
I Was Left In The Tutorial Tower

A boy named Adam was on vacation with his parents in Korea was sucked into a the tutorial tower and was left there by his parent and the group he was teamed up with. People gained a status window like a game and head out into dungeons and towers Forming of guilds Greedy humans who need to be taught a lesson Epic storyline Will he survive only time will tell. If he escapes what will be his goal?

IZU · Games
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45 Chs

Home Sweet Home

The family start eating

"Adam what do you think, isn't the chicken tasty" says Lana

"Yes it's very tasty" quietly said by Adam

"Adam have some more" Says Jack as he hands more chicken to Adam

They all continue eat

Alexander eats quietly with a stern face and Adam also eating quietly

"So Adam when did you come out the tower, I heard it's collapsed today"

"I came out today and was taken to the Korean player association so I don't know why it collapsed" Says Adam who starts to cough

"Oh... you went to the Korean player association, how come you went there and who else knows you're alive?" Says lana with a look of concern

"(cough cough) erm I met a few people (cough cough)..."

"Yeah who did you meet?"

Adam stops eating and the food in his mouth he spits out, he begins sweating and starts to feel bit dizzy

"Adam tell me who did you meet?" says Lana bit more forcefully

Adams focus no longer on the conversation started to cough uncontrollably grabs onto his chest

Adam stands up and tries to move away from the table stumbles and collapses

As he collapses he grabbed onto the table cloth dragging it to the floor as he fell, dropping the food all over the floor

Adam on the floor not moving falling in and out of conciseness

"Alexander go to your room we will take care of things here"

Alexander abruptly gets up and storms off to his room

Lana and Jack start whispering to each other

"I told you others will find out he's alive...."

"don't worry honey we'll get him to talk"

Adam falls completely unconscious.

After a few hours Adam wakes up, his vision blurry, his head spinning finds himself unable to move

His hands, legs chained up he also had a bar locked around his chest for him.

He starts to move and shuffle but was unable to

He tries to use his strength to break free but fails

He tried to call for his system and was unable to

He even attempted to call Shadow and there was no response

His vision starts to come back and the headache begins to fade away

The room he's in is a cold cemented room pitch black with very little light, when Adam looks in front he saw his father sitting on a chair

"Hey son I know your confused but things are a little complicated so that's why we had to do this" Says his dad very upset

Adam remains silent, the look on his face was expressionless, his eyes look dead and his face pale in complexion

"Look son if you can tell us who knows your alive we can live like a family again so what do you say?"

Adam remains quiet still blank faced

"Come on tell your father" Says Jack leaning forward from his chair

No response from Adam

Jack starts to grind his teeth starts to grab onto the chair tightly

"Tell me who knows?"

With Adam ignoring Jack,

Jack gets off his chair and starts to walk towards the tied up in a sitting position Adam

"Adam we lost you when you was 5 and now you're back, would you not tell your father about who knows you're alive, if you do we can be a family again?"

Adam stares at Jack no emotions are shown not even a frown or signs of anger

Jack tuts and stays quiet towering over Adam his veins start popping out as he clenches his teeth

All of a sudden with his right foot wearing thick steel cap boots on front kicks Adam directly in the face

Adam nose breaks and blood starts to squirt out, his head smacking the wall behind him causing him to now looking at the ground with blood and spit drooling out his mouth landing on the floor

Jack grabs Adam by the hair leans over inches away from Adams face with tears rolling down his cheeks

"I'm sorry Adam, this is hurting me a lot more than it's hurting you, just tell me who knows about you and you won't have to go through this, I really don't want to do this"

While Jack holds Adams hair forcing Adam to look at him

Adam stays quiet still emotionless and his eyes looking dead, spits blood and broken teeth in Jacks face

Jack releases his grip and wipes his face, Jack clenches his teeth once again, eyes blood shot red starts to really beat Adam down

Punching and kicking for a good few minutes eventually stops

He takes a deep breath and exhales

"You made me do this son"

Jack stands back up straight turns away from Adam and heads out the room closing what little light there was

Adam now left alone in the pitch black with the only sound being the blood dripping from him left unconscious from the beating he just took.

He wakes up a few hours later bruised up barely able to see with his head all over the place dizzy and pounding notices someone sitting in front of him.

"Hey Adam it's me your mother, I'm so sorry your father did this to you I told him not to, but lets forget about this and start fresh...

So son look what I have" Lana says smiling showing Adam a photo album

She starts to turn the pages describing each picture

"Oh look Adam this was you in the park when you was 3 years old wasn't that fun...

Look at this one, this was you on your first birthday i love you so much I really did miss you"

Adam doesn't even look up and remains quiet

"Adam dear, if people find out your alive it can really hurt your mommy and daddy so why don't you help us and we can help you"

Adam still remains quiet

"Adam! this silent treatment will only make things worse for you so stop being a brat and tell me who knows about you"

Adam stays quiet still showing no emotions avoids any eye contact with Lana

Lana furious gets up and starts to leave the room

"Oh Adam this attitude of your is not going to help you one bit and there's something I want to say before I leave,

The moment we left you in that tower our lives became better, you should have died in their, it would have been better for everyone"

And with that Lana left Adam in the dark

Adam remains quiet just sat their shackled up in the cold, all bloody and bruised with no light.

I think for everyones curiosity the reason for Adam to be locked up and bein poisoned and all is because of items that have been used by Lana and Jack

The chapters to come will make you all understand why they can do this to him

Also Adam let his guard down because it was his parents so he didn't expect them to be so evil towards him

I hope this chapter didn't turn too dark :p


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