The old city of Ayutthaya stood before Jamela, Hank, and their new friend Kavin. The ancient temples and statues looked very old and crumbly. Their backpacks were full of tools for finding ghosts. Jamela even had a small ghost doll named Deejai with her.
"Okay, team," said Kavin with a big, shiny smile, "are we ready to find the first piece of Pudsai's curse?"
Hank rolled his eyes. "Yeah, sure, Captain Amazing. Lead the way."
As they walked into the ruins, Jamela couldn't help but think about how perfect Kavin seemed. He knew a lot about Thai history, spoke ancient languages, could find ghosts from far away, and cooked great pad thai.
"Did you know," Kavin started, "that Ayutthaya used to have over a million people living here? It was one of the biggest cities in the world."
"Wow, fascinating," Hank said sarcastically. "Next, you'll say you saw it yourself."
Kavin laughed. "Oh, Hank, you're so funny! I'm not that old, just well-read."