

My overwhelming hatred took full control of my mind and I looked at Hela with a savage smile.

"What are you?" She asked in a slightly horrified voice, bringing me only joy, "Me? I'm just a little bird, what else what I be?" I said with a laugh and hundreds of swords shot towards my person. As my power increased the threat of those swords was like ants to an elephant.

The pierced my body like a porcupine but my body regenerated the wounds within seconds, my smile only widened, "My turn!" I waved my hand and thousands of swords made out of an inky black mass appeared out of thin air. I fired them at Hela who deflected or dodged most of them, "Nice! Nice! Nice!!" I clapped my hands before appearing in front of her with my fist cocked back.

My fist made contact with her hastily summoned necrosword and I sent her through multiple walls, too many to give a fuck about. I walked through said walls and found Hela on the ground, bleeding.






Blah, blah, blah, shut the fuck up. I swiped away the notifications and turned my attention to Hela who had a horrified look on her face, "Just a moment ago you were an ant but you're growing stronger as we speak, how is this even possible?!" I shrugged, "Dunno, but you won't find out anytime soon, bye bye!" I stook my hand deep inside of her chest, causing her to cough up a lot of blood, jesus, anyways I pulled her heart out, it was still beating.

I threw it up in the air a few times before crushing it, Hela was long dead because her body turned into golden particles, wowzers. Once she died, I was let out of that boring place and back in my city. I floated above the battle field and saw the Asgardians slowly winning this war. To be honest, right now, I couldn't care less, all I wanted to find out was who killed Hemera.


[Shut up, he's having fun, don't ruin it for him, robot.]

Thank you mysterious person using my system as a voice, I appreciate it. Anyways, I found the person who killed Hemera and I wasn't very pleased, it was Heimdall. I teleported behind him and it seems I was too strong for his foresight because he couldn't predict my fist going through his chest, "Oops?" He looked down and coughed up blood before dying. For some reason, I was only more resentful.

"How could you die that easily? IS LIFE REALLY THAT EASY TO TAKE AWAY? SERIOUSLY?!" I was subconsciously using my voice skill causing many people's heads to just pop like a grape, both sides of the war included. My anger only grew, I went around killing any Asgardian in sight until I saw Hemera's body.

I felt tears stream down my face as I held her body and my resentment for this universe only grew stronger. I hugged her body as I cried out, unbeknownst to me, my cries of sadness were literally killing people, not just planetarily but in people in this small section of the galaxy.

The more I cried the more my resentment grew and I got a final notification.




[Skills removed: Pride]

I felt my core well up with an unstable energy and then boom. My explosion didn't destroy, it erased. Everything that was in the path of my explosion was erased until the universe was a blank white space. I floated in the middle in a familiar form, my original crow form.

[Game over.]

I felt my mind piece back together and I was at a loss about what I did. I sulked for God knows how long, rethinking my choices over and over, I just killed an entire universe full of people because I couldn't keep my emotions in check. I floated in the blank white space in my crow form and I just flew around for a while, a long while.

I stopped flying once I found a golden portal. I flew through it and found myself in front a familiar golden haired man.

"Sigh, welcome Tsukuyomi, it's a shame we have to meet this way," The golden haired man said, "Please stop calling me that, my name is Yahweh," Yahweh said in annoyance.

"Now, do you want to know exactly what happened?" Yahweh asked and I nodded. He waved his hand and I saw millions of screens all showing me.

"This is the work of one of the many enemies of Heaven, Satan. It began at your birth," He showed me a screen of my birth and the mid-wife that was holding me was in fact, Satan, "You see, what he did was give you a blessing, well a curse really, but its disguised as a blessing."

"It was called Pride right? It increased your power the more injured you became? Half correct. You see, it doesn't have to be a physical injury as most people would think, it actually works better if you're mentally damaged rather than physically. So it seems he manipulated a few fate lines and here we are, once fate has been manipulated it cannot be undone," Yahweh explained and I felt an extreme amount of anger well within me. How would you feel if your whole entire life was basically the cause of someone else's machinations? THEIR LITTLE GAME?!

How do I know that my own mother isn't manipulating me or Yahweh isn't? I know they can read my thoughts but I couldn't give the slightest twinkle fuck right now.

"Tsukuyomi, if there's one thing in this omniverse your mother wouldn't do is manipulate her own son. You can suspect anyone else, but her," Yahweh said in a bit of a stern tone but I was still angry, but I did sit and think about it. I just sighed (yes, I sighed in my bird form), and let him continue talking.

"Now, you have one of two options. I can return you to this universe before you obliterated it or I can just send you to a new one, with a clean slate," Yahweh said and I was a bit confused, "Clean slate? Like how?"

"You know how in like video games once you get to a certain level you can prestige or rebirth, resetting your level back to 0 but gaining extra benefits to help you level up faster? Something akin to that, just without the extra benefits, because you don't really need them," He was right on the extra benefits part, I'm literally the son of a Primordial Goddess, my existence itself is something to be happy about. I considered it for a moment before choosing my decision.

"I would like the clean slate, this universe has a bit too many bad memories," I said and Yahweh nodded, "But one thing, can you bring back Hemera?" Yahweh looked a bit sad, "Unfortunately, I cannot. Not trying to say this is your fault but, when Hemera died, she was apart of this universes reincarnation wheel, and with your little outburst, you sorta destroyed that..."

"No way...is there anyway for me to bring her back? Anyway at all?!" I raised my voice as tears slowly welled up in my eyes, "I would usually say no, but, there is an exception. You see, the omniverse doesn't really like when souls are erased, so it always keeps a backup, like a cloud you know? Anyways, if you want to bring Hemera back then you'll have to access the Omniversal Cloud, mind you I can name three people in existence who've even got close to it. Those three being me, your mother, and...we won't mention the last one," So only the three strongest people in existence I presume haven't even accessed it and only got close?

"That's not really an option, currently. I will access that dumb cloud and bring back Hemera, by any means necessary," I said with upmost determination. Yahweh smiled, "Well then, you should be on your way then right?" A golden portal opened, "Where am I going?"

Yahweh laughed evilly, "You'll see..." he pushed me through the portal.


[A/N] Might change the story name but I ended the Marvel shit cause I bored not even going to lie. I'm writing this purely for fun, anyways, please choose which world he should go to. Comment with the most likes is the one he's going to.

Next chapter