
I was Reborn as Wolverine

This is a translated Chinese novel . Original name in comments. Reborn as the sole heir of the 19th-century Canadian manor owner. He thought he would make money by practicing boxing, but he took advantage of the industrial revolution to become a giant of the times. In the end, the original owner was a hopelessly sick ! I am also a bastard due to mom's shameful affair with a savage of a human gardener… who was my father's childhood friend..... Wait, what’s up with the claw? James Howlett looked at the bone claws protruding from between his fingers, and became more and more worried about his future.

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45 Chs

Chapter 18 Dungeon completed

James has never missed cars and airplanes so much. At the same time, he can't help but feel lucky that at least there are steam trains and a relatively sound railway system in this era. Thanks to Mr. Watt for improving the steam engine early.

  After Christmas, James, Tom and Daniel went to the United States to finalize details such as the location of the factory one by one.

  This time, James completely overcame his addiction to "spending money like dirt". He spent a lot of money from the Howlett family to buy a lot of land in New York, Chicago, Detroit, and Philadelphia.

  Due to the intensified turmoil in the United States, the land has become cheaper and cheaper, and they are all positions that no one cares about. Everyone tried to stop James' crazy moves, but they all ended in vain. If it wasn't too far away and the current situation was chaotic, he even wanted to go to Southern California and Texas for "shopping".

  This made Mr. Tom Weddle wonder whether he had misunderstood the little Mr. Howlett. To open a factory and start a business is not to be a manor owner. It must be good if there is more land.

   Nearly half a year of inspections and acquisitions allowed James to fully understand the United States of this era, especially what kind of injustice, discrimination and even hatred mutants will face in ordinary human society in the future.

   Even in the North of the United States, which tends to abolish slavery and is based on capitalist industry, blacks still have no so-called rights and dignity. Except for the black slave group that has not been completely cleared, all cities will be separately divided and marked what kind of places black people can enter and exit. Restaurants, hotels, bars and even toilets will be separated from black and white.

  What James deeply understood was that his grandfather, Mr. Howlett, was an out-and-out hater of blacks, not only because of his inherent narrow racial thinking, but also because his brother who died of illness was infected with the disease of black slaves. He clearly knows how difficult it is to eliminate the opposition at the root of cognition.

  In fact, James is just a warrior. Learning to be a manor owner and a businessman in the upper class to manage the industry has exhausted him.

  So in the future, will he be able to speak out for the mutant race, shelter and even lead them? Full of troubles and depressed emotions, James accompanied him all the way back to Edmond, Howlett Manor.

  The project of the underground palace has reached the final stage, and it can be delivered in at most three months. Dudley Fernon put all the workers who had completed other engineering operations on the Howlett Manor project after Christmas, which greatly accelerated the completion of the dungeon.

  He must complete this strange cellar project as soon as possible, so that he can continue to receive the construction projects of six factories in four cities that James will soon put into construction. Even for the largest construction contractor in Canada, this is a business that can last for two or three years.

  Boss Tom's casted equipment is basically completed, and will be transported to the manor one after another, and assembled in the underground palace. Those big guys can't be installed and moved in. And James' training can finally get on track.

  Mr. Daniel decided to set off for Africa after a month of rest. This is a journey that does not know how long it will take. To some extent, he and James are just a gentleman's agreement.

  Daniel promised to do his best to find Wakanda. If it is fast enough, there may be news in a year or two. If he still can't find it, he has the right to decide when to terminate this task.

   In the blink of an eye, the weather was getting colder. James bid farewell to Mr. Daniel and his group of 17 people two months ago. This exploration team includes nine family riders who have jointly developed the business with the Howlett family since their grandparents, and they are responsible for the safety of the entire team, especially Mr. Daniel.

  Three black slaves who were trafficked from different parts of Africa, James promised that they would restore their freedom from the moment they agreed to the task, and they would get a considerable fee when they returned. There are also four masters who are proficient in medical treatment, cooking and other necessary skills in the field. After arriving in Africa, they will also hire local guides and coolies who will bear the burden of equipment and luggage.

  In the early autumn of 1857, James came to the world's first hand to touch the historical track and slowly reached out.

  Factories in the United States began construction one after another. In the end, Herbert Vernon was unable to take over all the projects. James demanded that six factories must be built and completed at the same time. A well-known construction company in Washington undertook the construction of two factories.

  At this time, the Western world is in the transition period from the first industrial revolution to the second industrial revolution. The steam engine era has reached its peak, but the internal combustion engine has not yet appeared. Three of these six factories are steelmaking plants, producing various mechanical raw materials, two mechanical processing factories and one "mechanical experiment factory" that makes people unclear.

   Entering a brand new industrial field is not something that can be done with money to buy land and build factories. James spent only a small part of the inspection in the previous six months on site selection and land purchase, and more on the acquisition of poorly managed steelmaking plants and processing plants, finalizing mineral raw material channels, understanding the US industrial market, and other extremely cumbersome matters.

  After sending Mr. Daniel away, he went to various parts of the United States for more than two months to deal with many matters. And hired professional geological prospecting personnel to explore the land owned by the Howlett family in Canada. The family is like a clockwork and is in full swing.

  If all goes well, the major factories will officially start operation a year later, allowing this plantation and animal husbandry manor owner to gradually transform into a new industrial tycoon.

  Finally, this winter, James has made arrangements for everything, and he can have some free time to train his boxing skills, and he can also spend his grandfather's last time with peace of mind.

  Mr. Howlett is completely bedridden and can only eat some liquid food at ordinary times. The butlers, Wayne and O'Hara, took care of him all day long, and the old brothers who were still alive would take turns talking to him at his bedside every day if they could walk.

  Most of the time, Mr. Howlett could only respond by gasping for breath and making a "ho... ho..." sound. Every day after dinner, James would feed the old man himself, scrub his body, and meditate with him until dawn.

  He hopes that the only family member he really cares about in this world will not sleep alone on the bed facing the blank night when he leaves, but be able to see his beloved grandson sleep forever in contentment.

  Howlett Manor is about 30 meters deep underground. There are nearly two modern football fields with a size of 13,000 square meters and a huge space of 9 meters high. The roar of a pile driver echoes.

This is an underground palace divided into multiple spaces and structures. In a practice field transformed from a space of about 2,000 square meters, James is naked and twisted like a body full of steel bars on a giant steel "wolf" about five meters high. "Tooth stick" punched and whipped his legs, and sometimes bumped his shoulders, elbows and knees, and the figures were scattered and ups and downs.

In the quiet space deep underground, pots of charcoal fires and torch flames shone around. After nearly half an hour of tireless intensive punching, James landed the last heavy fist on it, and slowly retracted his fists and circled around to look at his " Sandbags", completed today's warm-up exercise.

   "The quality is quite good." He nodded in satisfaction, "The current power can only leave a shallow mark with all its strength, and it is not enough to 'turn' the iron pile. It will last for a long time..."

  He called this huge mace and steel creation, which resembles a Wing Chun wooden dummy pile, an "iron pile". To move this giant pile, at least more than three tons of impact force is needed, which is far from enough now.

After the inspection, James went to the side of the steel frame full of thick barbells, picked up the special iron bar as thick as a forearm, and did the most basic modern strength training movements such as squats and deadlifts, and continued to increase the weight of the test The limit of his current physical strength.

"Squat at 520 kg, deadlift at 580 kg, the current weight is about 130 kg, more than four times its own weight..." James recorded the relevant data in the notebook with a pen, There are words in the mouth. Healthy ordinary people can reach twice their own strength level after a certain intensity and time of strength training, while top athletes can reach three times or even more. The limit of physical strength.

  James' data has completely exceeded this limit, and this is because he has not fully tapped the potential of his body. Today, he needs boxing skills to be perfected, no longer understanding the strength and using the muscles, bones and skin membranes of the whole body as he did back then, but must bottom out the limits of his body and discover his potential.