
I was reborn as the 3rd prince

Our character, who lost his life due to cancer, finds himself in another world, in another body. Moreover, his new body is the 3rd prince of the Asina kingdom. Ethan does not understand why he came to this world, but he aims to make better use of his second chance and become a king who will go down in history. But it wouldn't be that easy. He would fight to achieve his goal in this world of magic and all kinds of mysteries. Let's see if our character Ethan can get to the top. "The R18 scenes will start after the first 50-60 episodes."

Terlik · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
89 Chs

Chapter 70:Checkmate

" I think you're exaggerating a bit" Ethan said. Alpshar was indeed a formidable enemy, but he was not invincible or a god. Maybe Anastasia, who was defeated by Alpshar, couldn't accept it because of her ego. After all, she had spent years strengthening herself, and it must have been very painful for her to see all that glory crumble at the hands of a man nobody knew. At least, that's what Ethan thought.

"No, I'm not exaggerating Alpshar. In fact, you all are underestimating him" Anastasia said.

"To be honest, I think you're exaggerating because you were defeated by him. If the right moves are made, we can defeat Alpshar" Ethan replied.

"Is that so? Speaking of moves, why don't you play a game with me?" Anastasia said.

"Sure, why not?" Ethan replied. Anastasia stood up and went into the room. Later, she entered the balcony with a chessboard in her hand, sat down on the chair, and placed the chessboard on the table. She started arranging the pieces and gave the side with white pieces to Ethan.

"Let me tell you from the start, I'm quite good at this game, so you can start with the white pieces" Ethan said.

"No problem. In fact, having the black pieces is an advantage for me. Sometimes, your opponent's first move can tell you a lot" Anastasia said.

"Whatever ," Ethan said, and he moved his pawn to the d4 square. In response, Anastasia moved her knight to the f6 square, and thus the game began between them. They made moves alternately.

"I was wondering, what's your strategy to defeat Alpshar?" Anastasia asked while contemplating her move.

"To develop a specific strategy, one must have enough information about the enemies, and I don't have that information right now. To explain it in more detail, I don't have information about the number of infantry, magicians, cavalry in Alpshar's army, supply lines, or the terrain where the battle will take place," Ethan said.

"You're right," Anastasia said, and she moved her queen to the c8 square.

"I'm also curious about the biggest mistake you made while fighting Alpshar" Ethan said, making his move.

"I made many mistakes, but the most important one might be not taking him seriously enough" Anastasia replied and made her move. Ethan realized during the game that his opponent was formidable, so he began to be more cautious before each move.

"Is there anything else you're curious about?" Anastasia asked.

"Yes, what is your goal? Why are you so ambitious and obsessed with power?" Ethan asked directly.

"Waow, is that a personal question? And what about you? Aren't you chasing power like me? Especially when you don't need power as much as I do" Anastasia said.

"Power is a tool for me, Lady Anastasia. I want power because I have things I want to do, but you use power to strengthen your position. I'm sure that if you lose this war, you will immediately switch to Alpshar's side, even become a vassal, and may even pay taxes, and you do all this to maintain your position," Ethan said.

It was clear that these words angered Anastasia, and because her attention was distracted for a moment, she made a mistake in her move.

"You don't know anything about me. Although we think so, we are not actually free. My life turned out like this because of the decisions made by others, and the options presented to me made me a woman chasing power like this. I had three options: I would either hold on to power like I do now,or I'd be enslaved by the unqualified man who would be my husband, or die as the last option. Tell me, is it the person who chooses the options to blame, rather than the options themselves?" Anastasia said, and she made her move firmly.

Ethan thought about what Anastasia said for a while and made his move. "Sorry, you're right. I judged you without knowing anything about your life. I was rude, but that wasn't my intention. I was just curious why you pursue power, and I understand it now, more or less," Ethan said.

"I accept your apology. But from now on, think twice before making every move, not just when playing chess. " Anastasia said and made her move.

"I will do that, Anastasia" Ethan said.

"I hate it when you call me Anastasia, and it seems we will see each other more in the future, so call me Valentina," Anastasia or Valentina said.

"Okay, Valentina, I'll remember that," Ethan said.

The name Anastasia was a name she took after becoming empress, and the name Valentina was the name given to her after she was born. One tradition of the Tamerid Empire was to give a name to the women the emperor married. In the past, girls were not named, and they were generally called by their fathers' or husbands' surnames. That's why such a tradition emerged, and this tradition dated back a long way. Of course, now girls were also given a name, but the tradition continued.

Anastasia moved her bishop, and Ethan's queen was blocked, but in response, Ethan moved his rook to the d1 square.

"Checkmate" Ethan said. Anastasia looked at the chessboard in astonishment, and after a few seconds, she accepted her defeat. Ethan took a last sip of the now cold tea.

"Although it's cold, it's still delicious" he said.

Ethan stood up and turned to Anastasia. "I must say, Lady Valentina, I really enjoyed our conversation. I'm sorry, but I have to leave because I'm quite tired" Ethan said.

"I enjoyed it too. See you," Anastasia said and accompanied Ethan to the door. After Ethan left Anastasia's room, he walked to his own room and hurried to his comfortable bed. Meanwhile, Anastasia returned to the balcony and looked at the chessboard she lost on. She thought she might be making the same mistake again and decided not to underestimate Ethan from now on.


Kingdom of Merdonbia

In the center of a large square, a man stood under the square's tree, with a rope tied around his neck. Surrounding the square was a large crowd, and there were several people dressed in religious attire next to the man.

"The man you see before you has insulted our great religion and committed the greatest sin by calling us fanatics. Therefore, this man's punishment is death, and I hope that the Almighty will give this poor soul the necessary punishment in the afterlife as well" said Ularn.

Upon hearing the words of the religious leaders, the crowd began to cheer, "Death to the infidel!"

The man with the noose around his neck looked at the crowd, his eyes filled with despair. He struggled to use his dry throat one last time and began to speak out, yelling.

"What is happening today will go down in history as a dark stain, and you will be remembered as fools! Fools who submit to this system that exploit you! Fools who fear the power of this system! And finally, fools who remain silent even when an innocent person is being executed!

That's what you are, a bunch of fools, but I believe that one of you will not forget this injustice that is happening today and will rebel against this order. i feel it brothers and sisters freedom is near and these stinking fools will not be helped by their gods!" the man said.

The crowd fell silent at these words, and someone in the crowd was deeply affected by them. After the man's last words, the rock under his feet was moved, and he began to gasp for air. When he finally breathed his last, his last thought was of the woman he loved.

"Hahah, he died just like a pig, didn't he? It's a pity that such things won't happen where I'm going."Prince Arkion said. He watched from a distance in the square and, mounting his horse, left the city and went to join his waiting army. In front of him was a ready army of thousands.

"Let's go, my soldiers! I'm almost dying with excitement to spill disgusting barbarian blood."