
I Was Hit by a Truck, So I Resurrected as a Truck in Another World

In a world where video games served as a refuge from reality, a young man named Shiro found himself stuck in the monotonous grind of joblessness and academic stagnation after dropping out of college. His days were consumed by endless hours of virtual escapism, seeking solace in digital realms where he could be someone else, someone with purpose and excitement. One fateful night, Shiro decided to take a break from his virtual routine and venture outside, drawn by the serene allure of the moonlit sky. The streets were eerily deserted, devoid of any signs of life, as if the world itself had decided to retreat to slumber. As he strolled, lost in his thoughts, an unexpected and terrifying event unfolded before him. Out of nowhere, a pair of truck headlights, glowing like two malevolent eyes, emerged from the shadows, racing towards him with malicious intent. Panic gripped Shiro's heart, rendering him motionless, as he was unable to escape the impending collision. The screech of tires and the deafening crunch of metal engulfed the silent night, signifying the abrupt end to Shiro's unremarkable life. In that moment of despair, as he faced the cold embrace of death, Shiro's consciousness began to waver, teetering on the brink of oblivion. However, just when he accepted his inevitable fate, a strange and mysterious voice echoed in the depths of his mind, resonating with an otherworldly cadence. -- System is now online. -- The words reverberated through Shiro's soul, awakening a newfound awareness within him. As he reluctantly opened his eyes, a breathtaking sight greeted him. Gone were the familiar surroundings of his mundane world; instead, he found himself transformed into a truck, lying in a vast, verdant grass field, bathed in the gentle glow of a foreign moon. Startled and bewildered by his unexpected resurrection as a mechanical behemoth, Shiro struggled to come to terms with his new existence. The voice in his mind, now identified as the "System," offered cryptic explanations about his reincarnation and the role he was destined to play in this uncharted realm. With the System granting him abilities and a mission to fulfill, Shiro embraced his peculiar form and set forth on a journey of self-discovery and adventure. As he navigated through this enchanting but treacherous world, he encountered a diverse array of beings – mystical creatures, enigmatic spirits, and formidable adversaries. Each encounter offered valuable lessons, forging him into a wiser and more resilient individual. Guided by the enigmatic System and fueled by his insatiable curiosity, Shiro unraveled the secrets of the world's ancient past and its precarious future. Along the way, he formed deep connections with fellow adventurers, all hailing from different corners of the realm, each carrying their own burdens and dreams. However, his path was fraught with challenges and heart-wrenching choices, testing his morality and resolve. The allure of power beckoned, but Shiro remained steadfast in his quest for purpose beyond mere strength. As he made difficult decisions, he realized the true essence of heroism: not the wielding of power, but the strength to protect those he cared for, even at the cost of personal sacrifice. Through trials and tribulations, Shiro discovered that his reincarnation as a truck was no mere accident. It was a catalyst for change, a chance to rewrite the narrative of his life and create a legacy that would ripple through the ages. In a stunning climax, where courage clashed with adversity and hope wrestled against despair, Shiro stood firm, determined to leave an indelible mark on this extraordinary tapestry of existence. His journey had come full circle, from being a jobless, unremarkable college dropout to a legendary figure whose name would be whispered in awe and reverence for generations to come.

Aldigi · Fantasy
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7 Chs

U Turn

-- Divine Retribution -- The words resonated from a shadowy figure emerging through the thick mist. Slowly, he walked beyond the barrier, revealing a man dressed in white.

--- So, these are the infamous elves and their colossal mechanical Weapon. I suspect this weapon is from Albef in the Elvian continent. Those traitorous Dwarves should have been eradicated during the third war -- the man proclaimed.

Asha glanced at the man.

-- That was Archbishop 'Lunius' -- Asha clarified.

- Who's that? - I inquired.

-- He is one of the 12 Commanders of the Holy Church and a co-founder of the Royal Guild-- Asha explained.

In an unexpected turn, another figure emerged, adorned in shining armor. Gradually, the dense mist dissipated. To my astonishment, we found ourselves encircled by hundreds of soldiers and Royal Guild adventurers.

Quickly, I scanned each of them, realizing that all possessed levels surpassing 40, while the three elves were merely at level 38. The odds weren't just against us in terms of numbers; the enemy's levels were significantly higher.

The man adorned in white shining armor strode toward Lingzhi, delivering a harsh blow to her stomach with his knee. Lingzhi knelt in response.

-- Do you realize the weight of your sins? -- The man's voice dripped with rage. -- You have brought shame upon our family and the entire kingdom of Azteroth. Leading a thousand adventurers to their grave, yet failing to capture or kill even one of these elves? --

Lingzhi's voice broke through the tension.

-- Brother... this mechanical creation is not a weapon, but a sentient being," she explained --

-- Nonsense!! -- The man's outburst cut her off. He turned to Archbishop Lunius.

-- How much longer until the completion of the divine retribution? --

Lunius offered his response. -- It may take several more minutes, Your Highness. --

Suddenly, a trumpet's call resounded. The King of Mogul made his entrance, donned in heavy armor. Accompanied by his Royal Guard, he rode a giant beast resembling a reversed griffin – a lion-headed eagle-bodied creature.

A booming proclamation echoed: --- BEHOLD KING 'JENKIN' has arrived! --- It was shouted by a member of the royal guard. The griffin-like creature descended, its massive form gradually touching the ground.

Lingzhi, Her brother and Archbishop Lunius knelt before the king's presence. With regal authority, King Jenkin began to address the situation.

-- I sense a substantial presence of foreign forces within my kingdom's territory. Pray tell, what brings the Childrens of Azteroth and a Holy Knight to this place? -- His inquiry cut through the air.

-- Lunius rose and addressed the king, "Your Highness, we have uncovered that the three elves responsible for the destruction of the Viridis Forest and the peak of Mt. Evac are traversing your realm. Our suspicion is that they are en route to the Elves' continent. --

Lingzhi's brother rose from his kneeling position, addressing the dire situation.

-- The sacred Forest of Viridis is the abode of ancient dryads, who hold dominion over the land's fertility in the northern regions. We are now faced with a grave predicament. The dryads demand the destruction of this mechanical Weapon and the elimination of these three elves. Failure to comply will result in barren lands, a catastrophe that would severely impact your kingdom's economy. --

Stepping forward with determination, Lingzhi moved closer to King Jenkin. Her brother made a gesture to halt the soldiers, and Lingzhi gave a chilling glare to the soldier, who took a startled step back.

-- King Jenkin, --

Lingzhi's voice resonated,

-- this mechanical creature is not a weapon; it possesses sentience akin to humans. I have witnessed its strength firsthand—a formidable entity that could potentially benefit human realms. By offering the heads of the three elves, we can satisfy the demands of the dryads. There is no need to destroy this living machine. --

A vehement retort came from Lunius.

-- Nonsense! I sense a malevolent aura emanating from this contraption. It must be eradicated before the elves harness it against us. Your claims border on madness, witch. --

In response, Lingzhi pointed her spear toward Lunius' neck, her expression piercingly sharp.

-- What is the meaning of your words, monk? --

Her words cut through the tension, causing Lunius to startle and take a step back. Lingzhi's brother took a step forward, positioning himself between Lingzhi and Lunius, gripping her spear firmly in his hands.

Suddenly, a magic circle above began to emit a crimson glow.

-- Well done! The Divine Retribution is ready, Your Highness --

Lunius spoke to Lingzhi's brother.

-- Do it at once, purge the elves and that thing to dust -- he response.

King Jenkin dismounted from his griffin-like creature and walked beside Lunius to observe.

As I observed, the light in the center of the magic circle began to descend slowly, and my screen suddenly appeared.


- Alex, can you calculate the damage output of the incoming projectile? - I urgently asked.

--- Certainly. The projected total damage of the incoming projectile is estimated at 99,999 health points, based on your current maximum HP. Upon impact, your remaining HP would be reduced to just 1 HP. ---

I realized that letting this projectile hit me might be an option, and I could then swiftly use my unique skill "Mechanic" to instantly heal myself.

--- Yes, that is feasible. However, please note that the damage is area-of-effect, meaning that based on the current max HP of the elves, they will likely be disintegrated upon impact. ---

A critical dilemma emerged. Swiftly, I aimed my Death Ray Gun towards the descending projectile and began charging it up.

/ Death Ray Gun ////////////// 100% /

However, I had an audacious idea: What if I released an overflow of mana into the tip of my gun? With intense concentration, I directed the flow of mana through the gun and unleashed an excessive amount. The energy surged, and suddenly...

/ Death Ray Gun /////////// 999..% /

The charge amplified and broke through its limits. The once-crimson energy of the Death Ray Gun transformed into a pure black hue. The mud beneath me dried into dust, and the barrier that had imprisoned my movement began to crack.

Panic spread among the onlookers. Archbishop Lunius shouted,

-- Replenish the barrier! --

The ground trembled. Lingzhi quickly retreated, recognizing the imminent impact of my attack. Her brother followed suit, and the soldiers also fell back. King Jenkin and his royal guard swiftly mounted their creatures and took to the sky, observing the unfolding spectacle from above.

Yet, as they hurriedly sought to reinforce the barrier, it began to disintegrate into dust, overwhelmed by the energy ball of the Death Ray Gun. The 16 men in white robes started to melt, their forms dissipating. The elves were left speechless, their eyes fixed on the unfolding catastrophe.

Agonizing screams echoed as the energy collided with the divine retribution projectile. The clash tore open the heavens, creating a massive rupture in the sky. The griffin-like creatures that had taken to the air began to plummet one by one. King Jenkin managed to escape the catastrophe, flying away to safety. However, the royal guards who fell suffered a fatal impact as they hit the ground.

The air grew thick and heavy, and in a sudden twist, the energy from my Death Ray Gun and the divine retribution merged into a massive ball before shrinking and vanishing. The onlookers were left stunned by the astonishing sight. But just as I readied myself to depart, a burst of aggressive energy erupted. The holy knight and everyone nearby were thrown by the intense wind.

I immediately sped away at full throttle. The human continent had proven to be perilous, and events had unfolded rapidly. It had only been two weeks since my resurrection in this world, yet so much had transpired already. It felt as if I were living through a fast-paced, 12-episode anime.

As I fled, I witnessed some individuals melting due to the radiation emitted by the overwhelming energy. It seemed I was truly the antagonist in this world.

I drove as fast as I could, and then Ishi interrupted, -- That was so cool, Trucky! --

- I told you, no weird nicknames! -

Asha and Esha were still gazing out through the small window at the back of my cabin.

-- Shiro, I think we need to change our route. Let's head to the orc's continent; it's nearer than Elvian -- Sha suggested.

- Why the sudden change of route? -

-- They already know where we're heading. There's a higher possibility that the enemy is waiting for us on the route to Elvian. If we take the orc continent, where only a few humans reside, we can then make our way straight to Elvian. --

- I understand - I responded.

As I continued on my journey, a body suddenly flew towards my bumper and accidentally collided with it. Upon closer examination, I realized it was Lingzhi. Half of her body had disintegrated into bones, but as I picked her up, her flesh began to regenerate, and her body healed as if nothing had happened.

I recalled that she possessed a unique skill preventing her from dying. Alex confirmed it: -- -- Unique Skill: Nine Lives. ---

I lifted her gently and placed her in my trailer. Utilizing my basic skill "Craftsman," I create chains from wyvern bones. According to the description of the item, these bones were stronger and harder than steel.

I securely chained her up while she remained unconscious. I considered the possibility of using her as a hostage, given her status as a princess of Azteroth.

- Alex, can you guide me to the orc continent?" I inquired.

-- Certainly, the orc continent is 3000 km to the north. --

It seemed that I needed to head back north, as humans might anticipate me moving southward. With limited options, I made up my mind.

- Asha, Esha, Ishi, I've decided to head to the orc continent. -