
i was reincarnated into a world of Alchemy and Algorithm as a elf

Mark, a brilliant scientist, met a tragic end while defending his sister from a merciless attacker. But death was not the end of his story. In a twist of fate, Mark finds himself reborn into a fantastical world, inhabiting the body of a young elf girl named Serafina. This new Serafina carries the memories and intellect of Mark, a stark contrast to the life of hardship and oppression she previously endured as a slave under the tyrannical Lord Vassar. Now, fueled by Mark's thirst for knowledge and Serafina's burning desire for revenge, she embarks on a journey to dismantle the oppressive regime and avenge the death of her mother and fellow elves. As Serafina grapples with the merging of two identities and the lingering trauma of her past lives, she must learn to control her newfound abilities and harness the knowledge she possesses to achieve her goals. The journey is fraught with danger, forcing her to confront not only external enemies but also her own internal demons.

bonobohmmmmm · Fantasy
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4 Chs


Serafina stirred from sleep, the heightened senses and long ears of her elven body proving a nuisance. "If elves didn't have hormone manipulation, I wouldn't get a wink of sleep," she thought, annoyed.

Fen entered with her breakfast, but the sight of him triggered a wave of disgust within Serafina. "Why am I feeling this way? It's like when I cursed him before... Damn, I think I understand," she realized. The merging of her memories with the original Serafina's was progressing, especially after REM sleep, intensifying the torment the young elf had endured. "Just looking at a human might trigger PTSD. The worst part is, my knowledge from my previous life might disappear," she panicked. The urge to write things down arose, but she couldn't write in this world's language, and even her mother tongue might fade away with the memory merge.

Fen, noticing her distress, inquired, "What's wrong? You seem troubled." He couldn't help but blame himself, thinking, "If only I had been faster..."

Serafina, sensing his guilt, reassured him, "Don't worry, it's just a lot to process after yesterday. Anyway, thanks for breakfast. Can I see Doren?"

"Of course, just give him a moment. He's probably busy with some math papers," Fen replied.

"Thanks," Serafina said, her mind racing.

Meanwhile, Doren was intrigued by the young elf. "This little girl is fascinating. She implemented Caelan's plan flawlessly, even though it was just a random idea with a slim hope of saving one elf. And she gathered her thoughts quickly after all that shock. Her criticism of Caelan's plan was logical, and she even apologized to Fen."

Fen, interrupting his thoughts, said, "Doren, stop daydreaming and get to work."

"Sorry, I was just excited to meet Serafina," Doren admitted.

"Oh, I should be the one excited about meeting you," Serafina responded, feeling a surge of respect. "I've heard so much about your genius."

"Genius? I don't know about that. I think Caelan deserves that title more than me," Doren replied humbly.

Serafina thought, "Caelan? I don't know doren well, but so far, this guy seems incredibly humble. I like him."

"So, what do you need from me?" Doren asked.

"I heard that complex alchemy involves equations, but can you explain further?"

"You need to use equations that represent what you want to achieve," Doren

explained. "It might sound absurd, but I can't help much more than that. You need to understand other things first."

Serafina, seeing an opportunity, asked, "In that case, can you teach me math?"

"Nothing's difficult," Doren agreed. "Do you need help with writing numbers first?"

"No, even though I can't write words, I know how to write numbers," Serafina replied confidently.

Three hours later, Doren was astounded, "I can't believe this little girl went from basic arithmetic to calculus in three hours. Even for elves, who are known for quick learning, this is impossible."

Serafina thought smugly, "I'm a genius from an era four centuries ahead of you.Don't be surprised by my level. I should be the one impressed, talking to the guy who invented calculus with Caelan's father." Still, she decided to offer a hint about partial derivatives. "I need to use the heat equation, and I can't just blurt out, 'Oh

wow, I created a breakthrough in math'. The knowledge I've shown him is already suspicious."

After a while, Fen knocked on the door. "Are you okay? It's been four hours."

Doren, still elated, replied, "I don't think I've ever been happier. This girl is a genius! Because of her, I think I'm on the verge of a new scientific breakthrough. I can't wait to tell Michael and Kalnir."

Fen thought, "Michael'? Only a few can casually mention the head of the Aurelius family. Now that I have a personal connection with two of them and his son, my luck must be legendary."

Flashback: Three hours earlier

Michael Aurelius stood before the Emperor, who held a newspaper with urgent headlines: "Head of Vassar Family, Hero who brought justice against the elf demons, killed in a terrorist attack."

"This world is absurd, isn't it?" the Emperor remarked. "A group of people control the continent just because they belong to families sanctified by the 'gods'."

"The real absurdity," Michael countered, "is that those words come from you, Yokan, to me.

Yakon:me yes but you

You, who saved his family from ruin and made his authority surpass even the Emperor's. And you didn't even want to become the head of your family. And Your children are no less impressive, especially that mischievous Caelan. I can't believe he fulfilled his promise."

"Did you really doubt my son's ability to meet your challenge?" Michael inquired. "Anyway, are you happy to have a new unit that helps you get rid of troublesome nobles?"

"Of course, can't you see the joy on my face?" Yakon replied. "The real question is, how can you not be worried about your son?"

"I think you should be the one worried about what I'll do if anything happens to him," Michael stated calmly.

"That's precisely why. you and your wife won't let your son face any danger, even if you're in hell," Yakon retorted.

Michael chuckled. "Amelia, that poor son faces her wrath now."

"I can feel his suffering. She always tormented me in negotiations," Yakon commiserated.

Meanwhile, Caelan faced his mother, Amelia:

"What did I say to you?" Amelia demanded.

"Mother, don't pretend you didn't know I wouldn't obey your orders," Caelan responded.

"Caelan Aurelius, do you understand what it means to defy your mother?" Amelia questioned, her voice laced with authority.

"I've already crossed the line To withdraw , and you know it. Say what you want to say," Caelan replied defiantly.

"You've become quite rude," Amelia noted. "But don't think I let you cross that line willingly. If not for your father's insistence that this decision serves you, not us... I thought despite our differences, Michael and I would agree on protecting our children. But he betrayed my expectations."

"I don't know about his betrayal, but I wouldn't have achieved what I have without his stoping your interference," Caelan countered. He thought, "Now I understand why father is limited to family matters. My mother treated me the best she could, even though I was adopted. Seeing her worry like this breaks my heart, but I'm different from my father."

"Do you understand the danger of leading a secret unit under the Emperor, disguised as a terrorist group, while being affiliated with a larger organization beyond the Emperor's control?" Amelia questioned.

"Yes, but "leading'? I don't think so," Caelan replied with a hint of sarcasm.

"Kalnir," Amelia stated firmly. "If he wasn't in your unit, I would have imprisoned you to stop this madness. Even though I know you'd blow up the prison if I did."

Caelan thought, "Kalnir, one of father's old companions, he is feared even by the Emperor."

"You already know about my secret unit. I'll have them monitor you for your protection But you have to promise me that if you get hurt, you have to stop this nonsense you're doing," Amelia declared.

Later, Caelan encountered his older brother, Falcon:

"You know she's just worried about you," Falcon said.

"You don't need to tell me but why aren't you happy? Won't you inherit Vassar's lands?" Caelan asked.

"We both know it'll be in name only, it under your unit's control," Falcon replied.

"Sorry I wanted you to have it, but there's nothing I can do. Do you really want to be the heir?" Caelan questioned.

"Caelan, we talked about this," Falcon sighed.

"Okay, okay, I just don't want you to regret it," Caelan conceded.

Back in the present:

Caelan returned to the hideout, feeling remorseful. "I shouldn't have spoken to Serafina like that yesterday, especially since my biological parents died in this war. I should apologize."

Doren found caelan and inquired, "Are you okay? You look pale."

"I'm fine. Where are you going?" Caelan asked.

"To see your dad," doren replied.

"You won't find him in the palace. He's currently discussing matters with the Emperor," Caelin informed him.

"Oh, thanks," doren said and Caelin went to find Serafina.

He apologized to her, but Serafina responded, "No, you were right. I was being childish, thinking only about myself."

"What do you mean? You are a child. Of course you'd think like that. And even if you weren't, being in this situation makes it impossible to think logically. I shouldn't

have spoken like that," Caelan admitted.

"A 'child'? And what are you?" Serafina retorted.

"I won't argue with you about that," Caelan conceded. He thought, "Normally I wouldn't bring up her age, as I'm the last one to talk about age. But I don't have enough information about her, but her actions suggest a mature girl."

"But if you want forgiveness," Serafina stated, "I want to kill Vassar."

"I can't allow that. It's part of my responsibility. If you want it, prove your worth,"

Caelan replied.

"I already have. Ask Kalnir if you want," Serafina insisted.

Caelan, surprised by her confidence, agreed. "Okay."

He went to Kalnir, who was engrossed in something. "Don't bother me now, I'm busy with Serafina's suggestions," Kalnir said without looking up.

Caelan turned to Serafina, bewildered. "What did you do?"

"You could say I reconstructed mathematics," Serafina answered vaguely.

"What do you mean? Aren't you illiterate?" Caelan questioned, confused.

"Didn't you see how happy Doren was?" Serafina countered, then demonstrated her abilities by freezing a cup, turning the air inside into liquid, and then reverting it back to normal.

"I don't know what you done, and I'm tired," Caelan admitted, feeling overwhelmed. "But you can do whatever you want."

"I expected you to be more curious. Doren described you as more deserving of the title 'genius' than him," Serafina remarked, a hint of disappointment in her voice.

"He overestimates me," Caelan mumbled, feeling the weight of expectation.

He turned to Kalnir and announced, "My mother's secret unit will join us."

Kalnir thought to himself, "Michael told me his political marriage would be to a strong and intelligent woman after being forced into a marriage for his family's sake. He wasn't lying. Amelia created this unit to be independent of Michael, and it would be useful even to someone like me, who is feared by the Emperor."

An hour later:

Caelan assisted Kalnir with his research, impressed by Serafina's contributions. "Luna must see this," he remarked.

"I told you, my daughter won't come to such a dangerous place. If you want to meet her, go to my continent," Kalnir stated firmly.

Meanwhile, at the headquarters beneath the Emperor's palace:

Doren arrived and declared his identity. "I'm the research officer of the Pimax unit. I request an audience with the Emperor."

The officials scoffed. "An ordinary officer from a new unit wants to meet the Emperor? This is a joke."

"I told him to tell them I'm a special case," Doren insisted, his voice firm.

Yakon emerged from a private room upon hearing of Doren's arrival, intending to kill the officials for their disrespect. But Doren's stern gaze stopped him in his tracks. Yakon ushered Doren into the room.

I came to see Michael, so don't kill anyone in my name," Doren stated clearly.

He then discussed the scientific breakthrough with Michael, leaving the Emperor


I came to see Michael, so don't kill anyone in my name," Doren stated clearly.

Later that night:

Serafina, having obtained permission, visited Vassar in prison. The atmosphere

around him crackled with the intensity of a storm as Serafina struggled to maintain her composure.

"I need to use hormone manipulation. I'll kill him if I don't," she thought, realizing

the manipulation was needed on Vassar as well, as he was too shocked to speak coherently.

Vassar, meeting Serafina's eyes, uttered, "I remember you. You're the only young elf among my slaves. I wanted you to suffer until you were old and died. But it seems I'm the one who will end up like that. Kill me and become me."

the manipulation was needed on Vassar as well, as he was too shocked to speak coherently.

Vassar, meeting Serafina's eyes, uttered, "I remember you. You're the only young elf among my slaves. I wanted you to suffer until you were old and died. But it seems I'm the one who will end up like that. Kill me and become me."

Serafina thought, "Am I in a third-rate novel or what?" Yet, in this world, she needed to kill. "He would be a good person to get used to this," she decided, marking Vassar with a symbol. "Remember these marks you used to kill escaping elves? Remember when you used them on my mother? If not for Caelan's reverse alchemy, I would be dead. But now, you're the slave, and you will die."

She left the prison and returned to her room. But at midnight

Serafina: "overdosed" Vassar with alchemy, increasing his adrenaline until he died of a heart attack. Tears streamed down her face as the weight of her actions crashed upon her. "I sacrificed myself to save my sister, and now I'm in a fantasy world, in the body of a girl who was enslaved and whose mother was killed. And I just killed a man. And the girl's memories are merging with mine."

The next morning:

The unit learned of Vassar's death, unsurprised as they expected him to succumb to shock. Caelan, however, was suspicious. "I don't know how that little elf killed him without a trace, but I have to let her rest. She must be broken now. Even though she told me she had killed before, using steam from hot water to fill a soldier's lungs during an attack on her village."

Kalnir instructed the human members of the unit to stay away from Serafina. "This girl is strong," he explained. "Despite everything, she managed to control herself and treat humans normally. But don't expect that behavior today, tomorrow, or anytime soon. She needs time to rest and process."

Later, he spoke to Andria, his voice laced with confusion. "I wanted to break Serafina's will to prevent her from becoming like Kilo, but I can't do it anymore."

Andria, understanding his internal conflict, simply nodded. They both carried the weight of their past, their hopes for Serafina's future intertwined with the shadows of their shared history. As they stood together, a fragile alliance bound by

responsibility and a shared desire for a better tomorrow, they knew the path ahead would be fraught with challenges, but they were determined to face them together,for Serafina's sake and for the sake of all those who yearned for peace.