
Fated meeting

I came to the conclusion that someone that the system was presented to me by a very sadistic or extremely rigid person, since turn and meche appeared "complete-or-die" missions. When I heard the new mission, with 30 days, I said, or rather, I thought about the system.

<Are you sure your creator is not a sadistic or psychopathic person?>

[host does not have access to system creator information, so the system can not provide a response]

Hmph. Looking at the map that the system had provided, I decided that it would pay off to use Yae to travel faster, if I needed to find a patron in 30 days, it was better to get to the city as soon as possible. After two days of traveling with occasional stops to rest a situation that I could not avoid appeared on my way.

While I was setting up the place where we had camped the night I heard several growls followed by a child's cry. Jumping on Yue's back, I made him head for the noise. Approaching the place of the tumult I saw the situation shocked. In front of me were 20 monsters that looked like 3-foot tall wolves and they all circled two people. One of them a boy who appeared to be 6 years old, who was screaming at the moment, and the other was a young teenager who was lying on the floor, although his face showed despair he did not move.

[System Notification. Secret mission activated. Goal: save the young from the pack of demonic wolves. Completion time: 30 minutes. Note: if the host does not save the young people he has missed a valuable chance]

I paused for a moment when the mission activated. According to my knowledge of games secret missions were difficult to find and complicated to complete, but the rewards were really valuable. She could not be careless. When the system spoke of the wolf race in front of her, she remembered reading something in one of the books won as a level reward. Demonic wolves were not native to this region, preferring colder climates to live, looking (with the look) meticulously managed to have a metallic glow around the neck of the greater wolf. As I suspected, these wolves were on contract. Although Tame was a unique skill of mine, people from dark sects searched methods of controlling monsters without using the known contracts. One of the methods discovered was to use an artifact to dominate the monsters by making them slaves without any will of their own. When I saw the necklace I realized that it would be difficult to save the boys.

My only option would be to ask Yue to divert the attention of the monsters as I approached the two people in the circle. Demonic wolves had very sharp noses and detested the scent of some herbs. Luckily I had some of them in the inventory, and mixing them I made a small repellent pump. I told Yue to get ready to act, and moving away from him I tapped the smoke bomb right in the middle of the circle of wolves. Seconds after demonic wolves began to run and scatter all over the forest crying. Quickly I approached the boys, it would not take long for the owner of the larger wolf to feel something wrong and share his vision with the wolf. Seeing a stranger approaching, the little boy jumped in front of the older man lying on the ground and looked at me with determination and curiosity.

"Calm down, I will not harm you," I said with my hands raised.

"Only words, as far as I know you can be a bad guy or something worse." said the boy in a very serious voice to someone his age and took the dagger at the waist of his colleague on the floor, pointing his tip at me.

"Look, I know you do not trust me, and I will not give you any reason to convince you. But you need to know that the wolves will come back when their master notices something wrong. If you let me get close to you I have a potion that can hide your scent and aura for a few minutes and allow us to escape." seeing that the little one has not lowered his guard and worried about the remaining time I took the objects in my inventory. "This is an invisibility ointment, when passing in the body she will create a blanket that will nullify the odor of your body ." i said as it passed in my arm showing that it was safe and when I handed the can to the boy he took her and passed in his body and clothes and without taking his green eyes from me also passed on the person lying on the floor. "This is a potion that lets you hide your aura for a while, it's called the ghost intent. You need to take only two goals. I continued when I saw that the boy had just helped the person lying down and after trying the potion I passed her to the young boy she took and helped her senior to drink too.

{Master I will not be able to delay the alpha wolf any longer without releasing more of my power and this may affect you}

"Come on, we have to get out of here quickly." I told them both looking at me with a cautious expression but without hostility. "Your senior can walk?" the little boy disagreed with his head. "Okay, so I'll have to carry him," saying that I caught the young man on the floor in his arms, he was lighter than I initially thought and gave me a look of disgust. Ignoring the daggers being trowed towards me I told the younger boy to accompany me and we started to run towards the cave that I and Yue had camped. It was camouflaged by plants that grew by the rock and so it was hard to find if you did not know its location. Arriving near the cave I mentally told Yue that we were safe and it was for him to find me in the cave after misleading the wolf and hiding its scent and aura (when Yue turns from cat to cat its smell and aura change). Yue agreed and only appeared when the sky began to darken.

{Master the wolf is no longer around the forest we are safe}

He said as he handed me a boar that he had hunted. Lighting the fire I had prepared earlier, I began to prepare the meat and some vegetables I had found around the cave. During the day I had waited for the older boy to move, but he still remained motionless. Worried about this situation, I decided to exchange food information with the younger boy. After he finally bit the bait I started talking casually and finally made him tell me what was wrong with his brother. Apparently he was on some seal that prevented not only his movements as his IQ from manifesting. I asked for help for the system and he gave me (made to buy) a prescription of a pill that could break the seal since my level of cultivation was not high enough for that. The only problem was that the pill was very complicated to make. Going to a deeper region of the cave I began to refine. After 3 blasts and a quantity of blood coughing, I finally managed to refine the damn pill, and after healing my internal injuries a little I returned to where Yue and the two boys were.

"This pill may break the seal om your brother's body, but he will suffer the pain of being burned alive for a while." I said to them seriously, "do you still want to go on?"

The older boy looked at me with his dark green eyes and nodded slightly. Not wasting time I fed him with the pill and in a few minutes his body began to turn red and yellow flames exploded from within his body. Holding the little one so he did not approach and interrupt the release process, which could be fatal, we waited while the older boy body's was consumed by a yellow flame. After a few minutes a red goo came out of the young man's body and the flames changed their tone to blue. Odd, by my understanding the red goo was the seal that came out of the body and then the flames should have gone out. Unless the young man was on more than one seal. I watched as the flame changed from blue to green and after a few moments a brown goo came out of the young man's body. The flames then increased in intensity and reached a white color, setting the previously hot cave at an extremely cold temperature, after a few minutes in that agonizing cold, in which Yue had approached me and the younger boy to keep us warm , the light of the flames became so intense that was hurting the eyes of the people and a black goo reluctantly left the young man's body and began to be burned by the white flame. When all the goo was burned the flames subsided and disappeared. The old Mayan young man's clothes had been burned and watered in some places as the young man struggled to endure the agonizing pain. When the flame got tired he turned his head to me and said it low in a melodious voice.

"Thank you for saving us." She closed her eyes to sleep more than deserved.

Leaving the little one free in my arms he ran to his brother and hugged him crying. Soon the little one was also asleep hugging his brother. Sighing I grabbed a set of extra clothes in my inventory and put them next to the two boys sleeping. Over them I put a blanket made with the skin of a monster I had hunted and after preparing more food went to sleep. When I woke up the other day I found the cave empty. Apparently the two young men had gone their way. When I went to wash myself in the river near the cave, I noticed a ring on my little finger that certainly was not there yesterday. I tried to get him out but the damn ring was stuck. It was made of dark metal and a red stone was stuck in the center.

[System notification: complete secret mission. Reward: Ring of identification. System recommends that the host use this at the gate of the extalia city to enter the city.]

Eeehhh? Seriously I risked my life for a pass into town ?? Okay, that made it easier for me to come in, but I was hoping something better. Shrugging I made a quick breakfast and after eating Yue and I continued on rumon to the city. It was late afternoon when we finally saw the gates of extalia. Finally he had arrived, Yue turned into a cat and we joined the entrance queue at the gates. I was a little nervous, a feeling that something would happen that would change my life growing every step near the gates.

[Primary mission: make the 7 lords fall in love with the host. Mission time: Undetermined. Completion rate: 0.5%. New mission: To find a patron. Completion time: 27 days. Completion rate: 20%. Note: If the host fails its mission there is a 80% chance that the host will be disabled for 1 month, which could lead to the host being killed.]