
I was reborn as the 3 main characters father ?!

Sara was a poor young man who felt like he chose the wrong paths in life. When he turned 26, he took his own life in his lonely apartment. When he opened his eyes again, he was in front of a young man with elf ears. The young man told him that he was gods messenger and seemed to know sara from somewhere. Sara was told that he could be reincarnated into an otome game that was popular on earth at the time. He would be reincarnated into the Uncle of The heroine and Adopted father of the Villain and Male lead. The original was just a back ground character so he wouldn't have to get involved with the plot. Sara accepted because he wanted a peaceful life for once. The young Elf told him that he could call for him whenever he needed anything or if he just wanted to talk. Then Sara was reborn as a baby and lived his life with his family. He had a peaceful life until he turned 25 years old when his older brother passed away from an accident and the heroine came his house and started living with him. Now if that was all than it would be fine. The Heroine was a sweet and kind girl and it was easy to take care of her but then The male lead and the villain ( who were half brothers ) got put under his responsibility too. The two boys were rowdy and clingy and influenced The heroine to be like that too. All sara wanted was a peaceful and quiet life!! now he has to take care of 3 clingy children who never want to leave his side!! What's he supposed to do now?

Shyphoenix_1130 · LGBT+
Not enough ratings
7 Chs

Chapter 4

[ 3rd person POV ]

The Cloaked individual was just sitting in the tree, Holding Kaiirine in his arms as he waited for the knights to come and look for him. He was getting a but bored, So he decided to play with the baby a bit.

He took out a small blue orb and poured some black mist into it, Making it change colors. He manipulated the mist inside the orb to take the form of a dragon and showed the baby.

Kaiirine was fascinated by this because he hasn't seen magic being used yet. He's read plenty of stories in his past life that have to do with magic but he's never seen it in person like this.

The Cloaked individual could see the fascination in the child's eyes, He chuckled before manipulating the mist to form a black phoenix.

He then controlled the mist and pushed it out of the orb, He let it fly around freely in the area close to him.

You see, This cloaked individual has two familiars. A phoenix and a dragon.

Which are two of the most hardest creatures to form bonds with.

Familiars in this world, Aren't rare but they aren't common either. Someone who has a familiar usually had more mana than the average person.

If someone has 2 or more familiars then they are more than likely to have more mana then regular mages and will most likely be recruited to join the mages, An assassin group or the underworld.

The underworld is a very mysterious group, They never shows their faces so now one know who they are. The only information they have is that there are about 4 or 5 people on the organizations, They all have very magic abilities and they all have 2 or more familiars. The work that the underworld does varies. They will except any job that pays a lot or is interesting to them. There wasn't much information nor did they play a big role in the original game.

Anyway, The phoenix that the cloaked individual summoned rubbed against it masters face before noticing the small human hiding inside its masters cloak.

× A human? Master, Why do have a human baby inside your cloak? I didn't know you liked babies ×

+ Its a job, I have to form a bond with this baby because he has great potential. Do you see his eyes? +

[ A/N : The way that Familiars and their master speak is in their head.

The × is for The familiars and the + is for the masters ]

The phoenix titled its head before flying closer to the Human baby. The Phoenix saw the child's eyes and gasped.

× He's got monochrome eyes!! Master, How'd you find this child? ×

+ Malik was the one who informed me of this anomaly. He ordered me to take the child somewhere far then form a bond with the child so if he's in danger than I'll sense it and be able to save him +

× Oh! I see! Sir malik is smart!! But how'd he find this child? There is no magic energy coming off from him ×

+ oh, That. I believe he works in the mansion that this child lives in. He probably saw the child's eyes and came to with this plan. I mean if he didn't then this poor child would have to go to war by time he turns 10 years old. And Malik . . . . Well you know what happened with him . . . . I'm sure he doesn't want a repeat of what happened+

[ This is the phoenix, I haven't thought of its name yet, So if you have suggestions Please tell me. I'm not very goo with names. Thanks !]

As The Cloaked individual and the black phoenix were talking, Kaiirine was just watching them stare of each other thinking that they were crazy of something.

As he was looking at the two of them with a weird expression, He suddenly felt a chill go down his spine. The air felt chilly and it hurt to breath.

His eyes started to sting and tears began rolling down his cheeks. He felt like he was suffocating, His throat hurt and his head was pounding.

He started whining, Trying to get the attention of the two beings in front of him. However, He has never been a loud crier. All he could do is whimper and try to get his arms out the blanket wrapped around him.

The Cloaked individual and the black Phoenix finished their conversation and heard the child whimpering and struggling in the blanket.

They were about to check the child when they felt the same chilly air.

The individual sensed the presence of someone else. He brought the child closer to his chest and began releasing his own mana to try and calm the child down.

" Who's there? Show your self " The Cloaked individual called out loudly.

He used his empty hand to grab the sword by his waist.

He heard rustling coming from some bushes on the other side of the tree he was in. He gripped his sword hilt and prepared for a fight.

He heard the rustling stop, He waited for something to jump out. He waited in silence for a while until he saw . . . .

Bunny ears pop out from the bush.


The bunny ears didn't move, Nor did anyone come out. The Cloaked individual let go of his sword Hilt and jumped down from the tree, Making the bunny ears flinch.

The Cloaked individual walked closer to the bunny ears that didn't move and tried to stay as still as possible but they were faintly trembling.

Once the Cloaked individual was standing right in front of the bunny ears, He grabbed them and pulled them up, revealing a young boy with white hair and red eyes.

" Who are you? Why are you spying on me? What do you want? " The Cloaked individual glared at the bunny boy, Who was shaking in fear.

" I . . . . I not s-spying . . . . . F-felt . . . . . . .

Ice . . . . Magic. . . . . Too . . . . High . . . . "

The bunny boy spoke in broken sentences, So the Cloaked individual couldn't quite understand him but he didn't feel any magic energy leaking from the boy, He couldn't be the one releasing the chilly air.

" If it isn't you, Then who is doing this? " the Cloaked individual asked as he looked around at the almost frozen forest.

The bunny boy looked a bit confused because he thought that the Cloaked person already knew who it was.

He raise his hand and pointed to Kaiirine who was under the cloak.

" baby . . . . With diff. . . . Differnt . . . Eye color . . . . . " The bunny boy spoke, Trying to pronounce the words correctly.

The Cloaked individual was stunned for a second before he looked at the baby he was holding, the baby had calmed down since he had released his aura but he was still shivering.

He took back his mana and watched as dark blue mist seemed to radiate off the baby's body. The baby started whining and teared up because of the cold.

The Cloaked individual quickly released his aura to suppress the baby's cold one. Kaiirine calmed down after feeling the warmth of the aura wrapping around him.

The individual looked back at the bunny boy, he looked him up and down.

" What's your name boy? " He asked.

" I . . . Iiki " The bunny boy stuttered as he answered the question he was asked.

" Iiki, How could sense that the icy aura was coming from this baby? I don't feel any magic energy coming from you " The individual asked, keeping his eyes on the bunny while his ears on his surroundings.

" I . . . . I don't know . . . . I felt icy aura coming this area . . . . I saw envlopig the baby. . . Looked like . . . I . . It was eating him " The bunny boy told him, Looking the individual in the eyes.

" Interesting. Where do you live, Little boy? " the individual asked, " I . . . .don't have home. . . . Burned down . . . .by hu. . .humans . . . . Killed my family . . . . I hid . . .. " Iiki answered, Trembling as he recalled all he wanted to forget.

" I'm sorry for your loss, If I may. Could you do me a favor? " The individual asked, his facial expression softening a bit.

" What . . . . What is it? " Iiki asked.

" I would like you to take care of this child. He is in danger. I can't always be around him to protect him, So I need you to do it my stead. Soon, some knights of his family will come looking for him. Just tell them that you were wandering around and found him laying in a basket somewhere. You must do what ever it takes to get his family to trust you. Please, If not. This child will die, He will be sent to the front lines of the war when he turns 10 or even younger because of his eyes. He won't be able to survive. You saw his mana, He would get eaten alive by it if he has no one to protect him. Please, I'm beggin you " The Cloaked individual, Begged Iiki as he brought the child out from his under his cloak.

The Cloaked individual handed Kaiirine to Iiki, He instructed where to hold the baby in a comfortable position.