
chosen one

I was watching that non human view, it want to help them in the name of love, before I could do anything, my bracelet start to shine, a fairy come out from it.

fairy:- it good to see you master I am your sword, spare or magic spells i can be anything as long as you ready level up.

me:- you seem so tiny and cute, if I was right you can transform into weopen, I want to know how can I level up.

fairy:- you can level up by learning new skill, if you have me, that mean you have power to summons demon for your help, your mission us to protect girl and build peaceful relationships with demon goddess, who is after you, she is performing ritual and she need hero blood, unlucky you are that hero.

me:- don't tell me the powerfull demon goddess is after my life.

fairy:- well you should join military academy and if you die then you die for real.

me:- well I have died once so it's no big deal, so I have to go academy with human right.

fairy:- you have to go demon academy, if they find out about your identity then you done for.

me:- I am not going to demon academy, I will die there.

fairy:- i am sleepy, your destiny will guide you from now on.

so I am stuck