
I Was Reincarnated With Gacha Skills In Another World

When game designer Ryo Tanaka died saving a young child, he awoke as Lucas in a fantasy world with an unexpected surprise. Equipped with a unique Gacha System that only he possesses, Lucas can randomly obtain completely useless powers, items, or skills. Joining eccentric adventurers and exploring a world filled with monsters, conspiracies, and chaotic guilds, Lucas must rely on his wit and a bit of gacha luck to survive. But can he uncover the truth behind his reincarnation, or will he be trapped in this unpredictable game forever?

Yuhi99 · Fantasy
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39 Chs

An Unexpected Ally

Night was falling as Lucas, Finn, and Evelyn returned to The Silver Chalice Inn. The atmosphere inside the inn was bustling with the sound of people enjoying food and drinks, but the group immediately headed to the room they had rented to examine their findings from the black market."Bring the scrolls to the table, let's see what we can learn," said Lucas. He locked the room door and looked around cautiously, making sure they weren't being followed."Some of them look like ritual guides. But the language used is quite ancient," said Evelyn as she placed the scrolls and amulets they had taken from the black market stall on the wooden table. She lit a candle to provide additional lighting, then opened one of the scrolls, her eyes squinted trying to understand the strange symbols within."Hm, this is like... a poem or something. 'The darkness that rises, the eyes that see in the fall, the flame in the night of the fall'... well, that sounds scary," said Finn, reading a suspicious-looking part. Despite his joking tone, his eyes were filled with vigilance."That sentence sounds like part of a big ceremony," said Lucas while examining another scroll. "And there's a picture of a ritual circle here... maybe this is some kind of clue about a specific location or time.""If that's true, it could mean they're planning something big in Eldoria. We have to find that place before it's too late," said Evelyn, her face serious.They continued to examine the other scrolls, some of which contained strange spells, symbols they didn't recognize, and notes about ingredients for dark rituals. Every time they found something that seemed important, they discussed it quickly, trying to put together the scattered pieces of the puzzle in front of them."Look at this. There's a mention of the 'Hidden Temple Beneath the Shadows.' It sounds like a pretty important place," exclaimed Finn, pointing to one part of the scroll he was holding."A temple underground, maybe inside Eldoria," Lucas muttered. He imagined the city map in his mind. "If that's true, this could be their center of operations.""We might need to find someone else who knows more about this place. But who can we trust?" Evelyn sighed deeply, her gaze deepening.A soft knock sounded on their room door, interrupting their discussion. All three of them immediately exchanged glances with each other warily."Are you expecting someone?" Finn whispered, his hand already on the hilt of his dagger."No, no one," replied Lucas. He prepared himself for anything."Who's there?" asked Evelyn, her voice firm and cold. She held her magic staff tightly."I come with no ill intent. My name is Kael. I know you're looking for information about the cult. I can help," a voice from behind the door sounded softly but clearly."Come in slowly, and show your hands," said Lucas. He opened the door slightly, signaling to the others to be ready.Kael, a dark-haired man with a thin beard, entered slowly. He raised his hands as a sign that he was not carrying any weapons. His eyes shone sharply, but his face looked calm and confident."I heard you made a little commotion in the black market. That was quite impressive," said Kael with a small smile. He looked around the room as if assessing them."Well, just doing what needed to be done. So, what do you know about this cult?" Finn chuckled, although he remained vigilant."More than you think, perhaps. This cult has been deeply rooted in Eldoria for a long time. They call themselves the 'Guardians of the Falling Night.' And yes, they are planning something big," Kael explained in a low but clear voice."Why would you want to help us? What do you get out of this?" asked Evelyn, her gaze full of suspicion."I have a personal vendetta against them. My family was a victim of one of their rituals a few years ago. I've spent years trying to find a way to stop them," Kael replied, his voice filled with bitterness."Sounds plausible," said Lucas after a moment. "And you know where this 'Hidden Temple Beneath the Shadows' is?""I know the place. But it's heavily guarded. We can't just go in there without a plan," Kael nodded."We can use the items from the black market to our advantage. The Smoke Bomb and Barrier Stone for example," suggested Finn, his eyes shining with fighting spirit."We also need to prepare better. This is not a small fight," added Lucas, looking seriously at the others."If you really want to fight them, I'm ready to help. But we have to act fast. They might already know that we're getting close to them," said Kael, looking at them seriously."Alright, we all agree. Tomorrow morning, we'll head to that temple. Until then, we have to rest and prepare ourselves as best as we can," Evelyn said, although her eyes still watched Kael carefully.That night, they planned their next steps in more detail. Evelyn suggested that they create a map of the route they would take inside the temple, considering the possibility of traps or enemy patrols. Finn checked their supplies, making sure they had enough healing potions and mana to sustain a long battle. Meanwhile, Lucas thought about the best way to use items like Smoke Bomb and Barrier Stone."If we can find a hidden entrance, it will give us an advantage," said Lucas as he looked at the map drawn by Kael."I know some shortcuts inside the temple. But again, we have to stay alert. This cult is not a group to be taken lightly," Kael nodded, adding details to the map."Well, at least we have a guide who knows the way. That always helps," Finn chuckled, trying to lighten the mood."Hopefully this information is enough to avoid unnecessary bloodshed. But if the fight is inevitable, we have to be ready," said Evelyn as she prepared some magical ingredients that might be useful."Tomorrow, we'll find out if we're ready enough," muttered Lucas as he looked out the window of their room into the darkness of the night in Eldoria.