
I was Reborn with the Primordial beast system!

Murdered by cultist then reincarnated as a beast with a system- wait what? 「Beast of creation physique requires 10 thousand years to active」 HUH!?!

Mamon_Lucifer · Fantasy
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1 Chs

My wonderful life.

Location: South Korea:Seoul:Gangbuk district


Yang-shik, a 180Cm brown-haired male, with average looks and a small frame


I'm walking in the hallways at my school getting closer and closer to my next class when I hear a voice call out behind me."FOR NO REASON PUNCH!" A voice from behind me calls as I turn around and get hit right in the face, getting sent to the floor, glasses flying off my face as I clutch my nose as an intense wave of pain washes over me" ah what the hell!" I yell out to my attacker right before he steps on me

"AGH!" I feel my chest throb in an intense amount of pain" Now is that any way to talk to me?" As I get a better look at him I realize he is Gang Chul-moo the most ruthless asshole in school. Shit, I better not say anything out of line. Who knows what this maniac will do to me

"A-Ah Gang Chul that was a great punch!" I say in the most respectful voice I can muster with him standing on my chest

"Hah your such a fucking loser, you don't even fight back," he says while laughing at how pathetic I look

He's right though… All I do is sit down and let people do whatever they want to me in the guise of having a quiet school life, even though it isn't quite what I had in mind for a "quiet school life"

"Alright fine I am pretty strong, id be even more pissed if a weakling like you dared fight back anyways!"

'My god he's so arrogant…'

He suddenly picks me up and forces his arm around my neck, the grip is firm. I feel like I'm going to suffocate

"Since I'm feeling pretty generous today I'll take you to a Noraebang" he says smiling. 

This is odd, the only interaction I've had with this man is when he pushes me in the halls or punches me like a few minutes ago. What the hell is up with him?

"I'm sorry but I'm busy for today" It's better to decline this invite, after all, I have no idea what he might do to me.

He looks taken a bit for a split second before he starts talking to me again, this time he asks a bit more forcefully "I don't think you understand, I'm asking you out of the goodness of my heart and you reject my invitation. Now let me ask again. Do you want to go to a noraebang"

Fuck I guess I have no choice now… 

"Haha, I was only joking with you! I'll go just tell me when" he smirks a bit. 

I hate that smug smirk of his. He is such a damn bastard

"No need. I'll wait for you after school" 

why the hell is he so persistent?!

"Alright, I have to get back to class now," I say sprinting away from the brown-haired male

Pov: Yang-shik(still)


"here we are," he says as he opens the door to a noraebang (karaoke bar basically). 

"Ah. Gang Chul, You're here" I look in the direction of the voice. The person is a tall male standing at 6'2 with dirty blond hair and gold eyes, a perpetual grin that elevates his sensual aura beyond what any man should have. Wait gold eyes? I didn't think anyone in in Korea had golden eyes and damn he looks intimidating 

"Ah, Injae I would like to introduce you to my friend here! " As Gang Chul says this the blond man now named Injae looks at me and smiles brightly. I can't help but smile back at this charismatic bastard.

but one question still lingers in my mind... Why is this fucking guy, a man known for cursing out anyone within 5 minutes of speaking to them, using formal speech with this man? 

"H-hello my name is Yang-Shik" I better not be disrespectful to this man, If Chul-moo is being respectful then I should as well, perhaps he is some rich second generation? Gang member?

"Hm Hello Yang-Shik. I'm Injae Takamura and by my last name you might be wondering and your answer is yes I'm half Japanese" Well I wasn't wondering but go off I guess

25 minutes pass as Injae and Chul are speaking, laughing, and drinking while I'm just sitting down some women come into the room

the first one has long black hair falling to her waist along with a very attractive set of light brown eyes complimenting her fair skin that is almost as pale as snow, she is wearing a black sweater and a pair of jeans. A very casual set of clothing

The second one is right next to her. She looked at me with her enchanting crimson eyes that looked as if they could light up the entire room, aside from her eyes and height she looked like a carbon copy of the first one albeit she is around 160Cm while the first one would be around 170 or 175cm

The lady with brown eyes comes up and speaks 

"Hello my name is Hwa-Young and I'm 18 years old and a senior at Hyehwa Girls' High School" so she lives around here? Surprising

"Ah you're finally here hwa-young I thought I asked you to come here at 4:25 Pm but it is already 4:50, what took you so long?" Injae asks from beside me

She turns her attention to Injae as he speaks

"I got preoccupied trying to get Gye Eun out of the house," she says pointing at the shorter crimson-eyed female

I guess that's her name, it's a pretty nice name in my opinion

I guess it's my turn to introduce myself. 

I step up to shake Hwa-young's hand but she doesn't budge. 



an awkward moment of silence accompanies me as I cough and introduce myself 

"Well my name is Yang-shik and im a senior at Younghoon High School"

Gye Eun looks at me curiously while eyeing me up and down until she finally speaks 

"You're a senior? But you look so scrawny" she says rather bluntly, i can hear Chul-mo stifle a small laugh before Injae glares at him 

"Now Eun, don't tease him, I'm sure it's something he feels uncomfortable about. After all, I would if I was that small- Oh sorry." 

'Ah, so he's one of those. A fucker who acts nice just to insult you to your face and say he's sorry. Not like I can do anything though...'

and just like that, 3 hours had passed with me and Gye Eun talking to one another, her bluntness strangely cute in my eyes. The others were just either drinking or singing horribly, granted Hwa Young's voice was quite nice, the lyrics though... 

"Yuh, yuh, Chitty chitty bang bang- Sucky sucky fun time long time"

Guess she thought she was some sort of English rapper? 

Besides that, it was a surprisingly peaceful time, Chul mo didn't bother me, Injae stopped talking to me and just let me and Gye eun speak to each other. It was almost nice...

A few weeks passed, Chul Mo and I became somewhat "friends", I didn't like how he treated others but as long as I was one of the victims It was fine by me. Hell, he actually stopped me from getting bullied, it was quite a nice experience to have a quiet life minus the mouth Chul mo. But besides mine and Chul's relationship growing, so did mine and Gye Euns. After about a month of talking and getting to know each other, she asked me out in that classic blunt voice of hers. I, of course, said yes immediately. Even though she didn't show much emotion on her face, she showed it through actions like wanting to be in constant contact with me or getting mad at any woman who even spoke to me. 

Hwa young had become somewhat of an older sister figure to me, giving me relationship advice and even just acting like an overall big sis. Hwa young-nuna was extremely tomboyish and outgoing though, a complete contrast to her near-emotionless sister, and that brings us to good ol Injae. 

Contrary to what I thought, it seemed like he genuinely slipped up at times and rarely meant it with any bad intentions. Hell, he seems to be a man made out of money or so to speak, turns out his father was the owner of a big company within japan whilst his mother was of Korean descent, raised in Cheonliang but when she turned of age, she moved out to japan and found love. It was quite a nice love story.

He provided me with money saying "If you wanna impress your girlfriend, buy her stuff" Which was pretty shallow but...free money, who the hell gonna complain about that? this fucker casually sent me a couple of million yen, and with that, I was able to pay rent for a while, due to me being the only breadwinner in my family. I was able to get a job in construction as well, which was a great workout by the way. Within just a single year I somehow sprouted up to 192Cm with pretty decent muscle on my body. Gye eun liked that, a lot. At the end of my senior year, I was actually planning on proposing to her. I know, it's way to early but...I love her.


Id feel my phone vibrate in my pocket, my hand reaching down to fish it out as I flip it open. (Yes i have a flip phone. Bite me)

  Gye eun-Come to Solbat Neighborhood Park, I wanna talk to you

 Me- Alright, I'm close by anyway. Love you 


after a couple minutes I arrive at the park, Seeing Gye Eun standing behind a couple of trees. With a smile, I made my way over to her, closing the distance in a few seconds as she turned to me with a small smile which was rare for her, but I loved it every time. As I got closer Id felt something cold and sharp sink into my spine, my body falling limp to the floor as I feel the connection to my legs wane before disappearing completely...I was paralyzed.

"Ngh! W-wha, GYE EUN RUN!" with as much power I could muster, Id yell for her to run, Only to notice her kneeling next to me with a small smile, her eyes seemingly glowing in the darkness. 

"Finally, Its been so hard pretending to be nice.." Id attempt to turn my head, being successful...I wish it wasn't.

 "Hwa young? " id weakly call out to my Sister figure, her smile growing wider in what seems to be some twisted delight.

"WHY!" Sadness, Anguish, betrayal, rage...That was all I felt in this moment, why are they doing this to me?! what did I fucking do god damnit! 

"Why? Because its fun obviously. Oh, and you're a nice sacrifice." Two pairs of footsteps could be heard, Injae walking out with a cocky smirk on his face, Chul mo following right behind him with bored-looking eyes, a clear contrast to what they usually looked like. 

"S-sacrifice?" I need answers, I thought they were my family...

"Well, yada yada, Evil gods an allat. Tldr, we are sacrificing you to some evil god in exchange for a wish." The voice came from behind me, obviously from that bitch Hwa Young...

"The thing is, we could've just sacrificed you right away, but that wouldn't be fun." Gye eun whispers in my ear, a second sharp feeling piercing me right in the neck...

"So go ahead and die for me, okay honey?"

And with that, my life came to an end...

AUTHOR HERE! I know I've been off for a while but life got in the way, and when I was finally going to right the damndest thing happened. A BLACK CAT CROSSED MY PATH! So of course due to the bad luck I refused to right just in case. But worry not, Maitreya in Yggdrasil will continue, But I'm also writing this new WEBNOVEL! I've been working on this idea for about 4 years and I hope you enjoy, Tata Hyungs and Dongsaes, Nunas, and Dongsaengs~

Sup lol

Mamon_Lucifercreators' thoughts