
I was reborn as the 3rd prince

Our character, who lost his life due to cancer, finds himself in another world, in another body. Moreover, his new body is the 3rd prince of the Asina kingdom. Ethan does not understand why he came to this world, but he aims to make better use of his second chance and become a king who will go down in history. But it wouldn't be that easy. He would fight to achieve his goal in this world of magic and all kinds of mysteries. Let's see if our character Ethan can get to the top. "The R18 scenes will start after the first 50-60 episodes."

Terlik · Fantasy
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89 Chs

Chapter 64:Family

Ethan had been receiving private lessons from his father for the past two days. To say he was receiving lessons wouldn't be entirely accurate; he was gaining experience. Richard would occasionally ask his son questions and sometimes share interesting facts about the Asina Kingdom. One, in particular, caught Ethan's attention.

"Is it true that the royal family were nomads who migrated to these lands?" Ethan asked.

"Yes, my son. Our ancestors came here from the south and soon began to lead the people here. According to legends, when we first arrived in Asina, we were just a nomadic group of 500 people, and although our numbers increased over time, the Asina people remained the majority" Richard said.

"So, you're saying we're actually southerners and we're going to fight against another southern kingdom, the Alpshar. I'm curious, though, how did just 500 people establish a country?" Ethan found this situation quite intriguing.

"Hmm, a good question indeed. Of course it was difficult to build a country with only 500 people. However, through the courage, knowledge, and leadership skills of our ancestors, they managed. First, they struggled to adapt to the lands they found themselves in. They learned agriculture, established settlements, and developed defense systems. Over time, they began trading with other nomadic groups, strengthening their economy. With the guidance of strong and wise kings and queens, the Asina Kingdom grew stronger," Richard explained.

"Yes, that's indeed an interesting story," Ethan said. "But do Alpshar and other southerners know that we're southerners too?" Ethan asked.

"They might, but even if they do, I don't think they'll consider us southerners anymore," Richard replied. "Anyway, enough of this unnecessary information. Tell me, do you have any loyal subordinates?" Richard asked.

With little thought, Ethan replied, "Yes, I have many loyal subordinates"

Richard, hitting Ethan on the head with the heavy book in his hand, said, "Son, never trust people. Loyalty is a luxury for us humans, and I have never seen anyone achieve that luxury. People always prioritize their own lives, and if someone values your life more than theirs, they're either crazy or they're your genuine family."

"I understand, father. I'll heed your advice, but there's one thing I disagree with about what you said. I think I shouldn't even trust my family sometimes," Ethan said.

"Which family members don't you trust?" Richard asked.

"My brothers and sometimes my sister Isabella" Ethan said.

"Then they're not your genuine family, Ethan. Luciana and I love you enough to sacrifice our lives for you, and that's what a real family is" Richard said.

"I understand what you mean, father" Ethan said.

Richard looked at Ethan once more and said, "Yes, son. Actual family is those who can do anything for you and are willing to risk their existence for you. Remember, family isn't determined by blood; actual family is the one that embraces you with love and loyalty." Ethan nodded sincerely. "I'll never forget how grateful I am for you" he said.

Richard smiled proudly and squeezed Ethan's shoulder. "Now, let's continue our lesson. This knowledge is important not only for war strategies but also for life itself," he said. Ethan focused on his lessons, preparing not for war, but to become a genuine leader. Strengthened by the love and teachings of his actual family, he was stepping forward for the future of the Asina Kingdom.

As darkness slowly fell, Ethan headed towards his room. He noticed a faint figure at the door of his room, and when the little girl noticed Ethan, she rushed into room. Despite her small legs, she was quite fast, and by the time Ethan entered, she had already disappeared from sight. Ethan scanned the room with his eyes and soon spotted a pair of tiny feet under the curtains. He walked towards the curtain and suddenly pulled it open.

"I've got you, Irene!" Ethan exclaimed, grabbing Irene and starting to playfully tickle her.

"Hahahaha no, I'm sorry. Stop, I'm ticklish," Irene said.

Irene was Luciana's youngest daughter, with black hair and a sweet demeanor. Previously, whenever Irene saw Ethan, she would either hide or run away from him, but their relationship had improved in the past two days. Ethan spent time with Irene and played games with her. Fortunately, Irene is still a child, so she adapted quickly. After tickling his little sister a bit more, Ethan let her go.

Laughing, Irene ran away and after running around the room for a bit, she returned to Ethan's side. "big brother, it's so much fun to play with you!" she said with a big smile.

Ethan also smiled and said, "I enjoy playing with you too, Irene. Maybe we can play more games together during the next break between lessons."

Irene's face lit up with joy. "Really? I'd be so happy, Ethan!" she said

Ethan was pleased to see his little sister's happiness. Spending time with her allowed him to take a break from the affairs of war and the kingdom.

"Would you like me to tell you a tale again tonight?" Ethan asked.

"Yes, I would love that!" Irene exclaimed joyfully.

"All right then, go on, lie down and make yourself comfortable." Ethan said. Just then, the door opened, and Luna walked in.

Luna looked at Ethan and his sister.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to disturb you," she said, heading towards the door. Irene jumped up and grabbed Luna's wrist.

"You can join us! You'll love Ethan's fairy tales," Irene said. Luna looked at Ethan and, seeing his nod of approval, closed the door and entered.

"Yay!" Irene led Luna to the bed, and the sight of the two of them lying there was quite amusing. Ethan joined them on Irene's right side before covering them all with the blanket, creating a warm cocoon. A few moments later, Ethan began his tale.

The story was actually about the girl with the red hood from his previous life. As Ethan told the story, Luna gripped his hand, clearly enjoying this side of him very much...


A group of dark-robed men riding on horseback approached at full speed, finally slowing down and dismounting their horses as they reached their destination. They entered the impressively designed palace and soon found themselves standing before a large door. After a few minutes, the door opened, revealing Alpshar, emitting an aura of power and authority from every angle.

"I hope what you have to say is important enough because I just interrupted an enjoyable activity, and it significantly dampened my mood," Alpshar said.

"Your Majesty, it is not our place to waste your valuable time," said the foremost of the men in black robes.

"Then don't waste it. Get to the point," Alpshar said.

"Your Majesty, before we begin, I would like to assure you that the information we are about to provide is substantiated. The Kingdom of Asina and the United Island Federation have become covert allies. We also learned that the Tamerid Empire secretly provided aid and support to the Asina Kingdom in various ways." he said.

Alpshar reacted calmly to this revelation. It seemed he had already anticipated this turn of events and he was prepared for it.