
I was Reincarnated And Became The Viscount's Healer

The Maid's Extraordinary Tales:Book 5 -I was Reincarnated And Became The Viscount's Healer The story unfolds the life of Reincarnated person who was reborn to new body after been stabbed by a person. Gifted with abilities of alchemy and Medicine which she learnt from her previous life. she is now assigned to work in the capital where she meets the Viscount who works hard and stress himself and doesn't have time to think of himself, Thinking of her previous life and not wanting to someone suffer like her, she tends the Viscount with her skills to treat the Viscount and acts as his healer though she doesn't have the power to heal magic but use her medical skills to treat him.

ItsukiYamamoto · Fantasy
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25 Chs

Chapter 11

Corinna's lunch break is an hour after 1PM. Her superiors told her, 'When you take your break, take it for an hour exactly,' because work has been busy. Around the time she started working, she felt that break of hers was too wasteful, and would work regardless if she was on break, but her seniors forcibly hauled her over to the cafeteria.

When around half a year had passed, Corinna too began to treasure her break, thinking Should I properly rest?, so whenever she had extra time, she would do jobs she enjoyed. For example, she would clean every time she were to meet Albert, feeling a change of mood.

Her seniors had already given up on stopping Corinna, and they allowed her to spend her break however she pleases.

And so, for the entirety of that one hour, Corinna was in the document storage room.

She didn't know when Albert would visit, so when the time came, she would hurry on over as soon as possible. One time, Albert was already asleep on the couch when she arrived late, and Corinna, who had a strong sense of responsibility, promised in her heart, I definitely have to come here earlier next time, upon seeing his sleeping face.

Whenever her break came around, she heads on over to the familiar room with bread and sweets in hand.

Corinna's destination had leaked to her coworkers. She might be meeting someone over there. She perfectly knew that they imagine it to be a love affair of sorts, but even if she were to tell them the real reason, she couldn't so she just let them assume whatever they pleased.

Larissa Kingdom is an assertive country when it comes to love, so there were a lot of people whose behaviors were like Corinna's. Even the Royal Palace was a place where people constantly talk of so-and-so being lovers, breaking up, or two-timing, like it was natural. Corinna herself doesn't particularly stand out. But because her partner was someone important, she felt that her coworker were worried rather than being as curious as other people.

There have been times she heard her friends say, Because that personality of yours is so serious and not as uninhibited when it comes to love, you might often be conveniently played with by Albert, what with his high position.

Whenever they said that, she would reply, I'll be fine. Lord Heres knows it very well, but the truth is that she only helps Albert rest so she didn't feel uncomfortable about it whatsoever. Of course, Albert also knows about the rumors, but he never showed an ounce of worry, so she also thought, It's not like that, and felt at ease.

Inside the room, Albert has yet to arrive, and so she sat down on the couch. And just like that, she ate the bread she brought as she stared, absentminded. There have been many times he would arrive 30 minutes later. Deep down, Corinna thought, He could only rest for 30 minutes, and how regrettable that was. But seeing as Albert thinks he can rest for 30 minutes, Corinna knitted her eyebrows, thinking otherwise.

When Albert entered the room, Corinna greeted him, saying Thank you for your hardwork. Albert replied, Yeah, good work, as he went straight to the couch, lied down on Corinna's lap without warning, and let out a small sigh.

"Today was tiring as well, wasn't it?"

"It was."

When Corinna put her hand on his head, Albert's body lost its strength, and he smiled wryly. There were times his fatigue would get better for a few days following his visit to this room, but Corinna knew from the numbness of her hand that he would end the day tired.

Every time Corinna felt that numbness, she thought, Is there nothing to be done about this? and would just sigh — Nothing came to mind. She herself wasn't reluctant if he were to request to meet outside of working hours, but Albert hadn't said anything, so she couldn't possibly say it either. To the utmost, this was just a job allowing her to help her superior officer rest. Moreover, after chatting with him, it seems that Albert has been working so late that he has no time to return home, meaning he usually doesn't rest either.

In the end, the only time that Albert spends with Corinna is during this break.

After putting her hand on his head, Albert was instantly drowsy.

"Would you like a cookie?"

When Corinna brought out the sweets she brought with her, Albert took one with no hesitation, and ate it. In the beginning, having a man leisurely rest his head on her lap was unnerving for Corinna, but after a few times, she grew accustomed to it. But it felt mysterious. It didn't feel real to have someone out of reach dozing off on her lap. Despite the man's warmth and weight firmly pressed onto her lap.

The cookie was covered in sugar, so Albert's hand was covered in it. When Corinna took out a handkerchief, and wiped his hand, Albert shook, laughing.

"Is this how you always took care of your brother?"

"I'm sorry, I unconsciously…"

"When you're here, I feel like I've become your brother."

"I'm sorry…"

"It's fine, it's not like it ruins the mood. I'm the eldest son, and my parents were strict with me so it's refreshing to be treated like this."

Albert was laughing, amused, but she reflected on unconsciously treating someone who's 10 years older than her like a younger brother. She didn't mean to do so, but having taken care of him for so long, Corinna herself was aware of her disposition to looking after others. This was something often mentioned even by her friends, and her juniors at school. Though because of that, her juniors have grown attached to her.

"Seems to me you have a good relationship with your brother."

"…That's true. We've been together since he was very young."

Even though he was sleepy, Albert chatted with Corinna just a tiny bit. Today's topics were family, sweets, and the weather. Both of them never talked about work. As for Corinna, her trivial complaints about work weren't important enough to let Albert listen to them while his work was not only on the same level as the country's secrets but was also related, so she couldn't ask out of fear.

As they talked about trifling things, Albert gently fell asleep. Corinna quietly watched his sleeping face with her hand on his head. She wished for the fatigue she felt with her hand to fade even just a bit while thinking, It would be great if he could spend more time resting.

It would be great if Albert could sleep for much longer.

Corinna felt warmth being transmitted through her lap and her hand as she smiled, worried.

For Albert, this time was an extremely effective recess, and for Corinna as well, this time was special. To heal others was not only calming, but also filled her with happiness.

However, holding back her true feelings was definitely difficult whenever she spends time with Albert. She didn't want to inconvenience him, so she decided not to say them as well as to not let it show in her actions, but only when Albert is asleep do her vague feelings of love slightly show through.

An intelligent, calm adult whose manners were excellent, but possessing a wonderful face she could easily touch — When with such a person, one can't help but come to like him. She wouldn't go so far as to call it puppy love, but for Corinna who had no resistance to men, liking someone this much, and also becoming intimate enough to spend time with just the two of them was a first for her. It doesn't have that love component that everyone believes they do, but being able to help the person she loved was happiness for Corinna.

Of course, she never thought to become Albert's partner. She thinks their positions are too far apart, and that a woman who possesses intelligence and beauty, without any faults, would surely be his partner. Thinking that, her heart felt slightly pained, but Corinna understood her own position.

Corinna happily watched Albert's sleeping face while thinking, It would be nice if our time together could continue on for much longer.


"You've been in a good mood recently, Albert."

At night, Albert raised an eyebrow at Henry's words as he joined him for a game. Henry was skilled at the it, and there were only a few within the Royal Palace that could go against him. One of those is Albert who would sometimes be summoned for a match.

If he had the time for that, he would rather work or sleep, but Albert himself doesn't particularly dislike a game where he uses his head, and because they also talk about work during that time, he goes along with it, considering it's within acceptable limits.

"Is that so?"

His mood getting better was all thanks to Corinna, but Albert played the fool. Henry swung the chess piece in his hand around while grinning.

"Isn't it because you've been meeting with a young court lady every day? I'm quite impressed you had the time for that."

For a moment, Albert almost choked at what Henry said, but showing one's discomposure was a pet peeve of his, so he pretended to keep his calm. When he glanced at him, the Imperial Knight Brock who was always beside the Crown Prince's side looked at him, envious. Brock was a man whose desire to marry was strong enough to say, I want to quickly marry a cute girl, but would occasionally voice his complaints about how he's unable to find a lover due to how busy he was. Henry, who doesn't particularly want to marry, and Albert would normally just halfheartedly listen to those words of his.

"Meeting up in the Royal Palace in broad daylight, huh. I wish I had your strength. Are you guys just playing around? That's rare of you to do, Albert. Were your bodies compatible?"

"Your Highness…"

When Albert turned to him with wide eyes, Henry was grinning. He wondered if it was okay for someone, whose admirable standing is that of a Crown Prince, to have this type of everyday conversation.

Albert sighed. He had expected others would gossip about Corinna. But that doesn't mean he can't do anything about it. But Albert chose his precious rest over being a target of gossip. Getting caught in rumors with a court lady didn't particularly affect him. It would appear that having a supposed partner also helps reduce the amount of amorous glances other ladies sent him.

There wasn't much damage to Corinna. Apart from what she thinks, her value went up instead. Because Albert Heres was her partner. The attention she got from other men increased, thinking a woman with such value had appeared. If a problem arose, he'd be able to use the Heres house's power to help her find a good marriage prospect.

In general, the Larissa Kingdom is a country that's broadminded when it comes to sex. Everyone messes around every now and then, and it was normal for one to have sexual relations with the opposite sex before marriage. It was common sense to confirm their body's compatibility before marrying.

That's why it wasn't a problem for Corinna to get caught up in rumors with a man. It may be a problem if she had a lover, or a person she liked, but based on what he's seen from Corinna's personality, she wouldn't spend time with Albert if she had one. Albert was confident that she had no partner.

"Of course I'm a man. It's something I'm allowed to do. Otherwise, I wouldn't have managed a change of mood. That's because a certain someone gives me a lot of work."

Albert moved a piece while talking sarcastically, and then Henry's earlier teasing voice changed into a slightly calmer one.

"I only managed a glance, but she looks like a diligent girl. If you're just messing around with her, don't let her fall too deeply, okay?"

When he raised his head at his voice, Henry shrugged his shoulders with a smile.

"I think you're a good guy. What do you think of taking this chance to get married? It'll get increasingly busy from here on out; you might pass the marriageable age because of that. Your family's worried as well."

With Henry unmarried at the age of 27, it was a troublesome age of not wanting to marry when considering his status as the Crown Prince. He didn't want to say this to such a person, but for some reason, those words of his made his heart drop. Even if he was the Crown Prince, Albert wasn't one to just honestly accept Henry's words.

But those words surprisingly spread within his heart.

That's right, he thought.

He had the option of marrying Corinna.

There was no love between them, so that's why Albert hadn't thought of this up til now. But if he did marry, he could really only marry Corinna, right?

Already, he's unable to to part with Corinna, with those hands of hers, right?

If she married another man, she wouldn't be able to spend time with Albert anymore. But if they got married, those hands would always be his. Not just the short time they get during lunch, but even every night, she'd be able to give him peace of mind. How helpful would they be in recovering his strength? How efficient would he be if he could do his work with a clear mind? He felt he'd be able to do anything even if work increased even more than it already is, or a difficult problem arose. When he thought about work, marrying Corinna was the best measure. Although he'd like to apologize for her hands to be his only objective, this was Albert's true feelings.

Moreover, Albert doesn't harbor any ill will towards Corinna. He was indifferent to her with the exception of her hands, but her family was sincere and proper though of a lower rank, and her appearance might not be special but her calm demeanor was close to his preference. Plus there's no problem with her personality. A kind girl. He knew that very well even though they've only spent little time together.

Corinna's hands were special. And there wasn't anything he was dissatisfied with Corinna herself.

Was his motive dishonest? But how is this different from a marriage of convenience? It's the same as marrying a convenient partner.

Above all, if they were to marry, those hands would always be his when he's at home. Just how blessed would he be to have those hands wrapped around him as he slept til morning.

Glaring at the surface of the board as he pondered, Albert suddenly raised his face. For a moment, Henry unusually recoiled from that sudden movement.

"Your Highness. Do you think I'm suitable for her?"

"Y-Yeah. I do. That's why I said it. I even thought, How should I stop him from fooling around?"

"I see."

Albert decided upon hearing his words, even though it annoyed him. The best thing about Henry is his discerning eye. In addition to his experience, there had never been a time he misjudged a person.

"Understood. I'll marry her. I'll tell her tomorrow."

Albert said that so clearly that Henry, and Brock, who was beside him, gaped with their mouth open.

"Eh, you want to get married?"

"Not entirely, but I decided upon hearing His Highness' words just now…"

"Albert… I wonder just how unfeeling you really are…"

"That's right, think about it a little more… There's also your partner's feelings…"

He didn't think that the usual thick-skinned Henry had any right to say that to him, but Brock's words were right. He wondered what Corinna would say. But he was confident in his ability to convince people. Also, the other person is a lady 10 years younger. Albert narrowed his eyes, thinking, It could go either way.