
I was Reborn as Wolverine

This is a translated Chinese novel . Original name in comments. Reborn as the sole heir of the 19th-century Canadian manor owner. He thought he would make money by practicing boxing, but he took advantage of the industrial revolution to become a giant of the times. In the end, the original owner was a hopelessly sick ! I am also a bastard due to mom's shameful affair with a savage of a human gardener… who was my father's childhood friend..... Wait, what’s up with the claw? James Howlett looked at the bone claws protruding from between his fingers, and became more and more worried about his future.

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Chapter 15 Daniel the Explorer

The animals in Lager Forest have been disturbed by some kind of "monster" from outside in recent months, and even brown bears, pumas and other large carnivores dare not make any changes.

   Boom boom boom boom boom!

  The sound of heavy footsteps sounded like an elephant stomping on the ground, and the birds and beasts dispersed immediately. A tall, short-haired young man was running fast with a boulder half as tall as a man on his shoulders. Jumping over high slopes or mountain streams from time to time, even jumping high and bouncing among huge trees, the terrible impact knocked down one or two thinner tree trunks.

  A wolverine retracted into the hole watched the monster go away, and crawled out slowly, sucking the tip of its nose.

  The industrial level and construction capabilities of this era allow the completion date of the underground palace and training equipment to be calculated in years. The excavation project for the first phase of the underground palace will take nearly a year. Herbert Vernon has deployed the largest manpower and engineering equipment he can, trying his best to meet the depth and space volume required by Mr. Howlett Jr.

  Combining the later reinforcement, layout and repair, the preliminary calculation will take more than one and a half years to complete. It takes a certain amount of time to design and test molds for training equipment, mainly because the weird "iron shaft" does not have any mechanical templates for casting, and it has to wait for the underground palace to be assembled in it. The other objects are relatively easy. A batch has been cast in the past three months and will be transported to Howlett Manor in the next few days.

  So James' recent training is to use boulders to carry weight in the forest. He now carries about 200 kilograms of boulders for running every day, which is his current limit. Under such a load, he can still maintain a speed of more than 100 meters for 8 seconds and jump a vertical height of 2 meters. The terrifying force contained in it far exceeds the relatively ordinary figure of 200 kilograms.

  The high-intensity weight-bearing training proved James' correct understanding of his own situation. He obviously felt that his body's strength, endurance, explosive power, etc. had improved significantly.

  James once worried that his mutant genes would not only self-repair the damaged body state, but also directly reject the beneficial and positive physical evolution, thus causing the body to permanently solidify in a certain constant state.

From the initial load of 100 kilograms to the current 200 kilograms, James' body shape has changed significantly. Now he is more than 190 centimeters tall, his body is full of muscle tangles, and he weighs more than 130 kilograms. He began to approach Victor's figure, which was far from the lean and vigorous figure of a cheetah before.

  The amount of food has also increased significantly. Each meal requires three catties of steak and four meals a day. He was even a little desperately worried about what kind of ghost he would look like after the subsequent training plans were completed one after another.


  Victoria is the largest port and town on Vancouver Island. The island was first discovered by the Spanish fleet in 1774. The rich fur resources soon attracted many explorers and traders from other European countries.

  After a series of battles, finally, this place became the control area of the British Empire. Among the aborigines, the Salish, Nutka, and Kwakiutl have lived on the island for thousands of years, and they are still an important part of the island's population, strictly speaking, they are the bottom labor and slaves.

In the port of this era, you can see the strange sight of the sails of wooden ships and the chimneys of giant steam ships at the same time. The steam ships have not yet completely replaced the old wooden ships. These giant wooden masts that crossed the sea still play a role that cannot be ignored. .

  Daniel Ferente wore a round sun visor, brown top and shorts, and his skin was flushed from the sun.

With a pipe in his mouth and a cane, he watched the yellow-skinned aboriginal slaves carrying their luggage, shouting and cursing from time to time, and with his unkempt yellow beard, it was hard to imagine this weathered middle-aged man, He was once a handsome and talented student at Oxford College in the British Empire.

   During this period of travel in Africa, he suffered enough, hard to swallow food, unbearable giant mosquitoes, and deadly malaria.

  He almost died on that barbaric continent, the glory of the civilized world and the woman with snow-white skin summoned him back here.

  After seven or eight years of travel and exploration, I finally felt a little tired. Perhaps it would be a good choice to settle down.

   Rose O'Hara, as James' personal maid, was supposed to be only responsible for his personal life and daily life. But James is not a real rich young man who does not work hard, and he is more used to solving daily affairs by himself.

   This made O'Hara angry for a long time, but James was more than happy to let her help him with the family business. Classify various letters in advance, screen documents and crop statistics reported from various places.

  James told O'Hara that her job was to be his private secretary, relying on the experience of learning from Mr. Daniel together, O'Hara did quite well. She didn't understand the meaning of the word secretary, but the title of "private" made her really happy for many days.

  As usual, after James had an overly sumptuous breakfast, he began to deal with affairs in the study at nine o'clock, and O'Hara would sort out the latest news and local situations and bring coffee to his desk.

  James is very efficient in doing things, and basically arranges matters in various places after lunch. Most of the afternoon went to monitor the project in the basement of the manor or went to the factory to discuss the casting of his pile of strange objects.

  O'Hara flipped through the letters and telegrams she had just received in the morning, and suddenly a telegram from Victoria Town on Vancouver Island made her quickly put it away, and quickly picked up the coffee tray and walked to the study.

"Master! Quick! Guess who sent the telegram!" O'Hara excitedly put down the tray and wandered around his master. James looked down at the recently delivered newspapers and letters in the United States, and said in an old-fashioned way without looking up: "Take it easy, O'Hara. You're already a big girl. Who could have sent the telegram? We don't have any distant relatives."

   "Look!" O'Hara tilted her nose and put the telegram in front of James, and a short sentence came into view.

   "I will arrive in Edmond the day after tomorrow to visit you, Daniel."

"Mr. Daniel has been away for several years, and he hasn't even received a letter in the past year. I don't know how he is now. He said that he is going to travel and explore. There must be many interesting stories!" O'Hara Happy and excited, he yelled at James, and kept talking about whether Daniel would bring him a gift.

"It's really surprising and unexpected news." James smiled happily. He respected this teacher very much. Daniel Ferente is a scholar with a very open mind and relatively advanced thinking, which also made the relationship between him and James To some extent, in the communication, I can feel the child's unusual vision.

Frustrated by James' extraordinary talent, Daniel had no more knowledge to impart after only four years of teaching, and he left to pursue his dream of exploring the world. However, the two have long been friends and teachers. .

   "When you come from Victoria, you will definitely pass by Red Deer. Send someone there to wait in advance and **** Mr. Daniel. There are some restless people everywhere in the recent gold rush." James arranged. O'Hara happily agreed, and then gave orders.

  Thinking of Daniel's arrival, the question James was thinking about recently popped up in his mind. Considering this teacher who has been traveling and exploring, he may be able to seek help and answers from him.

  He lowered his head and finished reading the newspaper carefully, paying attention to the further deterioration of the situation in the north and south of the United States. Soon the peaceful days will come to an end. It's also time to have a good talk with Victor. It's time for this half-brother who has been kept in the dark since he was a child to come out of the stables and the mountains to show his true abilities. It's just that I hope Victor can keep his human thoughts and don't completely become that ferocious saber-toothed tiger.