
I was Rifted Homeworld Mass Effect

Crazy night leading to a very unbelievable adventure. Being sucked away, and sent to places you only wanna dream about not actually go to. Designation 1 Mass Effect. Sub- Final Fantasy Tactics war of the Lions. I do not own the characters mentioned in the web novel. Support the official games, video games, and board games, and the authors and producers who made them. Discord Frozentidez#9107

FrozenTidez · Video Games
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88 Chs

Mass Effect: Cerebrus

"Well, that is the gist of it." I said to the Illusive Man. He took everything in and said nothing. Keying away, the screen closed. "Well, that went as well as I suspected."

"It will be fine. I have already administered the cure through the entire facility. Over 85% of our forces have been weakened. But, no more Indoctrination. All tech with it has been put in decontamination. Everything is showing great results." Miranda stared at me in her black catsuit. On the right side was a wolf symbol. To represent her ties to me. On the left was the one for Cerebrus. "You have passed over tech to satisfy his curiosity for a long time. Cerebrus is yours to lead."

"Ours to lead. You are my first in Command for its affairs." I corrected. "Structuring needs to be done while we rebuild. I will not allow my self to fall back. My Path is clear." My voice was firm.

"Woosh!" Red and black biotic energy flowed around us as we walked. My Renegade Power was strong. And Miranda fed off it.

"I like the sound of that Commander. The non Humans in the group, how proved themself more than enough. I will defintely vouch for them if anyone has problems." Miranda gave me a nod as we walked. Mia, Vergil, Proto Man, and Morrigan were on standby in the hall.

"Next move?" Proto Man asked.

"You go and spend time with your family man. I will order if I have to. Right now, we look for any appearance of the Collectors. They appear we mark them and tail them to wherever they are going. Our forces hit them hard if we can. If not, those captured are just going have to suffer a little."

We made our way to the lift.

"The Alliance advisors in our group are just gonna have to kick it up a little. As well as our Xenos advisors." I said as we stepped out into the hanger.

"Doop!" In the hanger the ship as getting a small upgrade. It was the detachment piece we used for docking in places. The main piece was fine out in space. Constant updates by Lunabella keeping me appraised of the situation.

"Commander!" A few Cerebrus opps saluted me. I gave them a nod and passed a few words along. They were nice enough. And the biotic strands alerted me I had their trust.

"But you will still make moves right?" Vergil asked. I nodded and said of course. "That is good. Kasumi is in charge of your Spy network. I would like to lead the Wetwork division." I gave him a raised eyebrow. "Your hang-ups on it is gone. So why not? With Galtea taking over logistics completely and Hilda doing mission work, we have that covered."

"That is true. But that darker aspect of life might take its toll on you." Mia said. "I do not think it would be good. Despite your.. upbringing."

"Chish!" The door to the ship open as soon as we reached it.

"I think it will be fine." Proto Man said. "As long as I get to be his Handler. I will make sure he does not go crazy. As well as those that work under him. I have a Master in Psychology among other things. A lot of things changed while you were asleep boss." He gave me a smirk.

"Congrats." I said returning a smirk. Passing all the workers, I moved to the Bridge with the others. "Everyone has improved a great deal. That is good. I have vented enough. Time to get back on track to do what is needed. I am ready to have fun and work."

"Good to know." I watched as Galtea floated above in a weird chair. Several screens displayed different things.

"Hey.... I figure you still want to do peaceful nice type things. So I have a way for you get a lot of help in that regard."

"Oh how so?" Galtea floated down to the ground floor. Five others floated up in chairs to take her place. "They are learning logistics my way. Really good Followers they are." An Auxilary field was activated.

"We are going to go and take the Shadow Broker's Base. The contacts and stuff will make for a very formidable force under you. Stopping and preventing problems before they escalate. Killing will be involved of course."

"I like it. It will help Hilda to. She already passed her next Operator's test as well. Under you of course. Replacing Zelda's position. So you have three Operators. Hilda taking setup for mission with me. Me doing logistics as well. And Alita doing missions with magic to it. It will not take long for you to spread your influence."

"No rush. Rebuilding and strengthening is better. Not that reckless." I remind her.

"The Shadow Broker's is a tough thing right?" Angron asked. Andon looked up with interest. "Let me lead a team into there."

"Sounds good. But Vergil, compose your wetwork team. I think the pairing of your forces will work great. Heavy lifting and siege is something Angron can definitely accomplish."

"I can have it ready in two weeks."

"Make it four. Two weeks for you to get ready. Two weeks for you to build up trust and teamwork." They both gave me a nod and left. Angron running behind them. Maldova came in from the other entrance. "Hey."

"Hey yourself." She said plainly. But she suprised me by coming up and kissing me. "Muah. That is for the cure. It has been deployed in several locations. I passed over the files to Illium getting them patented. The Asari council has paid big. And I mean big. They have given their full support. A few other races have thrown up flags but no matter. As for Aurora, I mean Hotshot. The treatment is named after her. The family has been notified and sent their thanks. I will forward it to you later."

"Thanks for that." I made note to defintely do that. "Any dissenters?"

"Supringsly no. With the notes that Hotshot kept of the treatment, they knew it took a lot to endure. We need to pop up on Thessia to do a formal greeting. A few want to come under our command. In her honor. One you know in particular is interested. Samara the Justicar."

"I thing it is a great idea." Ruma said. "The Krogan are also appreciative. Not as much as the Asari but well enough. No more stillborns is a blessing in itself. The quantity is low but stable. In a few centuries, we will be good to go."

"That is good. What about.." I stopped my sentence as the door opened. Sophia came in with Mileuda. "Things going good?"

"Yes. The Sisterhood is going ok. We were able to recover the gene-seed and stabilize those we thought were lost. Sophia helped out greatly with that. It will take a long time before they all are ready again." Mileuda smiled happily. "We have not lost our sisters after all."

"It was exhausting work but worthwhile." Sophia looked pale. "You owe me a lot more happy time later. I know just the place to go." She moved over to a cot in the corner. In seconds she was asleep.

"Heh, alright." Turning back we went over things again. Mostly about Cerebrus new image and focus.


-Next morning-


"Heading out?" Sophia said from the bead.

"Yeah. Somethings need to be made official. And Final Fantasy Tactics needs my attention." I came back after brushing my teeth. Looking at her laying there I just had to ask. "This is what you want yes?"

"Yes. My Overlord. That is what you will always be to me first and foremost. Having you as a Commander and lover after is just a bonus. Do stay strong." Her eyes flashed with power for a bit.

"Fwish!" I raised my hand showing my power in my hand. It swirled around a bright light with a red tinge thanks to the Renegade path.

"Cosmos Power as I know it. Compliments of my Pather Power. It is growing just like me." With a flex, my hands and feet were covered in a silver armor. "It may not be Dark Cosmos, but I can make this work."

"Mhmm." Sophia hopped up and walked over to me. Her tits jiggling nicely. She pushed my hands down and wrapped me in an embrace. "Grow strong for we can always be together. I will keep the others alive best I can if anything goes wrong again."

"Is power what I need to know everything about you?" She gave me a nod. "I take it a quest will activate if I force it?" She gave a shiver and another nod. "But if I do not, you are safe yes?" She gave another nod. "Then I will not ask again. I have a few ways to get up to that. I rather not start a Lunatic Quest anytime soon."

"Good. I rather we are ready for it to." Sophia gave me a twist and pulled away. Her clothes equipped and she walked out. "I will make sure the you here stays on track since we are so busy."

"Right." I shifted to my Nether World after a wave. I missed the look on her face change.

"Haaa I rather you not fight against the Avatars anytime soon. Killing them would make things worse." Sophia returned to her self after that. Humming a tune carefree as she moved. 'Another Pather User, the Creator is up to something again. But no matter. He is my Overlord and the Administration can not take me away if they find out. Level 70 is gonna take awhile for him.'




"The Collector have been spotted. Attacking an Orbital Station." Miranda said to me. "Forces are already moving to intercept. I will tell you the results."

"Alright, keep safe." She gave me away as she jumped in a fighter. Andgron, Verrgil already departing with their squadrons. Mileena walked over towards me holding a pad. "What is it?"

"I have some Followers that are ready for another World. I have them trained and ready. The location is my own. A new Mortal Kobat has opened up."

"Well that sounds good." She grabbed my hands and nibbled them. "Yes I approve of it. WHen you are ready go. The startup can be when we are all younger to make it more comfortablt for you and the others. The idea of a young Mileena causing trouble sounds fun."

"I agree. Pop in for the you there can have a little more of your presences." Mileena pulled off to go towards a few men and women. I made a message o Alita and Hilda for adjustments there. Turning a Rift open as I stepped in to head towards Tactics.

"Boop!" As the Rift closed I felt weird for a moment.

"Still feels like I am all here." I looked over my hands but felt the me in Tactics grow stronger. 'That is something else. Seems simotanous. Need to fix that.'

"Nothing is wrong." I heard the voice of the Creator speak to me. "Just advancement of your Pather power. Your Prime Soul is there. But no errors. A gift and something you earned. Good luck for the future Azul."

'Thanks.' I could feel the presence already left. 'That is not scray at all.'