
I was Linked

On a rainy day, Liam receives an email. It was a link of a novel called, [Sword of Justice] He deleted the email but it came back again. After checking the link, he was confused and read the novel out-of-curiousity. However, he would have never thought that this seemingly harmless link will turned his life upside down. If only he knew. He would have never clicked that link. If only he knew. He would have never read that novel. Never. *** A/N: The picture in the book cover is not mine. Please do tell me if the artist want me to take it down. (I don't know who the original artist is)

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20 Chs


Henry was in a meeting when he heard the news about his two son. He was shocked.

What do you mean injured? From beast area? What's the meaning of this? What are they doing there? Why am I not aware of this?

Henry had never try to monitor his children's move because he wanted to give them privacy and let them do their own things. Since aside from Hannah who were always together with his wife, the rest of his children were already old enough with the youngest, Liam, being sixteen years old.

And the three of them were always behave.

Anton is very responsible. Patricia loves to go out with her friends but had always been mild. Let's not even get started with Liam who practically live in his room.

Henry trust his children. He believe that they wouldn't do anything that could ruin their lives.

And now. you're telling him that two of his children have gone to Beast Area without even telling him? He wouldn't be this shock if it's Anton or Patricia, but this is Liam that we're talking about.

There's no way that his youngest son will go all the way to the Beast area to kill beasts to train.

So when he heard the news, he felt conflicted. He immediately flew to the hospital at the Leon City where the Beast Area is located.

And when he saw Liam and Anton's condition. He almost broke down.

Liam suffered major injuries. His ribs and spine were broken. While Anton seem to have forcefully brokethrough from C+ to B-, his legs exploded and were cut off. These kind of injuries can only be healed with Elixirs.

Elixirs are similar to potion but unlike potions, they work better and could heal any injury and even dispel curse. Once you drink this, it will also wash away the impurities in your body and will increase you mana capacity. But they were rare and very expensive.

A low-grade elixir will cost around 100 million dollars while the highest-grade will be around 50 billion dollars. This is only the base price and they were usually sold to auctions.

The Morris twins were also in the hospital and have the same degree of injuries with the two. Elizabeth and Lian were devastated when they heard this.

Although both families are pretty well-off and could afford elixirs so the cure wasn't the problem. The problem is that, they were so injured that they can only be healed by elixirs. This situation broke the parents' hearts.

And now, looking at Liam's face who has an awkward smile.

Henry felt weak. His eyes reddened and tears started flowing one after another. Liam who saw this widened his eyes in shock. He instantly panicked.

"Oh my god! Why are you crying?"

This father of him who never show emotion in his face suddenly became emotional like this. Liam was baffled. He didn't understand why he was crying.

Henry cry more but there were no sounds coming from him making it more painful to see. Liam felt uncomfortable in his heart. He didn't know why but seeing his 'father's cry painfully like this made him sad.

Soon, his eyes were also filled with tears.

"Hic. Now I'm crying..." he murmured in a blaming tone.

Henry lightly chuckled before walking towards his bed. He pulled Liam into a warm embrace. It was a very heartwarming scene.

"Hush." Henry caressed Liam's soft brown hair. There was a small smile in his lips.

But Liam only cry harder, burying his head more to his father's chest.

After a while, they finally broke the hug. Liam was a little embarrassed because he act like child and out-of-character but then, it just felt right. He felt refreshed and happy. He don't know why.

Henry kissed his forehead, stunning him. He never experienced such an affectionate actions before.

"We have a lot to talk about."

Liam nodded his head. He have questions about his brother and the twins. About what happened to the four of them. What's the beast that go rampage? His father is the same. Why did you go there? Why didn't you tell me?

He readied himself for a scolding. However, Henry only smile.

"But for now... I'll call the doctor first, okay? Let's have your body examined by the doctor. Then after that, we'll talk. Is that okay?" his voice is soft unlike his usual stern and cold tone.

Liam nodded his head. That's right. Safety first.

"Stay here for a moment."

After 10 minutes, a doctor and two nurses came inside his room. He also saw his mom who have red eyes.

Just like Henry, she's also in a bad state. There are dark bags under her eyes and there are some visible wrinkles on her face. She look haggard. Liam felt guilty again.

He didn't intend to make them worry this much. In the first place, the reason why he didn't tell them about this trip was because he knew that they would be worried about him since he just got attacked by a group of villains a few days ago.

But his decision backfired and now he's regretting it very much. He should've told them about it. But then again, even though he told them about the trip, he would still be injured.

The doctor performed some tests and asked his some questions. He checked my eyes, hearing, and my memory. The doctor also asked if he can move his legs since he apparently broke his spine. He was probably healed by an elixir.

Liam found out that he actually had been in a coma for two weeks. If not for the elixir, he would probably suffer more. That must be the reason why his body felt stiff. It's nice to have the Mana Breathing Technique. A little exercise and he could fight again.

The doctor left after talking with his parents. And it's now time for them to talk.


Lian was crying at the side while Henry was consoling her. It's like every worries and emotions came pouring down like a splash and she broke down.

She felt responsible for not knowing about what happened to them. Her hand curled into a fist. She'll make sure to make those people pay. If not for them, this thing wouldn't have happened.

After ten minutes, Lian's cry subsided. Henry hand her a bottle of water which she drank immediately.

Liam bit his lips. He's extremely guilty. His conscience kept being stabbed as he gazed at his crying mother. So he took the initiative to apologize.

"I'm sorry..." he doesn't know what else to say aside from this.

Reasoning his decision is just making excuses for himself. And he doesn't want to do that. He sincerely wanted to say sorry. He had always been used to doing things on his own. Actually if he's not being cautious, he wouldn't have asked Anton to accompany him to the beast area.

Lian saw his sad face and came over to hugged her son.

"Why didn't you asked for our help? Or atleast tell us where you are going?"

"I don't want you to worry about me..."

"Liam, I'm your mother. I would worry about you even if you have ten S-rank guards around you. I trust Anton but there's a lot of things he can't do."

Liam became sadder as he heard this. A parents love seem endless. He can't understand before and still hasn't understand it now. But he'll take it slow. Liam is not in a hurry. He'll do what he can and try to love his parents as much as they love him.

The shackles in his heart broke without Liam knowing.

Lian sighed before kissing Liam's head. "I'm not angry. Don't be sad, okay? I won't ask anymore."

Liam nodded his head. "I won't do it anymore."

Lian smiled. "Promise me."

"I promise..." his voice is low but firm. "I promise you, I'll behave."

Lian laughed at his son's childish words. Henry's lips curved into a smile as he silently said the words of love in his heart.
