnappers...