
i was reincarnated as muzan in marvel(demonslayer/marvel)

i was reincarnated as muzan in marvel by a evil goddess how was my classmate and best friend

jp_cole · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs

ch 2 small armie

muzan"i need an armie i know people want superpowers".as he breaks into a doctor office and steals syringes and fill them with his blood.

muzan"now to find people"as he jumps out of the window.

random dude"what the f***k"but gets stabbed by the syringe full of blood as his skin turns gray and eyes red.

muzan"your new name is one go kill humans to get more power".

one"on it"as he runs off

muzan"i have three left" as he leaves the area fast.

muzan gets into a hotel because he took one money.

muzan turns on the t.v"looks like one is on the news five deaths he will get his are soon then if it good i will take it after all it comes from my power".

one is killing people well being shoot at as he generates two more arm with mouths on his hands and moves them in a way that is not natural to grab a bites them

muzan"one get to the sewers the sun is coming".

one runs faster then and opens a sewer led and gets away but leaves a message giving up my humanity was a small price for power.