
I was Reborn as Wolverine

This is a translated Chinese novel . Original name in comments. Reborn as the sole heir of the 19th-century Canadian manor owner. He thought he would make money by practicing boxing, but he took advantage of the industrial revolution to become a giant of the times. In the end, the original owner was a hopelessly sick ! I am also a bastard due to mom's shameful affair with a savage of a human gardener… who was my father's childhood friend..... Wait, what’s up with the claw? James Howlett looked at the bone claws protruding from between his fingers, and became more and more worried about his future.

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Chapter 20 The strange experience in the White House

"Dear Mr. Howlett, this is my first personal letter since I took office. Yes, as I mentioned in our previous correspondence, you and I need to have a face-to-face conversation and get to know each other formally. As the biggest Funders and even the most important capital partners since the founding of the Republican Party, you have the right and more obligation to put forward your own political inclinations and demands. Looking forward to our meeting, your friend, Abraham Lincoln."

   It has been almost three years since the old Mr. Howlett passed away, and it is another cold winter, and the snow in Canada never disappoints. The sound seemed to be confiscated by the snow, there were faint snorting from the stables, and under the snow, through the soil of nearly twenty meters, the screaming and roaring became more and more intense.

  A huge figure over 2.20 meters was panting up and down. His arms were as long as his knees. His arms were tangled like old tree roots, hanging slightly bent by his side, and the sharp claws on his fingertips were stained with blood.

   "Well... very good, Victor, really good. I have made great progress, and it actually hurt me." James Howlett said a little surprised.

Looking at the three shallow scars on his shoulders like cat scratches, he turned sideways, not letting Victor see the scars heal quickly, James then continued: "It seems that Tiger Fist is really suitable for you. "

Victor Logan didn't feel any joy when he heard these words, but he was humiliated and roared with his neck raised, his four canine teeth protruded, and a cloud of smoke and dust floated from where he was standing, without a sound, without a shadow, .

   "It's still the same old problem..." James shook his head, paused, twisted his hips, turned around, and punched. The air from this punch crackled and hit the cheek of Victor who rushed forward, accompanied by the flying of two teeth and a slightly twisted head.


  Victor fell heavily to the ground, his lower half raised high, and this horizontal fist nailed the giant man to the ground.

   "That's it for today."

  James put on the robe hanging next to him, motioning for Victor to go up together. The latter ignored it, he got up and spit out the blood froth in his mouth accompanied by foreign objects such as broken teeth, "cracked" twisted his somewhat dislocated neck, and strode to the giant spike iron pile , Crazy attack training up.

Seeing Victor's familiar and obsessive use of the tiger-shaped fist to catch the sparks on the iron pile, he didn't care even if his fingers burst and bleed, he shook his head helplessly, and walked slowly along the stairs. superior.

  One night about two years ago, James once again found Victor who was "relaxing" in the woods. He suggested a good place for him to vent, so he took him to the underground palace.

  The day they officially met each other, James admitted frankly that he also had a similar "atavistic" situation like him, and Victor was not surprised at all, but quietly and silently stabbed the claws on his fingertips.

   James didn't show his sharp claws, but just raised his fist.

  That night he almost shattered all of Victor's bones and viscera. Facing the saber-toothed tiger, which has a super self-healing ability second only to himself, he didn't need to hold back any hands, and completely moved his hands and feet.

  Victor didn't say a word from the beginning to the end, except for roaring, or roaring, and kept getting up, culling, being knocked down, recovering, until he was exhausted, and couldn't get up again. The two seemed to have a special tacit understanding, neither of them explained anything, they just met every few days to fight in the practice room of the underground palace.

   No, seriously Victor Logan is one-sided masochism.

In the days that followed, Victor would train with James in the underground palace every day, and James did not deliberately teach Victor boxing skills, but for a long time, he used the form that he thought was most suitable for Victor. Tiger-shaped Fist] Fighting with him, Victor quickly learned the combination of form and spirit in the battle, which is very suitable. The saber-toothed tiger has indescribable adaptability to this set of killing boxing.

   Not long after James returned to the study from the secret passage, the housekeeper knocked lightly on the door. Butler Wayne knew very well what time of day he should never go to the study to disturb his young master, so the time of arrival was particularly suitable.

   "Master, a letter from Washington." Butler Wayne still used to call James "Master".

   After taking the letter and looking at it for a while, he joked to Butler Wayne with a smile: "Someone can't stretch it anymore. Get ready, I'm going to Washington tomorrow."

   "Yes, master. Who do you need to arrange to go with you? The American Civil War is imminent, let Victor accompany you." Butler Wayne suggested with a little worry. James waved his hand: "He doesn't have such thoughts now, just send a telegram and ask someone from the family in Washington to pick me up, and I will go there by myself."


  Mr. Abraham Lincoln was elected as the sixteenth president of the United States of America in November last year and took office just this year. He is a very charismatic and charismatic person. Although he came from the bottom of the civilian class, he swept the American political arena like a storm and was pushed into the presidential chair. In addition to personal political skills, ability, and extremely deep campaign finances are also one of the reasons for his election.

  What disturbs Mr. President is that this Mr. James Howlett from Canada has supported him for nearly three years, never showed up, and did not even hint at any of his interests.

  According to the survey he received, the Howlett family has three generations so far. In recent years, the industrial and real estate fields in the northern United States have risen rapidly. The predecessor was an out-and-out manor owner and landlord. Mr. President is never afraid to know how big a person's desires are. Most of the time, free ones are the most expensive.

  The White House will hold a small banquet for an unknown number of guests tonight. Several maids in standard black dresses, white headdresses, and white bibs are busy back and forth. The president's wife, Mary, took a few glances at the tall and thin maid who was passing by carrying the utensils. She walked through the hall and gently pushed open the door of Lincoln's room.

   "Is anyone coming to dinner today?"

  Mrs. Mary is a decent and simple good woman. She was born much higher than Lincoln.

  The suitor when he was young was a city councilman, and at that time President Lincoln was still studying law by himself while working as a clerk in a grocery store. I don't know what happened between the two of them that made this rich daughter fall in love with the tall, shy but shy Mr. Lincoln. Even though she is now in the White House and is the "First Lady", Mary still speaks like an ordinary person treating guests to dinner.

   "Ah, yes, that Mr. Howlett, I told you."

  Mr. President looked at the documents on the table, pushed the flower mirror, looked up and said to his wife.

   "It's that young man, I remember, I haven't been able to see it."

   "Well, just by himself, the three of us have a meal together."

  Mary nodded, and left the room, wondering who the maid was again, thinking that her memory was a bit bad.


   James was still in a daze when standing in front of the White House. This is the White House, and it was the White House when Abraham Lincoln was there.

  He smiled inexplicably, and strode in following the guidance of the reception officer.

   "Mr. President, I have to say, I never thought you would be so... tall and heroic." During the greeting after sitting down, James' first sentence was really a bit rude, but it was because he was too surprised.

President Lincoln has a height of 193 centimeters, only a little shorter than the current James, with wide shoulders and a back as wide as two big cattail fans. When shaking hands, he can feel the thickness and toughness between his palms. He must have been full of cocoons in his early years. . In addition to the iconic deep facial features and beard, the image of Mr. President really surprised James.

   "Hahahaha! I didn't expect the legendary 'Mr. Howlett' to be so young!" President Lincoln was as funny and generous as the rumors said. Mrs. Mary also agreed with a smile, and asked Mr. Howlett if he had a wife and what kind of lady he liked.

   One welcomes both the host and the guest.

   "Try this dessert. After eating it, my staff once sighed, 'Even if I want to eat this cake often, I have to run for president'!" A tall and thin maid with a long and narrow face came in and put the last dessert on the table. James twitched his nose a few times, and a look of disgust flashed across his brows, as if he smelled something disgusting. After regaining consciousness, he quickly adjusted his state, responding to Mr. President's words, but thinking about something from time to time.

   After dinner, James was invited to come with Lincoln to the rotunda of the President's office to taste cigars and was about to be seated. The President said as if chatting: "Mr. Howlett, your respect for America—"

   "Sorry! Mr. President, allow me to be rude again. May I ask what room is about ten meters away?"

  Lincoln was a little stunned, looked at the direction the handsome young Mr. Howlett was pointing at, and said hesitantly, "It's the youngest son's playroom." Mr. President thought to himself, maybe he wants to find the bathroom?

   "Sorry, Mr. President!"

  James dodges to open the door and goes out. He walks more than ten meters in one step, and opens the door.

  The tall and thin maid from just now lay prone on the ground, her face turned black, her blood vessels bulged, and she

was biting a white and cute little boy with her fangs full of sticky liquid.